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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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I'm sad I even entered this thread. You guys complain even more than the PS4 users. I'm especially stunned at the entitled posts screaming about not getting a new weekly weapon... wow.


lol PS4.


but wait people was complaining about weekly weapons?. I think most of the people are about U14 and well have every rights to as well, but yeah the delays are not acceptable. Its half life 3 all over again, and duke nukem or how ever you spell that silly game.

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cmon! there are guys crying like babies who need to change diapers...

I can't tell if your trying to convince me to something or trying your hardest to insult me.


Not sure what one but, the guys who are "crying like babies" are simply expressing how much they hate delays, disbite the people moaning about weekly weapons..and PS4 players.


but good point!

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At the rate the updates have been delayed over and over again I wouldn't expect U15 until at least 2015


Nah your wrong buddy it won't be untill 2090!


but yeah the delays are becoming unacceptable!


This is why my massages are beening sent from my Cyro Pod.

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There's been no indication of where the Ice planet tileset will be, so anything as of late is pure speculation. My personal opinion on where I think it's most likely to end up is either on Europa or Pluto; leaning towards Europa.

I see Europa as the most likely for a couple of reasons. The first being practicality from a gameplay standpoint. What I mean by that is, DE generally tries to tackle the planets that need love first before tackling the high traffic areas. This is why Eris is getting the new infested tileset, even though they could have put it anywhere on the starchart they wanted to - because its a low traffic area that is otherwise unused and uninteresting. Same thing goes for the shipyard tileset before it. DE's goal is to try and get us to return to all those planets and moons across the starchart long after we've grinded through them the first time, and go back as often as possible. How often do you find yourself just jumping on and picking out a random mission on Sedna or Europa or what have you? I know personally if there weren't alerts on those planets, I'd never bother touching them.

The other reason goes back to what you were first saying about anatomical features. Planets like Neptune and Uranus are gas/liquid giants, and based on the concept art we've been shown of the ice tileset, I would find it odd they'd gravitate towards that. No pun intended. Places like Pluto and Europa however are both rocky and icy in real life, making them perfect candidates for such a tile set.

And lastly, the reason I wouldn't say Uranus is because Uranus is actually a Grineer controlled planet, even though a fair amount of it is covered in Corpus at the moment on PC. And the reason I wouldn't say Neptune is because that's Corpus home base - and I have a feeling that DE has a much more grand and extravagant tileset planned for the home planet of the race that idealizes profit.

But of course as I said before, pretty much everything I said is speculation and it could easily turn out to be entirely 100% wrong.

Its also far more likely to be Europa due to the sun being easy to discern in the screenshot. On Pluto, the sun would only be slightly brighter than the thousands of other stars in the sky. Edited by Legion-Shields
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There's been no indication of where the Ice planet tileset will be, so anything as of late is pure speculation. My personal opinion on where I think it's most likely to end up is either on Europa or Pluto; leaning towards Europa.


I see Europa as the most likely for a couple of reasons. The first being practicality from a gameplay standpoint. What I mean by that is, DE generally tries to tackle the planets that need love first before tackling the high traffic areas. This is why Eris is getting the new infested tileset, even though they could have put it anywhere on the starchart they wanted to - because its a low traffic area that is otherwise unused and uninteresting. Same thing goes for the shipyard tileset before it. DE's goal is to try and get us to return to all those planets and moons across the starchart long after we've grinded through them the first time, and go back as often as possible. How often do you find yourself just jumping on and picking out a random mission on Sedna or Europa or what have you? I know personally if there weren't alerts on those planets, I'd never bother touching them.


The other reason goes back to what you were first saying about anatomical features. Planets like Neptune and Uranus are gas/liquid giants, and based on the concept art we've been shown of the ice tileset, I would find it odd they'd gravitate towards that. No pun intended. Places like Pluto and Europa however are both rocky and icy in real life, making them perfect candidates for such a tile set.


And lastly, the reason I wouldn't say Uranus is because Uranus is actually a Grineer controlled planet, even though a fair amount of it is covered in Corpus at the moment on PC. And the reason I wouldn't say Neptune is because that's Corpus home base - and I have a feeling that DE has a much more grand and extravagant tileset planned for the home planet of the race that idealizes profit.


But of course as I said before, pretty much everything I said is speculation and it could easily turn out to be entirely 100% wrong. 

You completely ignored the existence of Mars. We were told a few streams ago that Nef Anyo was next on the Boss Rework list, it's only reasonable to think it's going over Mars.

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You completely ignored the existence of Mars. We were told a few streams ago that Nef Anyo was next on the Boss Rework list, it's only reasonable to think it's going over Mars.


I 'ignored' the possibility of Mars because the tileset looks like this.









Now tell me, does that concept art really scream "Mars" to you?

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I 'ignored' the possibility of Mars because the tileset looks like this.









Now tell me, does that concept art really scream "Mars" to you?

The poles have ice caps, so it wouldn't be out of the question.

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I 'ignored' the possibility of Mars because the tileset looks like this.









Now tell me, does that concept art really scream "Mars" to you?

maybe like a bajillion years ago or something lol I still think it's cool though regardless 

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I do not get why ppl are still blaming DE for the release.

They're doing their best to release a huge update. They want it to be perfect for US! So sit down and wait!





I want my pet doe.... my parents never bought me a dog...i got a lot of love to share ;(

aww lol such sad ='( we will have our puppies soon!

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Probably isn't.


They didn't say for sure it would not. It just doesn't look likely.


Sorry Aachles I don;t think you made it clear enough to the kids out there allow me to.




Hay kids this means: Most likely; presumably.

1. (sentence modifier; not used with a negative or in a question) in all likelihood or probability: I'll probably see you tomorrow.
sentence substitute
2. I believe such a thing or situation may be the case
The blue text is there so you can learn more!
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I didn't want to talk to you anyways Legion you don't have to act childish  


Posted Yesterday, 05:22 PM

not you LegionCynex -_-


I was talking to the other one you know the one acting like a child


opps :D

Edited by LegionCynex
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