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Void T4 Tables: An Insult


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I plan to just relax with my friends on Skype and work my way towards building Loki Prime. What people fail to understand that it isn't a total waste. More items along the path to getting Loki Prime means more Prime weapons and parts to build/sell. 

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Oh great now they moved it to the feedback category to kill this thread

Doesn't matter where they move this thread.  They can delete it if they want.  There's always a negative reaction to their updates in some shape or form but this time they've really screwed up.  There will be complaints and there will be threads like this in every section as long as these drop tables remain unchanged.

Edited by Lunamaniac
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You rather have all Primed parts drop on the first few nodes on Mercury?

I'm confused....


I rather have a challenge to get what i want instead of repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and overand over and over and over and over and over again like a stupid trained monkey to have maybe eventually rarely the slight small chance to get that 1 part out of possible 15 others i already have out of that @(*()$ RNG.


It is NOT fun.


It is NOT good game design.


It is NOT rewarding.


It is NOT challenging.


It is NOT what we want.


DE knows that the loot table is diluted beyond saving, the Forums is full of possible fixes suggested by their community... and what does DE do? Nothing except making it even worse.


I'm so disappointed i can't even describe...

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For the people that haven't been around that long.. I'll take a sec and explain.


There is a clear difference between difficulty and RNG. For some reason.. You guys think that more RNG = higher difficulty. Well.. Its not. 


I have np whatsoever that DE is giving us huge challenges to try and get Loki P. But when I complete said challenge I wish to be rewarded or have a good chance on something useful. (Again, see how i'm not saying I just want them to give me Loki P for free?)

I actually want to be challenged. What I do not want however is spending huge amounts of time doing the same challenge over and over without learning, without being challenged or god knows what into endless boredom. I'm not a goddam bot for crying out loud. I've taking a break from this game for a good 2 months now hoping they would add something. 


(Don't even get me started about the solar system..)


I would rather have a next to impossible challenge with a huge reward. This is just pointless. Its getting worse every time. I think i'll just hire a monkey to do the same stuff over and over x9000.


No fun. No challenge. Can't understand how anyone in their right minds would want this. 

Edited by Anzuul
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For the people that haven't been around that long.. I'll take a sec and explain.


There is a clear difference between difficulty and RNG. For some reason.. You guys think that more RNG = higher difficulty. Well.. Its not. 


I have np whatsoever that DE is giving us huge challenges to try and get Loki P. But when I complete said challenge I wish to be rewarded or have a good chance on something useful. (Again, see how i'm not saying I just want them to give me Loki P for free?)

I actually want to be challenged. What I do not want however is spending huge amounts of time doing the same challenge over and over without learning, without being challenged or god knows what into endless boredom. I'm not a goddam bot for crying out loud. I've taking a break from this game for a good 2 months now hoping they would add something. 


(Don't even get me started about the solar system..)


I would rather have a next to impossible challenge with a huge reward. This is just pointless. Its getting worse every time. I think i'll just hire a monkey to do the same stuff over and over x9000.


No fun. No challenge. Can't understand how anyone in their right minds would want this. 


I start to believe that it really does not matter what the community wants after releasing such an Update on us. :/


I feel it's BB, thanks for all the fish, DE ... SoonTM

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I'm going to risk having my comment deleted or even have my account banned to ask the important question here:



Are they completely incompetent over there at DE?



Seriously? Look at that in the OP. I'm not upset because Loki Prime or Bo Prime might be difficult to get. That is not the problem.


They have had months of people complaining about the state of void drops and what do they do? Repeat the same parts three times in different tables. They added a whole new tier and then filled it with the same things that are in the others. Not by moving them, but by copying them. They had the chance to relieve the congestion on these tables and what they did was ensure it was as bad as ever.


If they aren't just pants-on-head over there, the only other explanation is that this is intentional. It might be an error. Maybe somebody was a little ctrl+v/ctrl+c happy when making the text list and this isn't the real table. But how many people did that list go through without someone questioning it? I will not assume that the information we were given is wrong just to spare DE the blame for not dealing with a long-time problem with this game.


And they'll repeat that they want to cut down on grind and cut down on RNG still more. And it will be a lie. You know it's a lie because of what they just did.


I could buy Prime Access. Yeah. I was actually considering it. I've had plenty of fun with this game and I thought it would be nice to give something back. But, and I really am not kidding, I was talking to my friends about it and I said I would do it if they didn't make this stuff stupidly difficult to get. I was going to do it out of good will, not because they harrassed me into it.


Or in about three months I can buy Destiny, and it will probably be cheaper than Prime Access too. And I can have a hoverbike in that. I guess purchase planning is a benefit of waiting longer for updates.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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Y'know I was hoping they'd surprise me with this one too. I flipped my lid when I saw T4 keys were announced (anyone who follows my blog saw this too), because I just knew it was going to be a disaster and insulting. Seeing the redtext before the update made me rethink that for a moment especially when they said Vor was going to be involved, so I figured it'd be some neat new content or lore or something (but it seems like he doesn't even have anything to do with it???? Though maybe something will happen who knows). 


But nope. I'm foolish. Should'a just stuck with my gut.


It bothers me when people give others scat for being pessimistic in this community. They have every right to be at this point and this update is proof of that. Besides, makes things less painful when they're disappointing. Maybe I should stop being so optimistic myself. I praise and brag about this game but deep down even I know it's a mess and change needs to happen. There are SO MANY legitimately good suggestion/concept threads (go read ANYTHING by notionphil it will blow your mind) and they get ignored or horribly misinterpreted (Devstream 30). It's so upsetting and frustrating.

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Gotta admit... Kiiinda surprised at this.


I understand they're trying to make it so these new items are still hard to obtain, but that should've been alleviated via T4 itself being a difficult to complete tier of missions.


What they should have done, was add a -few- of the older parts/blueprints into T4; mixing them in with the new items, while -removing- them from the other tiers. Instead, it seems they just...added it all into each other. It...doesn't make much sense.


Really, the only thing I was interested in was Bo Prime. I don't think I'll be getting it...At least, not any time soon. Heh, I'm still stuck farming delta beacons and argon crystals for Hydroid, and having one hell of a bad time doing so.


*Sigh* even I'm burnt out on all these RNG walls...

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I'm impressed that after so many protests against the RNG walls our dear Devs find even more ways to annoy us with new, evil forms of RNG


Maybe they have a whole staff section specialized in coming up with RNG systems?


I'm not even trying. Will be playing plants vs zombies while this gets reviewed, and if it doesn't then #GG.


Like the song says, ain't nobody got time fo dat!

Edited by ArchPhaeton
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