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No One Uses Voicechat


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I'm not a huge fan of random swearing, blasphemy, or racial epithets... I had the voice options on until that nonsense became all too common in MMOs.


I only use my mic when playing with family members in another part of the house, or when running with my guild-mates now.


My guildies don't play Warframe to my knowledge, and my wife and kid don't play much anymore... As such, I never use the mic now.

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I turned it off almost immediately after downloading Warframe. To me, it has never been a game that requires voice chat at all. I'm not a talker, and it's just not something needed to do well in the game.


Text chat helps for special circumstances, but beyond that, communication is just not important.

Silent ppeople work well together as well. No chat needed for them especially in dire situations.

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I find the ingame voice chat option to not even work for me at all. However I just get annoyed whenever I hear another person's voice through their awful microphone. It might not even be their mic, maybe the game's voice chat function is just terrible. I generally don't like push-to-talk at all, because I find it tedious and people get cut off because of it anyway.


Either way I just use Skype when playing any game with anyone.

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I turned mine off the third time I had someone screaming curse words because they got downed while hallway heroing and nobody came to revive them.


It's kind of a funny correlation that the only people that seem to use it are also the same ones that don't know how to stay alive and stick to objectives, you know, like Rhino players.

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I wasn't even aware WF had voice chat integrated, so I obviously do not use it :P


I use external chat programs with friends, but it's rare that I will talk to random players I don't know. Besides, even if I have voice chat on, they likely have it off...and nothing feels dumber than talking to silent people, hahah.


When I play any game on PS4, I usually plug my headphones in and set them down so I can't hear anyone (unless there is a good reason to use the voice chat). When I hear music, a player singing, or a person yelling that has a cracking voice...nope. Voice off. Or I hand the mic to a drunk friend so he can have fun with them while I play :P

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I turned mine off the third time I had someone screaming curse words because they got downed while hallway heroing and nobody came to revive them.


It's kind of a funny correlation that the only people that seem to use it are also the same ones that don't know how to stay alive and stick to objectives, you know, like Rhino players.

The frame used has nothing to do with it. It is the mentality, not the frame. It is like blaming the Loki frame for the a-hole players that switch teleport squad members off of elevators and stuff.

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The people who use it one PS4 are annoying, I only ever hear music playing in the background and it pisses me off. If you're going to listen to music and not talk, turn your damn mic off. Also, there is no reason to use voicechat. If this game had anything where you needed teamwork, people would use mics but there isn't. So there's no point.

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The frame used has nothing to do with it. It is the mentality, not the frame. It is like blaming the Loki frame for the a-hole players that switch teleport squad members off of elevators and stuff.

Hence why I said Rhino players, not the frame itself.


Just like how most Valkyr players tend to be trollish egomaniacs.

Loki players are usually kind of lazy and trollish, but much more on point than Rhino players .

Volt players are impatient.

Trinity players are helpful.


Quite honestly if a thread were devoted to these observations and left unlocked, it would be HUGE.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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I have Skype for my voice chat needs, and I also actively try and avoid meeting some people because a lot of times it just doesn't end well. Unless they are someone really entertaining that I run into again, I have no reason to use voice chat, or listen to others for that matter. It is easier, in my opinion, to say something stupid through voice chat than it is when you type because you have to at least spend time to look at what you wrote.

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Most people who use WF voice chat end up being extremely annoying. Last guy who I heard use it, before I turned it off permanently, spent the entire game being an absolute prick.


-Bad mic, his voice quality was bad enough that it was annoying but decent enough that we could understand most things he was saying

-Loud off-key singing("Let the bodies hit the floor")

-Shouting at everyone else to keep up with his Vanguard Rhino, when he had no rhyme or reason to where he went

-Screaming when he got into a tight spot

-Laughed loudly at random kills, then explained them to us in detail

-Raged when he ran off and died, since nobody was near him when he got downed

-Raged harder when he revived, since we all decided to leave earlier than he wanted


He didn't sound like a little kid, either. I'd guess him to be aged around 17-20.

Edited by Grascen
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I started playing back in December, had a guy call me the n-word because I couldn't get to the exit fast enough. Disabled voice on the game, seven months later have never put it back on. No regrets!

That is another reason I usually keep it off, no filter for voices. 

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