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Next Three Primes


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I want that avatar so much...but i'm just going to buy the prime accessories pack <.<

(i WANT to farm for my beloved loki prime <.<)

The platinum and avatar really sold this pack for me, of course Loki is all his glory helped a bit too :)

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Saryn prime would look way better then nyx prime any day nyx look like Excalibur a prime nyx would look like Excalibur prime same body but new helmet why waste time with that when Saryn prime sounds & i would believe looks a lot better just a better idea if you ask me Saryn prime Should come first.

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OP they replaced volt with mag...

You forgot Nyx who was probably the 2nd or 3rd warframe ever made... As you can see she's an excalibour with boobs and a different helmet (speaking of which I kinda want DE to redo her body)

And I hope she's next cause she's one of the best CC warframes out there

Holy crap, some of you are new if you think Nyx is old. OP's right, the order should be like this if we're continuing the original frame trend.

Dude... Just because she wasn't added as fast doesn't mean that she isn't old

She was made WAY back but simply added later to the game

Edited by CryoClaw
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If DE continues the trend and Primes the first group, all we have left is Ash, Trinity, and Volt. Now, Volt is way over due as he was one of the first few that we could choose from and was later replaced by Loki. I believe the order will be Volt, Ash, then Trinity. However, if they go boy, girl, boy. It has to be Volt, Trinity, then Ash. If we think further on this, the people may want to see a fan favorite first and we get Ash, Trinity, then Volt. We still have one last thing to consider, Trinity still has not received her immortal skin, so this may be a good time to offer them up as a package, this and the dangly bits still needed for her outfit. They will give us a package of her skin, new bits, and Prime. Leading to Trinity, Volt, then Ash. Or Trinity, Ash, then Volt.


So, what do you think the order will be and more importantly, why?


Volt wasn't replaced by loki? Volt was replaced by Mag...

We do need female frames next.


There would be so much rage with Trinity prime but...

Trinity, Nyx then Volt maybe.

Edited by Sutherland
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if next prime is Nyx, my life will be complete

 LOl stole my heart too before all the absorb stuff. 3 formas, immortal skin, and fastly becoming my number one played frame. Might be the only time I say,"DE take this money give me the prime access now!' 

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i do believe its time for banshee though.

hardly see anyone uses her (maybe because of how she looks) 


maybe if DE pulled awesomely how will banshee prime will look (total overhaul) it will gain alot of users.

or is it just me that likes and gives importance of how frames looks like.


but im sure theres people who shares the same opinion as i do.




out of topic

Its very true about Trinity's Immortal skin, she also lacks cloth physics

i do not conform on trinity having a cloth physics, her skirt looks metallic on design and will look odd if its wobbly, just my opinion.

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Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx 


Nyx is love. Nyx is life.

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I believe Nyx and Saryn, were made after the "original 9" which are the ones they seem to be doing first. And I say original 9 because these were the characters that were all apart of closed beta and Nyx and Saryn were the first of the frames made in open beta.

Agreed. Saryn was way later, I remember voting on her in the Council. Banshee and Nyx both are likely to be Primed well before Saryn. I would expect to see Trinity, Nyx then Banshee (for just female frame order). It amazes me how many people don't realize Banshee is old school and think Saryn would be Primed before her.

Edited by nefrai
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Saryn would be a better idea how many Saryn players you see daily? Not to many same with loki on Ps4 some people use him but i see ash more now loki prime is here and if you didn't like the normal loki loki prime is here a not so used warframe will get more love now because It's prime. I think the warframes that don't get used a lot should be prime before the most used warframes nyx banshee people use them all the time so why not make them wait?

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Like i said before sounds like a better idea to me she would have a sexy/beautiful gold infected look Saryn players  would be showing up from all ends of the earth. Trinity idk she would be cool to but Nyx prime would be a waste she would look just like Excalibur prime with a new helmet not so hot if you as me. And i can't even play with Excalibur prime so a Excalibur prime look alike running around would kill me injustice Saryn prime sould come next.

I hope Saryn Prime will be next :p

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