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New Warframe Confirmed (Mirage) Megathread


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all we know that it has some grineer in it...

Alad was prob experimenting in mixing tenno with the grineer before he became an infested potato

+ i love her grineer mask thats so keeewl GRINEER RULE!

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Saw this when taking a closer look a the new event mods.



I'm so excited for her! Infested 4 lyf. I love her simplistic design. Her head reminds me of the Xenomorph Queen (<3) and I ADORE the exposed muscle and carapace look. The fins on the side of her head look cute. ^-^ I hope one of her abilities is to assimilate corpses or mutate them into infested, I think it'd be cool to see how chargers and leapers are made. :O Maybe her arms can stretch like Ancients! Idk haha. So pumped. <3

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didnt they said in the previous devstream that one of her powers, consists on boobytrap objects?


Making those lockers eat the mobs and all the other things we can break on the map attack the enemies.


sounds like a wierd power not sure how it will work well D:

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Nothing has been announced about the frame besides info on one of it's abilities.

It can convert static objects into animated traps of sorts.

That means ziplines can electrify enemies when being used, lockers are said to consume nearby enemies and so on.

That sounds freaking badass.

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Oh you mean Harley Quinn frame?


They only mentioned one thing about her in the last livestream, she booby traps interactive items in a radius, for example she traps a locker, enemy walks by locker, booby trap pulls enemy inside and kills him.

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