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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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I 'ignored' the possibility of Mars because the tileset looks like this.









Now tell me, does that concept art really scream "Mars" to you?

According to these pictures, which has been shown during the Dev Stream, I assume that the next planet which will get an update will be Europa.


Simple: Europe has the most coldest atmosphere compared to its "inner life". Scientists speculate about living lifeforms beyond that hard frozen shell.

So it is definitly not Mars, which gets an overhaul.


And on the other hand: It is just some guessing. Sue me, if you dare!


Edited by Pacheon
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According to these pictures, which has been shown during the Dev Stream, I assume that the next planet which will get an update will be Europe.


Simple: Europe has the most coldest atmosphere compared to its "inner life". Scientists speculate about living lifeforms beyond that hard frozen shell.

So it is definitly not Mars, which gets an overhaul.


And on the other hand: It is just some guessing. Sue me, if you dare!



I didn't know Europe was both a continent and a planet.

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Well you just can't please everyone can you. 


I mean they've been working on U14 and getting it prepped for release, and people are here complaining that they want it now, but why release it now when it isn't finished? There's only so much they can do in so much amounts of time, yes they want to make us happy and they want us to enjoy the content, but they still have their own matters and needs to attend to, they provided us with this game that i personally think is great. There are a few bugs and mechanics and things within it that need fix yes, no game is perfect, but they are addressing the issues. 

But there will always be those people that are never happy, they want bug fixes, they release bug fixes, people are happy, then people aren't happy because they didn't get the bug fix that they wanted, people want some new content, they get mad cause the new content is stupid, or that they don't want new content they want bug fixes, it irritates me to see that people are just so impatient. Well, that's my penny. I'm gonna go eat some Waffles or something.

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Well you just can't please everyone can you. 


I mean they've been working on U14 and getting it prepped for release, and people are here complaining that they want it now, but why release it now when it isn't finished? There's only so much they can do in so much amounts of time, yes they want to make us happy and they want us to enjoy the content, but they still have their own matters and needs to attend to, they provided us with this game that i personally think is great. There are a few bugs and mechanics and things within it that need fix yes, no game is perfect, but they are addressing the issues. 

But there will always be those people that are never happy, they want bug fixes, they release bug fixes, people are happy, then people aren't happy because they didn't get the bug fix that they wanted, people want some new content, they get mad cause the new content is stupid, or that they don't want new content they want bug fixes, it irritates me to see that people are just so impatient. Well, that's my penny. I'm gonna go eat some Waffles or something.

I like Waffles

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If they release of early its going to have bugs..you guys will complain,

If they take a but longer but no bugs you guys will still complain.

I Don't know what you guys even want anymore....

There is thing called patience, use it you incompetent fools.

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I'm looking forward to the new warframe that will be released with update 14.0 and also whatever weapons it will come with.  Not sure if the quest missions will fill the role of a story mode but we will see.  I think warframe has a lot more work to be done to it especially with Destiny right around the corner.  A lot of people are about to jump ship I can see it coming.

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Despite this probably being asked before...:


Say.... Do the quests come as part of u14 or later?


Part of.  At least one quest will be in it, which is the ship/tutorial quest.  Sheldon also mentioned a Kubrow quest, but that's not a guarantee.

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Part of.  At least one quest will be in it, which is the ship/tutorial quest.  Sheldon also mentioned a Kubrow quest, but that's not a guarantee.


Thx for the answer !

The quests are the thing I'm looking forward to the most.


uhh *facepalm* I just noticed the quests being mention as part of u14 in the op. Might've looked there before asking ~~

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If they release of early its going to have bugs..you guys will complain,

If they take a but longer but no bugs you guys will still complain.

I Don't know what you guys even want anymore....

There is thing called patience, use it you incompetent fools.


You are the fool for considering a scenario in which there are no bugs.

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One can believe in magic.

In what?

Me throwing around Balls that Suck themselves and enemies in proximity IN and the Odds of getting a Detron aren't Magic.

It's Science... or Arithmetic at the very Least.

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Edited by Suprizebuttseks
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If you're not watching the Devstream:

First, why aren't you?!

Second, the team just announced that U14 is going to need a bit more time to finish and probably will not arrive next week. 

I like your profile picture you visited the most badass in warframe ever thread didn't you


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