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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Feels good to see some good content coming which gave me a reason to play again.


Can't wait to go full hunter with a warframe and own a kubrow.


Wonder if this means we will get a frame that provides buffs to their animal companions via their skills.

Edited by Blk_Mage
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Lol what? Do people seriously need a tutorial for this game? Especially when it has no depth at all?

DE has yet to fix major bugs which have been present since CLOSED BETA. UI=/=lore.

There is a huge barrier to new players currently. This new update should fix it hopefully. 

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Oh look, another update that adds more useless mechanics(kubrows,weapons,etc) that do not address with what's wrong in the game and more cosmetic bullS#&$. On top of that, everything in this update will most likely be locked behind a grindwall. DE still refuses to FIX the game. Instead they're just scraping the bottom of the barrel for more cashgrabbing S#&$. There is no reason to be hyped about this.


Then take your ball and go home, no need to fret. You'll be happier doing something else instead.

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As you can see we're pretty much excited about update 14 that is coming soon!


Tell me what is the first thing you will do in the upcoming update?



For me I'm more excited about the new PvP! I'm gonna enjoy rekting people so much...



Also Archeage online and Destiny closed beta

Edited by iiSoxSkills
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New frame will have 0 - 2 worthwhile skills. That is, after you farm her behind one or two grindwalls. One of said grindwalls being a boss with either or both invincibility periods and a ton of health.


Dogs and quests look interesting but I'm not getting my hopes up. Even if the Vor quest is great, I feel like people are going to be salty about lore because it's taken so long. New weapon looks cool; grinding the stance doesn't.


Not trying to be inflammatory. That's just what I've come to expect after 400 hours.

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Quests, new weapons, shiny ship.

And relearning how to use the whole UI.

Not trying to be inflammatory. That's just what I've come to expect after 400 hours.

Boy you sure are Grim. *laugh track*

It's why I'm not expecting much, so that I can be happy about whatever doesn't turn out to be a disappointment. I'm just looking forward to the more concrete things, those that have less chances to surprise me.

Edited by Shion963
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