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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Guest Shibboleet

Aaaand there's the question of the day! No one knows.

Correction: People who haven't actually read any of the threads do not know.

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What I don't get is why people who weren't even competing, or planning on competing, calling out the grinders for grinding. There should be a requirement to have had more than 20k stink to even say anything about the change.


What I don't get is how the hardcore players aren't demanding that the scores of everyone who had a score of over 405 be reduced to zero, along with the scores of everyone else in that person's clan, regardless of score.


Since it's clear they intended to run each member with zero through an empty mission once to get a 405+ score so they could inflate their score by strolling through an empty park without having ever run the actual mission.

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Seriously, when you ran a few and realized that no enemies were spawning after they capped at level 10k what did you think?, oh this means i can run up as much score as i can with zero risk, or did you think, this isn't right, its not working like its supposed to, im gonna stop, they've already reset peoples points for exploiting, its not worth it, ill watch and see if they fix it


it doesn't take a 300 IQ to realize that it isn't working right, and your taking advantage of a flaw in the game(admittedly a reported flaw) to pad your stats with an exploit

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Guest Shibboleet

What I don't get is how the hardcore players aren't demanding that the scores of everyone who had a score of over 405 be reduced to zero, along with the scores of everyone else in that person's clan, regardless of score.


Since it's clear they intended to run each member with zero through an empty mission once to get a 405+ score so they could inflate their score by strolling through an empty park without having ever run the actual mission.

Yea, I don't think you know how the boost system worked, but I'll inform you. There are breakpoints on how the boost system works. If you are at 0 points, you will get a score of 30-40 points. If you are at 500 points, you will get to around 120ish. If you get 5000 points you can be boosted to about 300.


Not saying that it was hard to gain around 30k points to get to 405, but it did require more effort than most. Also keep in mind that the players that we tested this with were well above 60k total points, thus boosting the boost.

Edited by Shibboleet
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When I looked at the leader boards Sunday, I knew this was going to be a problem...


DE has added a posh trophy room to the Dojos... This, unfortunately, serves a purpose for around 50 clans in the game total.


This competition being so fierce to attain one of the trophies can't possibly come as a surprise to anyone.


DE is going to have to come up with some different criterion for rewarding trophies.


The "There Can Be Only One" methodology isn't working.

I was about to come say something to this effect, mine is a little more specific. Time to end event leader boards all together. The element of competition will still be present with the new dark sector conflicts. Exploits have happened in the last three events in the name of coming out on top and it's just not worth the time or effort on anyone's parts to continue down this road. Want to award trophies? Make it like event reward and scale it to the size of the clan. None of this i dont have a chance because my clan has 3 or my clan members have lives. This special snowflake nonsense doesn't make for good people.

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I was about to come say something to this effect, mine is a little more specific. Time to end event leader boards all together. The element of competition will still be present with the new dark sector conflicts. Exploits have happened in the last three events in the name of coming out on top and it's just not worth the time or effort on anyone's parts to continue down this road. Want to award trophies? Make it like event reward and scale it to the size of the clan. None of this i dont have a chance because my clan has 3 or my clan members have lives. This special snowflake nonsense doesn't make for good people.

Good point. Have 5 tiers, and have the tiers demarcated by a different prize. Event banner, plaque, bronze, silver, gold.
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the real exploit was bringing players with zero points up to that of the host in one run basically advancing anyone who wanted to help grine leaderboard pts up to snuff instantly. the first run. also.. nyx could handle the event either way. let enemies do your dmg for you. first time ive seen nyx scale so perfectly. absorb ftw

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^He's correct here. I like to compete but if I look at scores and see I am getting crushed I'll just go have fun goofing about and not get serious about trying to catch up with someone out of reach. And a lot of people get discouraged.

As an aside this game isn't meant to go to level 9999, so why would they be too concerned about fixing that bug. I am just curious how people even survive against enemies of that level other than hiding behind some seriously meta cheap tactics that involve very little skill.

Very careful dodging. You can solo 9999 runs if you're just very diligent and willing to spend some time dodging / drawing enemies in, hence : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/252147-unmodded-ash-vs-l9999/

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So why exactly should they be allowed to grind even faster for no reason whatsoever?  Also, there are multiple Tiers and Tenn OS, EGT and warbros are not the only clans in the game.  And why shouldn't DE roll back the points like they've done with every other event exploit?  Because it makes you sad?

I agree with this.

I don't see why people still have a problem with the point slashing.

It should generally be expected.

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I've learned from BLR that you don't argue with aggh. He will grind you harder than all of the people who did the 48 hour grind. He is not man nor machine. He will not stop he does not feel remorse he will relent until you scream at the top of your lungs "aggggggghhhhh!"

And that's why I love you aggh.

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It's not an intended part of the competition and completely changes the nature of how the competition functions.  Same goes for the enemies not spawning.




Because it provides an advantage to people who started earlier or grinded more early on, rather than rewarding their effort for the whole of the event, it disproportionalty rewards their effort early on in direct contraction to how the event was supposed to function (ie have increasing difficulty) .  I'd also ask that you remember that this event is occurring in limited time frame.


I'm confused...how is something an advantage if everyone can do it.....its the same excuse everyone that wasn't a founder and wants the founder items have been using but people come out in mass and say no it isn't an advantage and here it is an advantage in this context?  Talk about a double standard >.<


EDIT: Clarification:  By double standard I mean that the non founder group wants the old exclusive stuff and the founder group says they were there first and put in the time during closed beta/alpha and deserve to keep those.  Well those players that had their scores slashed put in the man hours and effort that everyone else was capable of....soooo double standard.


It is no one's fault but DE's for giving us another massively buggy event that has plagued this game from the start as every event has been bugged in scoring since day one.  This is just another glaringly obvious example of DE's incompetence when it comes to testing/debugging their coding prior to implementation.  Punishing players for doing only what they were told to do (run the event with continuously increasing score and difficulty) is stupid.  Sorry but DE is becoming a great example for other companies of WHAT NOT TO DO when it comes to game design and management.  

Edited by Zaresin
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The infested are getting some love now so we will probably see some (more) new units. The old running up and punching you trick isn't working lol.


Till DE nerfs them again like they removed the Toxic cloud upon death from the toxic ancients because people whined.  

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Just because it's their goof doesn't mean they are going to let it go. It's not fair for people to get points when there are no enemies in the bloody mission. If you had two licks of common sense you would realize that you came across a glitch and the points from that would not be counted.


If you lost ALL of your points then that is wrong. You should only lose the points that you gained when farming the bugged runs if possible.


Occurrences like these are nothing new.

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Just because it's their goof doesn't mean they are going to let it go. It's not fair for people to get points when there are no enemies in the bloody mission. If you had two licks of common sense you would realize that you came across a glitch and the points from that would not be counted.


If you lost ALL of your points then that is wrong. You should only lose the points that you gained when farming the bugged runs if possible.


Occurrences like these are nothing new.


Unfortunately that is very true in all events DE has ran.  For a game that is over two years old, we as players expect to not be having these amateurish mistakes happening in game implementation.  But then again, what can we expect from the people who gave us that travesty of a Star Trek game.  

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I'm confused...how is something an advantage if everyone can do it.....its the same excuse everyone that wasn't a founder and wants the founder items have been using but people come out in mass and say no it isn't an advantage and here it is an advantage in this context?  Talk about a double standard >.<

And what if another clan starts playing a bit later?  It compounds the time advantage that clans that started early or played longer have in a manner that they don't really need to compete.  Even worse, since players can just taxi their clan mates to that difficulty, it creates a situation where large groups of players can just breeze through the event without really playing it as it was supposed to be played.

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And what if another clan starts playing a bit later?  It compounds the time advantage that clans that started early or played longer have in a manner that they don't really need to compete.  Even worse, since players can just taxi their clan mates to that difficulty, it creates a situation where large groups of players can just breeze through the event without really playing it as it was supposed to be played.


They know when the event started, it only becomes an advantage when no clan or individual can reach the top scores no matter the effort.  The same amount of effort must be done regardless.  And to be honest, if the event was not ready, then why was it pushed out?  That shows more incompetence on DE's part rather than maliciousness on the players part.  Players are dealing with the hand dealt them it just happens to be buggy to all hell.  Something that is becoming more common place rather than a rarity.  

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And what if another clan starts playing a bit later?  It compounds the time advantage that clans that started early or played longer have in a manner that they don't really need to compete.  Even worse, since players can just taxi their clan mates to that difficulty, it creates a situation where large groups of players can just breeze through the event without really playing it as it was supposed to be played.


To be brutally honest, that is like saying a runner showing up late to a race should get started half way through the race or the people in the front should have to start from the beginning again because people weren't on time even though we had an extra day to get ready for the event (came out on a thursday not a wednesday).  

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To be brutally honest, that is like saying a runner showing up late to a race should get started half way through the race or the people in the front should have to start from the beginning again because people weren't on time even though we had an extra day to get ready for the event (came out on a thursday not a wednesday).  

They already have the advantage of playing longer.  They don't need a boost that widens the gap and limits the number of clans that can effectively compete.

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They already have the advantage of playing longer.  They don't need a boost that widens the gap and limits the number of clans that can effectively compete.


Think you misread my post.  Might want to reread that.

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I was just arrested for stealing from a federal bank, and I demand reparations.


You see, the vault was wide open! That was the staff's fault, not mine! Anybody in the room could have walked in!


How was I supposed to know I wasn't meant to take the money sitting right in front of me? And then they arrest me for their mistakes?


How dare they?!

Edited by Ionus
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