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If Snipers And Shotguns Were To Be Buffed, How?

Guest khk6

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Give all snipers and bows varying degree of punch through and allow us to see enemies through walls similar to when using codex scanner, this would let snipers kill enemies that are hiding behind cover.

With a rifle or shotgun you have higher DPS, with a sniper rifle you have tactical advantage.

"Tactical' advantages are meaningless in games with scaling enemies.  Damage is always king.  Better weak spot damage (maybe better weak spot crit chance as well) is easily the best suggestion thus far.

Edited by Aggh
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-Remove damage fall-off

-A critical/status chance bonus at point blank range would be nice




-Instead of the x4 damage multiplier being tied to crits, it should be an innate and unique feature of sniper rifles

-Give us enemies that actually warrant the use of high DPH weapons




-(Finally) balance weapon damage so that automatic rifles aren't always the optimal choice

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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snipers right now are pretty powerful enough, instead of buffing it how about increase its Stealth? Like adding a thermal imaging mod so when you use scope it hightlight exposed weakness.(kinda like banshee's sonar but weaker, and only work when you use scope) Or XRay mod that allow you to see behind walls/objects when using scope, so you can kill enemy before they can see you. Or as mentioned above a Super puncture mod that is like +4 puncture.

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-Scope has several zoom in ratios. Use mouse scroll to zoom in or zoom out.

-Equipping Eagle Eye or Hawk Eye gives you additional zoom in ratios(Also works on other guns). This should make these mods a little more useful.

-Extra damage or effect on weak spot that can be effected by mods. The extra damage should be really high(It won't make snipers OP cause aiming at weak spot requires skills).

-Change Lanka into a hit scan weapon.

-That horrible 4 seconds reload time on Vulkar needs to be lowered.



-Sobek, Hek , Trigis and Strun need faster reload speed.

Edited by yles9056
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I only care about Lanka.


Instead of using a LINE to determine which enemies to be hit,



|_|||____________|= -------------------------------------------------------------------->   O

  |||                                                                                                                       X

        lanka                                                                                                      enemy



Change it to CYLINDER,



|_|||____________|= (      -------               ----------          -------------                  )  O

  |||                               ------------------------------------------------------------------      X

        lanka                                                                                                        enemy





Laser Beam!!!

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I only care about Lanka.


Instead of using a LINE to determine which enemies to be hit,



|_|||____________|= -------------------------------------------------------------------->   O

  |||                                                                                                                       X

        lanka                                                                                                      enemy



Change it to CYLINDER,



|_|||____________|= (      -------               ----------          -------------                  )  O

  |||                               ------------------------------------------------------------------      X

        lanka                                                                                                        enemy





Laser Beam!!!

thats not a sniper that is a cannon...

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I only care about Lanka.


Instead of using a LINE to determine which enemies to be hit,



|_|||____________|= -------------------------------------------------------------------->   O

  |||                                                                                                                       X

        lanka                                                                                                      enemy



Change it to CYLINDER,



|_|||____________|= (      -------               ----------          -------------                  )  O

  |||                               ------------------------------------------------------------------      X

        lanka                                                                                                        enemy





Laser Beam!!!

I already enjoy the Lanka. This would just increase the pleasure. (For her)

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Snipers should just be removed.


There is no reason for them at all whatsoever because of the amount of enemies this game throws at you.


In order to make a sniper rifle work in this game, it'd have to be changed so much that it isn't a sniper rifle anymore.


The only way I can even see these weapons being relevant is an actual new mode with enemies you can't possibly get to in time before they hurt you, like on some kinda turret way up on a wall you cant get to without wasting huge amounts of time.


But then, that forces everyone to use sniper rifles for that mode, so you can't do that.


Remove them imo. No one will ever use them and be a credit to team with them.


inb4 some founders chime in and push me aside and push their glasses up and spew calculations and BACK IN MY DAY garbage


I don't care what they did back then, they are worthless NOW.

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Snipers should just be removed.


There is no reason for them at all whatsoever because of the amount of enemies this game throws at you.


In order to make a sniper rifle work in this game, it'd have to be changed so much that it isn't a sniper rifle anymore.


The only way I can even see these weapons being relevant is an actual new mode with enemies you can't possibly get to in time before they hurt you, like on some kinda turret way up on a wall you cant get to without wasting huge amounts of time.


But then, that forces everyone to use sniper rifles for that mode, so you can't do that.


Remove them imo. No one will ever use them and be a credit to team with them.


inb4 some founders chime in and push me aside and push their glasses up and spew calculations and BACK IN MY DAY garbage


I don't care what they did back then, they are worthless NOW.

Okay, cool. Just take away the Forma/Time/Catalyst I put into a weapon and throw it out, who needs it.


I would say *they* work fine, but it's only really the Lanka & Vectis. (Volt + Lanka can tear S#&$ up) Also, solo play snipers y'know. 

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Okay, cool. Just take away the Forma/Time/Catalyst I put into a weapon and throw it out, who needs it.


I would say *they* work fine, but it's only really the Lanka & Vectis. (Volt + Lanka can tear S#&$ up) Also, solo play snipers y'know. 


Haha you forma'd/potato'd a sniper.


Made me laugh, thank you.

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Shotguns, either remove damage fall-off or increase damage significantly and in a select few cases, both. Also double the ammo capacity. No point in using something that's outclassed by every rifle and most secondaries in ammo efficiency and damage.


Snipers... I honestly think they're not that bad in premade groups as long as it's only one guy using a sniper, and he knows to target the big guys while everyone else drops the small ones, however they do lack a little something....


Significant increase to accuracy for starters, Latron Prime is more accurate and about half the barrel length.. :P


Innate finisher damage? Would make them kings of dropping large targets with high armor or shields.

Super status weapons? Could allow for AoE status builds, or higher single target damage

X-ray scopes? Meh


Would be redundant to give them punchthrough because Lanka and Bows are already punchthrough kings.


I don't know, whatever it is it needs to be enough to make running at least one sniper in the group a little more worth-while.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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Reduce shotgun damage falloff slightly, add some mods that reduce falloff damage.  Also add mods that tighten spread as well, maybe attach damage boosts to them as well so they dont lose out to elemental damage mods.


Snipers just need to lose the scopes, Warframe doesn't need sniping because there's no super long distances.  Also innate punch through would help them tremendously.  Maybe give them super high status chance too.

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Damage Fall-Off doesn't make sense to me when Elemental Mods are involved.


If we think about shotguns in terms of, like, Incendiary Shot's real world equivalent is sorta like Phosphorous rounds, yeah?  Do they burn less hot the farther they go?


I mean, before their travel would terminate naturally.  A general rule with ballistics is if you drop a bullet from the same height as that which you would shoot it, that's very close to how long it takes before the shot bullet hits the ground; it just travels faster and farther, and bullets may travel a smidge longer due to rifling and other aerodynamic witchcraft.  In a game, we're using distances where that relationship with gravity is simplified; we don't tend to see Bullet Drop at all except for in games that pretend they're realistic, and then the bullet drop tends to be massively exaggerated.


The reason I mention this is that, using the Phosphorous rounds example, just drop something to the floor.  Whatever's handy.  (Well, maybe not your tables or phones).  That amount of time it took to hit the floor?  Phosphorous rounds in reality don't burn up that fast, and Warframe's analogues in Elemental Damage modifiers shouldn't either.  Maybe apply damage fall-off to the physical stats, but maintain the before-fall-off elemental damage.


I get that shotguns are tricky to balance in games, but sometimes the simplest answer is the easiest; don't mess with the mechanics of the gun too much at all.  If we use the shotguns in the intended range, more of the shot will land and we'll get greater damage.  If we use the shotguns outside the intended range, the spread will land very little of the shot, and we'll do less damage.  That should be sufficient.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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Shotguns = Damage fall-off is now only 50% of base damage after the "effective" range instead of the current -9999% base damage. Status chance is calculated per-pellet instead of per-shot, and overall status chance of shotguns might need slight reduction to compensate. Currently a "100%" status chance shotgun will have its actual status chance divided among its pellet count, so a shotty with a 4 pellet count will have 25% status per pellet instead of the false 100% the UI tells you to believe.


Snipers = All snipers gain innate environmental 1.5m punch through. In addition to this, any overkill damage on a target will cause the bullet to pass through the corpse and "dispense" the overkill damage to any enemy behind the initial target. The bullet will continue to travel/punch-through until all of its remaining "overkill" damage has been used up.


Snipers also need a crit chance buff to at least allow them a 100% crit chance with a maxed Point Strike.

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Damage Fall-Off doesn't make sense to me when Elemental Mods are involved.


If we think about shotguns in terms of, like, Incendiary Shot's real world equivalent is sorta like Phosphorous rounds, yeah?  Do they burn less hot the farther they go?


I mean, before their travel would terminate naturally.  A general rule with ballistics is if you drop a bullet from the same height as that which you would shoot it, that's very close to how long it takes before the shot bullet hits the ground; it just travels faster and farther, and bullets may travel a smidge longer due to rifling and other aerodynamic witchcraft.  In a game, we're using distances where that relationship with gravity is simplified; we don't tend to see Bullet Drop at all except for in games that pretend they're realistic, and then the bullet drop tends to be massively exaggerated.


The reason I mention this is that, using the Phosphorous rounds example, just drop something to the floor.  Whatever's handy.  (Well, maybe not your tables or phones).  That amount of time it took to hit the floor?  Phosphorous rounds in reality don't burn up that fast, and Warframe's analogues in Elemental Damage modifiers shouldn't either.  Maybe apply damage fall-off to the physical stats, but maintain the before-fall-off elemental damage.


I get that shotguns are tricky to balance in games, but sometimes the simplest answer is the easiest; don't mess with the mechanics of the gun too much at all.  If we use the shotguns in the intended range, more of the shot will land and we'll get greater damage.  If we use the shotguns outside the intended range, the spread will land very little of the shot, and we'll do less damage.  That should be sufficient.

I can answer this in a few. Pellet size in shot gun shells. E =MC^2; where E is energy, M is mass, and C is speed. Phosphorous rounds burn up and thus reducing mass. now i'm pretty sure anyone can figure out what i'm trying to say at this point.

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Do you suppose half of their mass burns off suddenly once they've hit an arbitrarily assigned fall-off range?  :D



Who knows what Warframe ammunition is made of, anyway.  Incendiary Shot might be depleted uranium with an oxidation booster.  


Anyway, point is, it's not burning off and losing mass at a rate fast enough to be all that relevant.


And this is one elemental damage type out of, what, eight?  If we guess that Electrical rounds have a battery component, corrosive, toxin, and cryo rounds have a relevant payload, radiation rounds are like medical-grade cobalt isotopes at least...



Yeah, Incendiary Phosphorous rounds were the weakest example I went with, ya know?  :D

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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I've potatoed and formaed my Vectis just because, and went with it on my make belief sniper missions - Solo Exterminate. My mission involve stealth approach, so to compliments this I propose something along this line for sniper rifles.

1. A silencer upgrade that doesn't involve a mod.

2. A unique mod to sniper weapon that grant a degree of stealth trough camouflage. Or even better, said sniper weapon have a camo aura that's get better with weapon rank.

3. An add on device that can trigger doors to open so we can take a peak and shoot targets behind it.

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Do you suppose half of their mass burns off suddenly once they've hit an arbitrarily assigned fall-off range?  :D

Just a number I pulled for balance purposes. If you wanted a slightly more realistic alternative, I can only really recommend the damage falls off linearly (ie. at 50 meters you do 0%, 25 meters you do 50%, and at <=12.5 meters you do 100% damage).


Obviously real life shotties are capable of much longer ranges (or so I've heard) but it's just a suggestion.

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anyone that have fired a shotgun in real life would know it doesn't matter how far away the target is. If you get hit by a shot gun its just nasty. Damage fall off from pellets? meh i dont know, but damage decreased because of spread is more reasonable. Great way to balance shot gun in game is just to keep damage and increase spread.

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Snipers need increased crit chance. It's silly that that even with critical delay an assault rifle has more crit chance than them. 



My drakgoon and brakk would like to have a word with you

Brakk isn't a shotgun, its a sidearm that happens to shoot more than one bullet at a time. It also happens to benefit from the massively better multishot mods for sidearms. 

Edited by zephyrdragoon
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