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Let's Define Fun. De Needs To Know.


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Fun in a game is where I face challenges along with immersive gameplay and story elements that encourage me to face more challenges.


Death should be a likely consequence from facing those challenges and I should be able to outwit or outwork those challenges to prevail against them.


Risk should be commensurate with reward.


If I earn it, I should be able to have it.


Fun is an excellent story... Even though "excellent " is relative and always a gamble for a game company. I'd say as long as the story is coherent, and well planned and executed with standard story elements (exposition, rising action, etc) It's excellent enough.


Fun is a reliance on my fellow cell or squad mates while knowing that my contributions are relied on to help carry the day as well.

I don't care about being first... But I want to feel like my contributions mattered to successful completion of the objective.


Fun is stumbling across the little things... Little tchotchkes that add character to the landscape or can be picked up and may not matter just then, but matter tons in future content.


Fun is earning stuff in game you can't possibly earn anyplace else (nothing that makes you stronger, just unique).

Fun is also seeing someone else have it in game and knowing you can earn it too.


Fun is tackling immersive content and having to ask yourself where the time went because you lost tack of so much of it whilst being engrossed with the events in the game.


Fun is having story content on the website priming the pump for future gameplay content.


Fun is being really happy I got lucky enough to get the item I wanted, but having also been happy about getting the items I got on the previous attempts as well.

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On a more serious note-


As someone mentioned before, "fun" is subjective.

There is no generic algorithm for "fun".

What's fun for one, might be annoying for the other.



A friend of mine loves playing rpgs... like final fantasy. They don't seem to have an issue with the neverending dialogues and always reads them carefully, interested in what the protagonists have to say, while I find them annoying and keep pushing "x" just to continue playing. (don't get me wrong - Story / lore is important to me. But I don't care about stories of certain games - generic japanese rpg for example)


As for warframe, lore is the "fun" I need. Npcs are fun. Solo play is fun. Chatting was fun (ever since I switched to the english region chat, it seems to me that all people ever talk about is porn and ponies -_- The german region chat was far more civil, and we didn't even have a kickbot.) success is fun. ...

Most people found AladV's repeated voice messages annoying. I didn't . No matter how often I heard it, it always gave me a laugh... or I tried to immitate him irl.... just for the lulz, and because I'm weird.

There... that's fun to me.


Other people might call it fun to randomly cut enemies in half- it is fun - But for me, it's not enough in long term.

See... it's difficult.

People have different definitions of the word "fun".

That's why it's impossible to please everyone.

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What I find fun.


Successfully accomplishing something challenging, even if it takes a few times.


In Warframe I also find it fun to build up frames and weapons with mods and forma and create the most beastly high damage/tank/CC/Utility whatever combination I can.


The game needs a way to have both.  As it is right now, all of this time spent collecting and maxing and then roflstomp the game with no challenge, or the forums explode with complaints about the difficulty.

I had not understood previously the need for tokens.  I felt personally the RNG drops were never as bad as anyone complains about, even back with pink orb non-guaranteed drops from bosses I never came close to the difficulties so many people complained about the amount of effort and time to gather stuff.

But, with the way the drops work now, especially the void the issue is the NEED by so many in the community that everything be accessible to those who are moderately equipped.  So there is no actual fun in being maxed out unless you play for an hour on a few types of missions.


A system of progression.

A token system within that progression

Challenge the whole way appropriate for the level of tenno to be running those missions.

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Warframe starts off fun.


But like anything, with enough repetition and no "end" to provide closure, "fun" turns into "grind", which turns into "boredom", which turns into "contempt".


Contempt drawn from a person slowly realizing (intentionally or not) what they're missing out on.

Eventually, the entertainment we get out of something outweighs the "Opportunity Cost" we pay to keep doing it.


And if you change the value of said opportunity cost (like say, by nerfing a weapon or a frame that took effort to acquire or improve), oh boy, you had better make it good because devaluing someone's efforts is a great way of garnering even more contempt.


What I'm getting at: Defining "fun" is not only exceptionally difficult because it's relative to a person's likes, but their level of interest/disgust at a given time too.


Long time players find fun in arbitrary challenges. New players feel stifled by the impressive grindwall initially placed before them.


Both of these are connected by the same gameplay; change one to make it more "fun" for one will come at the cost of another.

(and that is just an example of one of many relationships I could provide)


Which of course resulted in a large bout of "whining". But it's gotten to that critical mass where the whining creates its own backlash whining.

And that of course, leads to the usual glut of toxicity I've seen from game communities all too often.

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It does not mean:


Forcing us to grind for hours for a simple weapon


Unique resources that pop from thin air, making more walls from fun


Not letting us play without some type of wall.


Walls keep us from them.





No, lets tell it all for once.





Fun-Able to farm weapons easy like we used to without hours of grind, driving casual players away.


Fun-Fighting Bosses where they interact as if they are to be feared.


A big one:


FUN-Feeling accomplished you got a weapon, you killed a tyrant in the solar system, saving lives, or just having fun for once in our life, escaping the pains of real life to finally fly above the pain we know as reality.

Edited by 123Olympian
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Yknow whats fun? Getting your first G3 halfway through a mission that you absolutely can't abandon, and managing to solo outsmart them with slash dashes, a fresh rank 16 karak, and a fresh rank 11 akstiletto. Now THAT was fun.

Edited by Icymountain
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Let's be honest, DE gave us somethings we asked for. (i'll detail later). DE must want this game to be Fun™ (I Assume)


So DE is adding things players ask for. Yet, with each update it seems like there is nothing but new complaints. and many of them say "THIS ISNT FUN™" So I ask you, what is Fun™? 


Is it-

Friends who do stuff together?

U and Me?

Nywhere and anytime at all?


We asked for nova, then complained that insta-dead isnt Fun™

we asked for nerf in the name of Fun™, then said it wasnt.

we asked for masterrace prime, then said grind isnt Fun™

we asked for T4 voids, then said increasing enemy level isnt Fun™

we asked for sentinal primes, then said dragon wyrm isnt Fun™

we asked to get rid of trinity all day everyday because it wasnt Fun™

we asked for PVP/ player competition, then complained that DS wasnt any Fun™

we asked for greater eximus spawning, and now we have it, in the name of Fun™


But what is this mysterious idea of Fun™?

Tell me what you think is fun™?


please DO NOT POST if you have come to say "X ISNT Fun™"

I only want to know what IS Fun™. Maybe if we can define fun™ we can all understand where/why/what DE is going for.


Maybe you should understand that the same people who have asked for these things might not be the same people who complained that it wasn't fun. Tired of seeing these "Community asked for something they now don't like" threads. Stop assuming that the community speaks with one voice.


Useless thread.

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Fun is earning something not stumbling into that last piece for that prime part after x hours of Tower missions. farming for zephyr was fun. You could track your progress and know once you got that sweet 600 oxium you could make it. fighting oxium ospreys was fun cause you had to get out of the way when it charged in order to get the reward, you know, like actual brain stimulation. I don't like aiming at a big crowd of t4 enemies and holding the trigger for x minutes to get a random reward. That's just tiring.

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Your point seems lost behind alot of combining a large group of people as if theyre one


If the game wasnt fun or at least mildly entertaining then people wouldnt play it


And at some point people have to realize that when you play the same game for a year its gonna stop being as much fun for most of us

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Tricky thing is that each person has fun in a different way, so while some players will be happy, other players will be *@##$ing all day long...


This is it in a nutshell, and I fear that DE tries too hard to please EVERYONE and that - as the old fable goals - leaves NO ONE happy. Maybe they already do and I simply don't understand how the game should work, but they should listen to what people have to say and, if they agree, change it but if they don't not be afraid to say "it's working as we believe is best, sorry if you disagree."

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please DO NOT POST if you have come to say "X ISNT Fun™"

I only want to know what IS Fun™. Maybe if we can define fun™ we can all understand where/why/what DE is going for.

Warframe isn't fun, its a second job. The only fun I have is having a chance to mindlessly shoot things whilst in a skype call with the people I'm playing with, talking about completely irrelevant things. I can do that with a lot of games though.

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F is for friends who do stuff together.

U is for u and me!!!!!

N is for ny time ny where at all. Down in the deep bleep seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.



don't ask me how I still remember the lyrics...







Its been a while since ive seen spongebob

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There really have been only 2 things that I considered fun in Warframe.

1 hour + survival (takes too long to get to that difficulty)

Being overwhelmed by enemies in other survivals.


The 1+ hour survival was probably only fun because that's when the swarms of enemies started appearing (I'm a fan of the old survival event).

Before 1 hour it was just hide-and-go seek.


Also, the current idea of each rank requiring exponentially more xp than the last needs to be looked at again.  It really breaks any sense of progression that a grind based game might have.  I seem to remember [DE]Steve having an issue with this back in the days of old.  It was too easy to get to my current rank and now it is too hard to get to the next.  I would like to know what mastery rank you all are (I'm 11) as I sense this has become a major quitting point throughout my peer group.  


Also, forma and releveling should count toward mastery rank (even like a diminishing amount per forma).  I have my preferred weapons (like everyone) and I would like to be rewarded for playing with them but I completely understand if forma'd weapons should count for less for balance reasons.

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Maybe you should understand that the same people who have asked for these things might not be the same people who complained that it wasn't fun. Tired of seeing these "Community asked for something they now don't like" threads. Stop assuming that the community speaks with one voice.


Useless thread.


useless post. thanks for reading the OP

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