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Crash, Crash Everywhere


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Hi everybody! It's happening lately that I can't properly enjoy the game because it crashes without any apparent reason. Suddenly, without any kind of warnings or signals to preannounce it. It's happening with every kind of mission, from Void, to Dark Sectors and normal missions. Plus, because of the new system with endless missions in the void (=the key is consumed if you abandon after completing the objective eg 5 minute in survival) it consumes my keys when it crashes with me as the host. It doesn't crashes 100% of the times, but, depending on luck, from 30% to 80% of the times. It never happened to me before U13. I already tried to send a ticket, but they didn't find anything. I tried the suggenstions they gave, but the problem it's far from resolved. There is anybody else with my same problem?

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Have you tried running the game in "Safe Mode" with all of the launcher options disabled (fullscreen unchecked, DX11, 64-Bit and Multithreaded Rendering all unchecked), and have you verified/defragged your game cache? What about having in game settings turned down/off?


Also, when you got in touch with support, did they have you upload an EE.log file from RIGHT after you crash? It's important that when you crash you grab the EE.log file from your appdata\local\Warframe\ directory, as the EE.log file will help support identify what was happening in your game leading up to the crash.


I'm assuming you have the latest stable release drivers for your GPU, and that your DirectX software is fully updated.


Additionally, if you have teamspeak, ventrilo or raidcall overlay software (i.e. overwolf for teamspeak), these can sometimes interfere with the game's rendering, which can cause the game to crash unexpectedly.

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Yeah nothing helps game keeps crashing since U11 and its not looking any better with future updates. Its sad because that kind of problems will kill this game rather quick. We Veterans played this game since open beta and back then game was stable without crashes and all that but even with new bugs we somehow got used to it. 


But lets take a look from new players perspective:

New players plays the game ranks the gear then he starts farming the void or something and when he/she will get desired part the game will either crash or he/she will get the message "progress was not saved". What that player will do try to ignore it maybe but if it will occur more often and trust me it will he will uninstal the game and never play it again. Thats the better case in worst case he will tell his friends about this game that constantly has performance issues. That sooner or later will kill this game hope it will not happen but future does not look bright ;/. 

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asking a support for help with this won't do you any good


when member of the support actually asked me to check my pc for malware and viruses... yeah i decided to end this conversation because it had zero value.


Before U12 for me, i could play this game for 10-12 hours without restarting the application. game was stable. now it is not. and despite the fact that developer made some improvements on fps loss, for example i have 60-40 across the game, but i still crash.

So in the end it hardly matters how well game runs, because if i crash i don't care did that happen with 60 fps or 30.


And on this work pc i was playing wf for 11 months without any problems. i remember to crash only 3 times in that period when Void was introduced. Not more.

After U12, 2-4 games - warframe has crash. good times.


and after all this time since U12, i see that no work has been done in this direction. game runs smoothly, and it crashes anyway.

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Same problem here. I can remain in the menus for as long as I like, but I haven't managed to complete a mission for days because of these sudden crashes.

Don't know if it's related, but my game is also stuttering a lot while in missions.

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asking a support for help with this won't do you any good


when member of the support actually asked me to check my pc for malware and viruses... yeah i decided to end this conversation because it had zero value.


Before U12 for me, i could play this game for 10-12 hours without restarting the application. game was stable. now it is not. and despite the fact that developer made some improvements on fps loss, for example i have 60-40 across the game, but i still crash.

So in the end it hardly matters how well game runs, because if i crash i don't care did that happen with 60 fps or 30.


And on this work pc i was playing wf for 11 months without any problems. i remember to crash only 3 times in that period when Void was introduced. Not more.

After U12, 2-4 games - warframe has crash. good times.


and after all this time since U12, i see that no work has been done in this direction. game runs smoothly, and it crashes anyway.

yea..your problem same like me mate..I already play this game since it first come out at steam,like one years ago. I just love that time when I can run this game without any crash problem and can play like 5-6 hours without any problem. And now, only just login,while 5+ min play, crash and crash keep happened. And I see many fixed that tell us "fixed a number of crashes" but wait.. what? It still happening lol.

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if you are above this game's minimum system requirements with all drivers updated 

and other games that shares this games minimum requirements and you still crash that means its on warframe's side.

ive seen people crashing with monster specs rigs.


i started warframe around update 9

update 11 came(VOID DERELIC MAP ADDED)

i started to crash on above system requirement(i3 4gb gt630), all driver/os updated 




my crash went away when i upgraded to win 7 from 32bit to 64bit and upgraded my graphics card from GT 630 to GTX 650.

and one of them might be the culprit

but do note that my old gt630 was not broken as it can handle ac4, skyrim, cod, Dragnage2, darksouls2, etc with no crash


if the case is 64bit is required they should state it on min syst. requirements


and yes, the support will tell you to do

(ee.log, paging size of ram, driver/os update, ram test, gfx card stresstest, turning options off one by one, disabling dx11, multithread, 64bit mode)

which are the things to narrow down the problem


but none of it worked for me as ive talked over nearly 2 months because reply time was 2~3days.


im thinking maybe its still beta because their techs are bad? or they are still on their phase on nvidia card compatibility? 

or just that the game is still on beta to narrow down crash causes.

whatever it is, crashing , bugs and performance, compatibility should be prioritized

Edited by Ritchel
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win 7 from 32bit to 64bit 

something is telling me, this is case and point.

member of the support also asked me to upgrade my system to 64bit. But i can't do that because of the specific build this pc uses.


i am pretty sure that on my home pc, game will run well and without problems, however it's hardly the case, because since U12 i can't play it because of some reasons. and given that i rarely play at home, because i have some more important things to do, such horrible stability of the product is very annoying.


for example this new event? i must restart the application after each run on the hives, otherwise game will crash. in the menus after the the run or if i would like to make a another run.

"evolution engine has crashed."


Besides i was trying to explain to support, that i have some issues with certain types of the missions in the void, when i can play other types for hours. For example my Void Capture run - use a key, load time, crash on the 2nd second on the map with 60 fps. ??!

Survival? i can run for hours. In these very same rooms that Capture mode uses. Ninja's Magic no less.


For example i can play Survival on Ceres, again for hours, but invasions always crash after 2-3 runs.


Stability of the game is bad. very bad. and all of this against the background of very smooth perfomance of the game in general.

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