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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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I hit 405 Friday, which means that my non-stop play for an entire weekend (48 hours?) has all been for nothing. Can you give me my time back DE? I would have much rather been doing something else. This is definitely not the correct fix to this problem.


Like, if I have to waste my weekend on this for nothing. Why can't you waste your weekend working to fix this? Or at least let us know about this before 5min before it happens? (You know so I can stop running..)

Edited by -XeqtR
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This isn't even about me.. But you put out a hotfix that says "fixes enemies not spawning after x x x".. What does that have to do with the people that worked on their scores by grinding? I'm not even up that high, but your hotfix-redtext mentioned nothing about nerfing scores.. 


How is it the community's fault that players grinded out their scores? Somehow it seems like you pictured people twisting & waxing their evil mustaches at your mistake, instead of just grinding because players grind? So many clans just got nerfed and it's not even an exploit. I had a clan I respect right in direct conflict with my clan and here I am speaking on the behalf of competition..


This is YOUR FAULT, not the players.. I just did my run with a true grinder a mere 3 minutes before your red text showed.. Said score is now gone and so are the scores of so many others across all the tiers..


This is wack..



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It's not an exploit. Everyone had the same opportunity to do those runs once they got to that level. All of the top people had to go through the same stuff the lower ones did. No one had an advantage over someone else, because anyone could do it. Plus - this kind of bug was reported to DE by my clan during a long survival months ago (that enemies capped out and stopped spawning over 10,000) but it was never fixed. Don't punish the players for your own bugs, de.

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Supposedly all of the scores that got reduced were reduced because they were earned using an exploit.

Yep. Their fault for using exploits and racking up "dirty" points. Now they're complaining their scores were reset. They deserved more of a punishment than that.

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Now, if there was some monetary gain or reward I would agree with you.


But this is just some nonsense e-go crusade.


In that case. Get over it. Good job grinding up to the high numbers.




Edited by Slyty98
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I dont see how running this mission with fellow clan members of a higher score could be considered an exploit if thats whats going on. Would be a really $&*^ move for DE to really have changed the scores that much because they realized they designed the event poorly... Gonna needa to confirm when I get home but I'm starting to think I'm gonna be mad.

Edited by Sedant
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What happened :O at work.... Screen shots possible?

Due to the enemy level during events being based on your total score, they reached insanely high levels.


However, after level 10,000 enemies stop spawning, which was a known issue for quite a while.


Since people kept doing runs, because there was no way to avoid it, they sunk everyone's score who had runs past enemy level 10k.


The problem now is that for clans who had members with scores that could only be obtained in that level range, they're now totally void.

Edited by DecoyCode
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Your fault for using exploits. Don't play dirty. You got what you deserved, if not less of a punishment that I would've preferred. 

It's not an exploit if it naturally happens when you grind long enough. It would happen to anyone. Plus, you expect me that as soon as I realize it to stop and watch everyone else beat me? Now everyone is tied. 

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I spend my time, wherever and on whatever I want. However not getting my time's worth is something I don't like.


Then deal with it. You spent 48 hours of your personal time on an online game.. and you don't like how you spent it, full well knowing that its subject to change at any given moment by its developers? Don't complain to me or anyone else here - there was no real reward going past 48 points anyway.

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Then deal with it. You spent 48 hours of your personal time on an online game.. and you don't like how you spent it, full well knowing that its subject to change at any given moment by its developers? Don't complain to me or anyone else here - there was no real reward going past 48 points anyway.


just stop.

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Yep. Their fault for using exploits and racking up "dirty" points. Now they're complaining their scores were reset. They deserved more of a punishment than that.

If that's true then why didn't other clans that did the same thing get their scores touched?

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