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Community Hot Topics: Run It As A Vote.


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So what are "Community Hot Topics"?


Hot Topics are those topics that a large part of the community wants answered, or information about, or what-not.


In previous CHT threads, Rebecca, Megan (and now Drew who is admittedly somewhat new at it) picked out threads they noticed and commented some of the things that caught their eye.


Sometimes huge hot topics would be ignored entirely.


I have a proposal for a better way to do this:




How this would work, is that a DE would browse the forums once-per-week and look for the biggest, most upvoted threads. He should pick between 5 to 10 of these threads if there are that many available.


He should then go to Design Council and create a Poll, "Which topic is the hottest?"


He should pick half of the threads that had the most votes. (the vote should last 2-3 days)


Once that is done, he should then go and place a poll in the CHT forum where everybody can see, and re-post the remainder of the Hot Topics (the ones that didn't get picked in Design Council) for everybody to vote on (that way, non-Founders get a voice too).


He should pick half of those and then send all the questions -- ones voted in by DC and ones voted in CHT -- to the developers in the relevant fields (AI, Animation, Weapons, Design, whatever).


Then, once he has his answers from the crew, he should post his findings on the forum.




If we continue with the Friday CHTs...


Friday: Post the CHT thread with the findings.

Monday/Tues: Vote in DC.

Weds/Thurs: Vote in CHT.

Fri: Post findings in CHT.


Rinse, repeat each week.


Nice structured schedule. Surely wouldn't take more than 10-15min to grab 5-10 threads for people to vote on, and shouldn't take more than the same amount of time to go run down Scott/Steve/etc for answers.

Edited by Xylia
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+1, I've seen probably 75% of hot topics either missing a hot topic, or they have it on their for the wrong reason (i.e. continuous weapons after a change to them. DE thought players missed the numbers fountain, when in reality the damage they dealt was delayed, reducing damage, or not granting the weapon a kill because someone else got it before the damage updated.)

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In previous CHT threads, Rebecca, Megan (and now Drew who is admittedly somewhat new at it) picked out threads they noticed and commented some of the things that caught their eye.


Sometimes huge hot topics would be ignored entirely.

Well, I don't know if you know this, but Drew has a little plea on his profile:

"Have some important Community Hot Topics you'd like me to look at? Please send me links in a private message!" ~end quote~

Edit: (It is, admittedly, pretty bad advertising)


So, a topic that escapes their eyes can still be eligible for the CHT threads if some people manage to send him a link to the same topic.


A vote system would still be an improvement, though.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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I'll take your suggestions into account in my efforts at making true the Hot Topics 2.0.


I just have to say that I am personnally against involving the DC (which I am member) in the selection process. Why? Because the DC already has its privileges, and its members aren't more "qualified" for selectionning threads that anyone.


I also think that a weekly selection is too frequent to allow Scott and Steve (mainly, but also different busy devs) to answer us effectively. We currently see that they cannot handle such a tidal surge (^^).


And Upvotes criteria shouldn't remain the only criteria of selection/consideration for the Hot Topics, even though it's an important one.


Community vote is definitively a thing on my mind.

Stay tuned, Drew officially announced the project as WIP here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249994-june-20th-community-hot-topics/

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