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Be Honest. Lets Call Them Magnetic Eximus.


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Shock eximus do not shock.


They cheat.


They are the only eximus I've seen of the 4 who don't follow the scheme.


Frost Eximus does cold damage and cold procs.


Fire Eximus does fire damage and fire procs.


Toxic Eximus does toxic damage and poison procs.


Shock eximus does magnetic damage and magnetic procs.


Why not have them do lignting damage and shock procs?????

I have no clue.


Here's the skinny:

1. Damage buff

2. Elemental Radial Damage

3. 100% Proc Aura

They all have them. The abilities are useful in different degrees. But giving 100% magnetic procs to drain our shields and our hard earned energy is crappy. Having it as the proc aura to work through walls is excruciating.


All the other eximus are decent.

-Frost Eximus are a hassle. As they should be. Slows you down (could be 50% instead of approx 30%) and its cool. Snow Globe is fine. Cold damage buff is decent, but it could stand to be a bit more.

-Flare Eximus are a pain. The knockdown from radial fire is sometimes very frustrating since you can't dodge or jump it like other moves. It lacks some counter-play, but that's fine since its not terribly strong. The fire proc is ok, and they add up to almost napalm levels of pain.

-Toxic Eximus are dangerous. Adding shield-ignoring damage to range units is fine, since that's what we can do while we mod our weapons. We know the dangers, and we can play against them. Makes this a very strong enemy, but even this is still fair.


Shock Eximus are cheaty BS. And other expletives.


They have magnetic procs that work no matter what. Just by being near you. I swear I've been proc'd through closed doors and walls. Adding magnetic damage to all its allies would be fine, so you have to deal with that increased proc chance, but so far, the only time i haven't lost my energy to one of these eximus are when I killed them from an entire room away. Of course, there was someone else in front of them, crying for help because they lost all their energy. Its too much!


Their only saving grace is that they don't spawn in normal levels. I'm ALWAYS happy to see a frost or flame eximus because it means to me that I can keep using my powers conservatively and not go through the 10 seconds of panic while my screen is disrupted.


So either make them do their shocky electric procs like their name suggests, or change the name to Magnetic Eximus so everyone is ready for the incoming pain. And even then, tone down the magnetic stuff, cause its making me want to punch kittens.

Edited by Balduron04
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Hate those bastards.  It's one thing if you get hit with a special skill or attack like the Disrupter Ancient's attack, but it pisses me off just to see my energy get drained and my screen go haywire just because one of these bastards is in the same area code as I am.  It's just cheap and anti fun.  I'd rather have to run through a hallway full of arc traps then have to put up with this "shock eximus" bullS#&$.


Same goes for the Stalkers dispell skill.  "HAHAH I WAVE MY ARMS AROUND AND YOUR POWERS NO WORK F*** YOU HAHAHAHAHAHA!  

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-Flare Eximus are a pain. The knockdown from radial fire is sometimes very frustrating since you can't dodge or jump it like other moves. It lacks some counter-play,


Unless I've been incredible lucky with some sort of glitch, their knockdown can be 'dodged'. All you have to do is hide behind something. I haven't tried rolling through it yet so I'm not sure if that works. But every time I've tried hiding behind a box (or whatever else was available) it worked fine and I didn't get knocked down.

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The problem stems from the fact that magnetic proc drains our energy COMPLETELY, What really should be changed is that the magnetic proc while still drains shield however they just disable our abilities for a set duration instead. The effects it has on our screen is annoying enough and hinder our ability to fight.

This change should extend to ancient disruptors as well.

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Unless I've been incredible lucky with some sort of glitch, their knockdown can be 'dodged'. All you have to do is hide behind something. I haven't tried rolling through it yet so I'm not sure if that works. But every time I've tried hiding behind a box (or whatever else was available) it worked fine and I didn't get knocked down.

This method does work as the fire kd works as an environmental effect: if it hits something first (i.e. a wall) then it won't continue through it.

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There's a difference between challenge and a sucker punch. That's like calling Broken Lights challenging. It increases difficulty yes, but not in a reasonable fashion. Their is no skill involved in avoiding their attack when they can hit you with a proc when they're behind a wall or on a walkway above you. If they had some kind of telegraphed attack like Ancient Distruptors then it'd be a lot more balanced.

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Actually, ancient disruptors could use a small buff. Its almost stupidly easy to not get hit by one, and half the time that they knock you down, their proc arm won't hit you.


But back to Magnetic Eximus. When do you think he'll actually be a thing and replace Shock Eximus as target for our hate?


When will Shock Eximus be true to his name? Update 2015?

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Actually, ancient disruptors could use a small buff. Its almost stupidly easy to not get hit by one, and half the time that they knock you down, their proc arm won't hit you.


But back to Magnetic Eximus. When do you think he'll actually be a thing and replace Shock Eximus as target for our hate?


When will Shock Eximus be true to his name? Update 2015?

I don't know how you manage to not get hit by them. Every time they knock me down and use that damn arm, it hits me draining all energy.

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Boy am I ever not a fan of those things.


It's the laziest way to design a "challenging" enemy all over again. DE can do better, and we deserve better. These things are annoying enough when they show up in most missions, but I haven't even done a long survival mission since the introduction of the new "eximus spawn scaling" system. I'll reserve my decided opinion on whether they work at all for when I've had time to experience these things in Tower Survivals, but whether they're tolerable isn't really the point here.


The point as it appears to me is that this kind of "challenging" enemy is so much less than it could - and should - be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The eximus draining your energy or totally wiping your shield and energy out is truly too strong in game where using powers contributes much to the fun. Some frames can resist these powers but it shouldn't be like that, every frame should be able to resist them in some way, running away and shooting it from far is NOT an option when every 5th enemy is an eximus and the games tilesets have very few big rooms! Please change their behaviour YES!

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Unless I've been incredible lucky with some sort of glitch, their knockdown can be 'dodged'. All you have to do is hide behind something. I haven't tried rolling through it yet so I'm not sure if that works. But every time I've tried hiding behind a box (or whatever else was available) it worked fine and I didn't get knocked down.

its call taking cover not dodge yes it cannot be dodged.. tried it and gets a gangbang in return..

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its call taking cover not dodge yes it cannot be dodged.. tried it and gets a gangbang in return..


It can be dodged. Taking cover to avoid the attack fits the definition of dodging.


*tried Flying kick and get slapped like a idiot and being zapped...


Never had this problem.

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