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How Hard Have You Carried?


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Judging how hard you "carried" by the end screen stats is pretty silly.


For instance, just today I was in a T4 defense with an Oberon that appeared to have max range mods.  I was playing Nova.  Instead of running around shooting everything after I used Molecular prime, I climbed to the upper level then chased down the stragglers that I inevitably slowed with Mprime while Oberon ran around spamming his ult killing everything, largely due to the x2 damage debuff and chain explosions.


Sure that Oberon "beat" me in damage.  However, the mission would have taken alot longer if I wasn't running around after stragglers or if I would have simply just picked a frame other than Nova.


There's plenty of other examples of how players contribute meaningfully outside of doing da most damage.  For example, CC powers and reviving teammates.

Edited by Joocyfroot
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No screenshots, but for my first T4 game, an interception mission, we went in knowing we were going to carry, because the host asked for help to be carried as a self-professed noob. Me and 2 others were happy to help, so in we went. The guy lasted a bit, but when he did die he was out of revives, so it was down to 3. After the second wave (and Vor) the Rhino went down, and HE was out of revives two, so it was down to me in my Trinity and a Nekros.


We went for two more waves, and at the very end of the fourth wave I died also, although I had revives. Ressed, mopped up, and we all exited... with a forma BP. =( Ah well, I actually need forma, so it worked out. It was a lot of fun, kudos to that Nekros, he took damage only occasionally and it was rare when I needed to spam Blessing to save him.

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Kill counts means absolutely nothing. If you are a Rhino that spams stomp 24/7, then your team mates wont have a chance to get any kills. A lot of players actually tries to get the most kills, and then when they look at the final scores, they look down on their team mates for not having as much.


All that matters is wether or not the mission succeeds.

Edited by Zareek
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I once carted the whole team to extraction during a G3 encounter.

Two dudes were instantly downed and had nets over them. Newbie went into invisibility mode on his Loki and hide.

My rhino stomped and shot detron lead into the G3's faces, one at a time, since they don't come out all at once.

Newbie invisibility expired and was exposed. Moments later he went down too.

I went on and took down the last of the G3 with my 4 forma Detron..

All three G3 dudes wiped the floor. Took the whole team into extraction area.

Got a natural talent, R5 core and 1 neurode for my troubles.

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This. Considering I have 109% accuracy on my despair, I presonally am not convinved the end game report has any reflection of reality.


Thing is, sometimes when you truely carry a team not only is it not reflected in the numbers, but your teammates don't notice at all. But then you just KNOW. Thats what counts any way. That you did.

accuracy over 100% means you used a multishot mod. 

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arguably, up until about lvl 100's, those support classes aren't actually necessary >.>


I think "arguably" is the key word here. It really depends on your teammates, the mission type, the difficulty in scaling, what weapons are brought to the table, etc. They may not be 100% necessary, but without those support frames everyone has to rely on shooting things to death. Honestly though, that's making it arbitrarily more difficult without those support frames and it seems kinda boring. Those powers are the spice of this game, why would you not use 'em?


I agree that "carrying" a team often has less to do with kill counts and more to do with powers. That's not always the case, such as when you bring a Penta or Angstrum to an ODD, but even then it's less about "carrying" your team and more about killing everything before anyone else has a chance to. I think to carry a team, everyone else would have to rely on you. If you're just killing things all over the place that doesn't necessarily mean you're carrying, so pure numbers don't really show it.


Which isn't to say that you can't carry a team by killing everything, which is often the case with ODD where everyone else brings underleveled gear while you whip out your Penta/Ogris/Angstrum and blast the place to hell. I agree that it's fun sometimes, it's just not all that impressive. Boy though is it fun.

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You can't always go by the stats on that screen, especially when there is noticeable lag involved.   When lag is involved, it screws with the stats A LOT.


For example, I had many survival missions where there was noticeable lag (bad host).   One mission in particular we stayed for about 35 minutes, I killed at least 600 or so enemies.   When the stat screen popped up at the end, it said I had 5 kills, took 0 damage but did 0 damage...WTF!!!! that was my reaction.  


Then I wondered, if the other guys see the same stats, they might have thought I was sitting in a corner twittling my thumbs or something.   Since that crap happened, I been paying attention to the stat screen a lot and more than half the time it is wrong.   I even took my vectis to survival once and counted every headshot....stat screen didn't even register half of the head shots...and yes I know they were headshots because I had no accuracy penality on my sniper and carefully aim between the eyes and the top of the forehead, so little chance to hit the neck...not only that but I know the difference between damage on a headshot (due to the multiplier).


The same thing happened in a mission where I went 100% melee only....at the end it said I had less than 50 melee kills, yet there were hundreds of enemies I killed.  Considering I was alone in the area where my teammates couldn't steal the kill, well lets just say I'm 100% sure that the stat screen is bugged or inaccurate majority of the time.  


I mean ever seen a mission where you clearly contributed a lot but stat screen showed all zero's as if you were AFK?  I have seen a lot of those in recent months.


So again, just because the stat screen shows you carried, doesn't mean you did as much as you think or the others did as little as you think.


OH and by the way, lets say the stat screen was telling the truth, then the best I've done was a little over 1,000 kills (using acrid and penta) while then next guy had about 200.   I've even had matches where every stat was gold colored in my favor...which means I led the whole team in every category...and this was with high ranked players on the team not noobs.....but yeah, there are certain weapons that can kill so fast that it makes it hard for your team to get kills...you also have to consider what weapon they use.


For instance, if I use synapse and you use vectis, you'll kill faster than me because you can outrange me and get easy headshots, pierce targets easier and do damage faster than I can.   So it's not always about the numbers but the intangible facts as well....like if I have nova, I'm gonna kill more enemies than any weapon in the game can kill.  


So don't just take every stat at face value, please!   That kind of thing lead idiots to reporting players for things they didn't do.

Edited by Krymanol
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Did a T4 Surv the other day, a pug, with my Trinity. Didnt take a long duration spec cause the guys assured me they werent squishy... well the Loki went Invis/Duration and never used Radial Disarm, so the Nekros and Rhino were taking massive amounts of damage.


The entire time from about 32-40 minute mark all I did was spam Blessing every 1.2 seconds with an EV thrown in now and again to keep energy up. Of course I crashed at the 40.5 min mark so no SS, but I probably had more ability uses than the freaking Nekros!

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