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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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DE didn't FIX anything really...


[*edit: they fixed a lot of loop holes and exploits. but not the leaderboards]


When you consider the viral effect the scoring model has..and before they installed the boost cap you could practically put someone in the top 100 players list on their first try if you had a high enough score yourself..


So with all these exploits...the many...there are at least 3 actual exploits that emerged and were fixed..and this last one the enemy spawn thing...that makes 4 loop holes..


So with this no enemy spawn thing you could gain a HUGE score...and that score could be used to give a low scoring player a SUPER BOOST..that they may have not been able to achieve...or just wouldn't have tried to get in the first place.


Now consider...it would only take 1-2 people using any of the 4 exploits to share that advantage with the entire clan...and then those who they shared it with can perpetuate that score through contact with other players in the clan...


NO the score roll back was the least DE could have done.


Those who got to keep the 403 or whatever should be happy they got that...


Instead of what REALLY needed to be done...





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Guest Shibboleet

DE didn't FIX anything really...


[*edit: they fixed a lot of loop holes and exploits. but not the leaderboards]


When you consider the viral effect the scoring model has..and before they installed the boost cap you could practically put someone in the top 100 players list on their first try if you had a high enough score yourself..


So with all these exploits...the many...there are at least 3 actual exploits that emerged and were fixed..and this last one the enemy spawn thing...that makes 4 loop holes..



Now consider...it would only take 1-2 people using any of the 4 exploits to share that advantage with the entire clan...and then those who they shared it with can perpetuate that score through contact with other players in the clan...


NO the score roll back was the least DE could have done.


Those who got to keep the 403 or whatever should be happy they got that...


Instead of what REALLY needed to be done...





Tell that to my 3 clan members that were non stop grinding the event, and only got past level cap. (Didn't use Nyx run around bug, didn't use toxic resist aura)

Edited by Shibboleet
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Guest Shibboleet

Well I've just been to the leaderboard, and seen the names on top as Exploit01 - 08. So yeah it's official, it is an exploit. Btw are those players banned?

Some guy carrying alts named 'Exploit' to cap points, and now it's considered an exploit in your mind?

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Tell that to my 3 clan members that were non stop grinding the event, and only got past level cap. (Didn't use Nyx run around bug, didn't use toxic resist aura)


Well let me tell you something?


If they did WIPE the entire score...


YOU AND YOUR CLAN....could be SO much prouder of your scores ...and the ENTIRE community would have to respect you and your scores..


WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.....that they were legit...


So until that wipe comes...


Everyone is suspect...even low scoring clans...who knows if they could have gotten even there without the potential of a glitch?


One bad apple will ruin the bunch..


Complete wipe of this event would be a BOON to everyone, giving them a clean start so they can prove their worth without the "WHAT IF" factor shadowing the minds of the outsiders.


EDIT: adding more value here....IF they did Wipe the entire score..there would be great change in the scores of many clans and individuals for many reason, we have activity as a factor, the update hype is already burning out, so that would effect the bottom line, we also have gaming fatigue, many of you are tired of grinding and just want a break once this is over...we also have disgust with the loss of such a perdy score...many will be like screw it I'm not gong to do that again....



BUT the most dedicated, the most hardcore...the most baddass grinders and clan coordinators and clans in general...will be the TRUE victors...if they can come up again to rise above the ashes of what once was and make it happen a 2nd time...


That would spell out to the community who the TRUE dedicated hardcore, ultra pro, super duper, backflip kick, karate chop...ninja gaiden mofo's are in the galaxy.

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Guest Shibboleet

Well let me tell you something?


If they did WIPE the entire score...


YOU AND YOUR CLAN....could be SO much prouder of your scores ...and the ENTIRE community would have to respect you and your scores..


WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.....that they were legit...


So until that wipe comes...


Everyone is suspect...even low scoring clans...who knows if they could have gotten even there.


One bad apple will ruin the bunch..


Complete wipe of this event would be a BOON to everyone, giving them a clean start so they can prove their worth without the "WHAT IF" factor shadowing the minds of the outsiders.

I'm trying to say that they spent Thursday through Monday grinding, and that would be it would all mean nothing. A wipe at this point would be worse.

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Guest Shibboleet

How do you know this?

How do I know what? That you think it's an exploit? You said "It's official, it is an exploit".

How do I know that my clanmates were not exploiting? I ran with them occasionally and I was talking to them on Teamspeak during the event.

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How do I know what? That you think it's an exploit? You said "It's official, it is an exploit".

How do I know that my clanmates were not exploiting? I ran with them occasionally and I was talking to them on Teamspeak during the event.

Geez chill, how do you know they are alt name? I assumed DE changed their names, most developers do that in case of exploits.

Edited by Dalawantahr
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Guest Shibboleet

Geez chill, how do you know they are alts? I assumed DE changed their names, most developers do that in case of exploits.

Score systems are ordered by: Score, and then account creation. Newer accounts are always on top.

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I am just consuming gallons of tears guys, keep it up. Soon I will become powerful enough to ascend to godhood and its all thanks to you being mad about getting caught using an exploit. 

Spoken like a true EVE Online player.


Would like to point out the following about Warframe:


* WF is not an eSport, so no one lost 100K US dollars over the losses.


* There is zero consequences to getting wiped, and as you can keep doing the same event 24/7, there is ZERO end skill involved, as "bigger numbers" don't mean "bigger averages", they simple mean you have more spare time on your hands as say, a school kid on the weekend, compared to older players on tight work and family schedules.


* Once you encounter what can be considered an "exploit" - especially in a FREE to play game with ZERO consequences - the scores become even more meaningless then they were already - if that is even possible. I can go to a trophy shop right now and get one that say "Winner of the Weekend Warframe Infested Event". If you're just running an empty map, and at the end of a weekend you have a bigger score than the other group also running an empty map, that's what you just got. Congrats.


* This is a game played for fun. A bigger score simply means you were having so much fun you could'nt stop. Its a "fun rating score", nothing else. If you're trying to make that score into a "I'm more awesome then you score", you are playing the wrong game.

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I'm trying to say that they spent Thursday through Monday grinding, and that would be it would all mean nothing. A wipe at this point would be worse.


I feel you man, it would really be upsetting...but its the only way to truly make right what we have here in this event..even if it was a waste of time...at least maybe EVERYONE could learn...not to cheat?


Sometimes the innocent are effected by the deeds of the guilty...like when your mom turns the car around because your stupid brother crapped in his pants again...you almost had your happy meal...but no Little Joey had to go can crap his pants again...he couldn't wait until after I had my chocolate covered vanilla cone...I swear.

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Please take all my CAPS as bolded Font. i Just wanted to mark my important points as i always do.



- Even an event without mobs would have been event enugh for the hardcore gamers --> without disturbing the casuals.


--------- on a side note: ---

I dont get why so many casuals feel the need to express ther opinion in a thread thats truly of a hardcore gamers problem. Do you have noone else to talk to? If you did not make it past mob lvl >[600], TRY IT! Its way more fun than talking stupid here. 



IMHO all was well and fair till the change.


- Sure it was not intended by De to have levels without mobs, BUT: IT WAS SO FOR EVERYONE!

- You didnt reach the [9999] fast enugh? You didnt "abuse" this mechanic? You´d loose the event also without this bug. You´re just not fast/organized enugh! EVERY Competitive grp had to reach the lvlcap rather fast.  YOU JUST DID NOT PLAY HARDCORE ENUGH!


You experience the bug that you cant do nothing about - AAAND stop playing? NO! You just keep grinding.

Making strategies on the way how to get your Clan up in Ranking. <-- SOUNDS LIKE NORMAL GRIND-EVENT CONTENT TO ME.




Btw. I really liked the event mechanic < lvl [9999]! Plz De give me more Content like that!

We played new strategies, new frame combos... Scared about an Toxic Ancient behind every door...  


Edited by voodoo-EGT-
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Dear OP,

     Unless you know a Doctor Emit Brown, got a Deloran, & can produce 2.4 gigawats of power on demand no you are never gettin your 48 hours back.  Also why waste so much time exploiting a game bug?  Either way you have free will, you choose to play the game.  No one took a gun out and pointed it at your head and told you "play damn it play till your whole weekend is gone.  Also you better play that Breading Grounds over & over."

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I feel you man, it would really be upsetting...but its the only way to truly make right what we have here in this event..even if it was a waste of time...at least maybe EVERYONE could learn...not to cheat?


Sometimes the innocent are effected by the deeds of the guilty...like when your mom turns the car around because your stupid brother crapped in his pants again...you almost had your happy meal...but no Little Joey had to go can crap his pants again...he couldn't wait until after I had my chocolate covered vanilla cone...I swear.


That logic doesn't 100% apply here however. I can confidently speak for my own clan that nobody was aware of, nor purposefully exercised any of the various exploits that occurred. And yet, many of our scores were set back heavily after the first fix went out a few days ago. "Sometimes the innocent are effected by the deeds of the guilty" and right you are in saying so - but not in this context. No one in my clan exploited anything, the reason for any invalidation in any of our scores was DE's error.

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The bug is that once enemies exceed 9999 they never spawn again its been known for a long time and it prevents infinite survival missions by forcing you to leave due to 0 enemies

I dont get it!?, How could you possibly kill lvl 9999 enemies anyway??!!

So whats the point in staying longere?

Heck,.. you couldent even kill lvl 999 enemies?! or if u could it would take so long that it becomes futile anyway!?!

so i ask again,.. whats the point in playing survival/defence/whatever for that long?!

we were clearly not suppose to ever reach that lvl of enemies anyway..

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Guest Shibboleet

I dont get it!?, How could you possibly kill lvl 9999 enemies anyway??!!

So whats the point in staying longere?

Heck,.. you couldent even kill lvl 999 enemies?! or if u could it would take so long that it becomes futile anyway!?!

so i ask again,.. whats the point in playing survival/defence/whatever for that long?!

we were clearly not suppose to ever reach that lvl of enemies anyway..

Check out the Tenn Os youtube channel if you are really curious as to how long defense and survival is done. I can't even sum up everything in one post.

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That logic doesn't 100% apply here however. I can confidently speak for my own clan that nobody was aware of, nor purposefully exercised any of the various exploits that occurred. And yet, many of our scores were set back heavily after the first fix went out a few days ago. "Sometimes the innocent are effected by the deeds of the guilty" and right you are in saying so - but not in this context. No one in my clan exploited anything, the reason for any invalidation in any of our scores was DE's error.


I get it, DE left a loop hole in the game...


(if you didn't use that "no enemy spawn loop hole" you should have not been set back)


Let me explain it this way.


1 person exceeds the enemy spawn level..(however he/she did it) now agree with me that there were many exploits that were found and patched during this event?


Naming: Nyx, Prova, Alt-Tab


1 Loop Hole: Enemy spawn cap.


I will agree with you that there are very dedicated and hardcore players that did grind their asses off for those scores.


Now taken the knowledge of the exploits, and that one loop hole...


Looking at the loop hole and its effects on you...


1.) it increases your score to an infinite level. This is achieved through hard grind


2.) It raises your score on the leaderboards. You gain recognition for being so hardcore.


Now lets think about the collateral damage of using exploits and the loop hole


If you have friends in the clan that you didn't share this information with and used any of the aforementioned methods...and then you helped them at all...you have artificially boosted their score with contribution to 1 of those things we talked about.


If that person then helps anyone else out..they too have artificially boosted someones score as a result of having you help them.




But that is the problem at its core.


The only way to completely cleanse this disease from our leader boards is to rub the lotion on its skin.


Sometimes the deeds of the guilty, effect the innocent and they never feel it. Just like my girlfriend tells me.

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