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perhaps, but it must be remembered that the first sign of technocyte was on Earth in Dark Sector. now perhaps that creature(said to be very old) was a void creature, it may or may not fit. but then, that spawns the question: where did the technocyte in Dark Sector come from?


somehow, i have a feeling that the Sentients are tied in somehow, because they have a unique attribute in which they can manipulate technology..imo, the technocyte, a supposed living metal, IS technology...somehow, it seems to be the only thing that the Sentients cant seem to manipulate. yet the technocyte, seeing what it is capable of, had to be engineered by someone or something. if the original technocyte did come from the void, then something else, who mustve created it, must've been in the void before the Tenno showed up.


but if that were true, wouldnt it be odd that there isnt any signs of native technocyte in the void?


The big white trees in void tilesets have been speculated to be "pure" technocyte, and it's also possible that tecnocyte can't come in the towers due to shields/magic/whatever


Based off the lore that says the tenno came back from the void with an "affliction", I'd assume there's technocyte there somehow.

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true, but i always thought of it in the sense of having cancer or being exposed to alot of radiation


My theory is that since technocyte is totally alien in nature and like no other naturally occurring infection, the void is the most logical place of origin for it.

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Just a personal theory. It does things no "natural" virus can do, the tenno have it (in some form) and are said to have gotten their affliction in the void, and the void is described as a "hellspace" which science and reason can't explain. Put all those together and it seems like technocyte is probably from the void.

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@ Teqnologyque ... great thread - congrats!


If I get your original premise correctly, the Tenno are:

1. Autonomous - not subject to Orokin control

2. Self directed - able to choose their own "ethic" 

3. Fanatical - do not conform to established notions of tolerance, mercy - willing to slaughter for higher principles 

4. Unidimensional - unable to think outside their own "box" and apply force consistently and uniformly to any problem of "imbalance"


In short, the Tenno are a futuristic form of Shiva ... the God of Death and Recreation



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@ Teqnologyque ... great thread - congrats!


If I get your original premise correctly, the Tenno are:

1. Autonomous - not subject to Orokin control

2. Self directed - able to choose their own "ethic" 

3. Fanatical - do not conform to established notions of tolerance, mercy - willing to slaughter for higher principles 

4. Unidimensional - unable to think outside their own "box" and apply force consistently and uniformly to any problem of "imbalance"


In short, the Tenno are a futuristic form of Shiva ... the God of Death and Recreation

That's my thought, yeah. It makes sense in my mind at least. I dunno, maybe I'm just crazy. That's part of the reason I made the thread, to discuss this and see if we, the community, can piece together the truth, bit by bit.


Who knows, we might even give the Devs some ideas if they ever get writer's block themselves, eh'?

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4. Unidimensional - unable to think outside their own "box" and apply force consistently and uniformly to any problem of "imbalance"



Hmm I would say that the are currently, functionally that way. But not permanently so.


IMHO the whole "maintaining balance" is a choice stemming for the desire not to rule, not to become the next Orokin.

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Let's see if any of this sticks ...


1. The Warframed Tenno was the equivalent to the Manhattan Project - a risky long shot using unproven science, even unprovable for the Void perplexed Orokin

Remember, there were bets whether the Earth's atmosphere would burn away with the first Trinity test ...


2. Like Uranium-238, the Void-exposed (treated?) Tenno would be a dangerous raw material - unfit for exposure to the general population

Thus, the Tenno are "rumors and phantoms" ...


3. The Tenno - at least some of them - were children

Again, human history parallel with Nazi Germany conscripting adolescents and another reason to keep the "Tenno Project" top secret from the average Orokinner (Orokinese?  Orokinder?)


4. Orokin culture is elegant and refined - at least judged by their architecture

Even a spoon would look like a museum piece ...


5. Therefore, the final Orokin superweapon - the Void exposed/Technocyte grafted/Warframed Tenno would be BEAUTIFUL DEATH INCARNATE

The "bling" on PrimeFrames would be like the nose art on the Enola Gay and the Tenno "code" would be the motivational inspiration for child-soldiers to become self-immolating implacable warriors


So ...


1. There is no compelling reason to believe that the Orokin KNEW that the Tenno were going to WIN the war

2. No irrefutable reason to conclude that the Orokin EXPECTED the Tenno were going to RETURN from the war


Thus ...

By winning AND surviving it is possible that the Orokin had a BIG problem on their hands ... the returning "heroes"

And that the Tenno THEMSELVES had a BIG problem on their hands ... what does a living weapon do after it is no longer NEEDED?


Last question ...

The Tenno were created for only ONE THING - destroy or defeat the Sentients

Does that mean the Tenno were MADE to be LOYAL to the Orokin?

If it does, then what does it mean to the Tenno who lived after the fall of the Orokin that they "broke their code"?

Edited by ElHefe
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^ very well put together. And very good questions.

I like to add another one. I wonder when, why and by whom the Void bastions were built.

And for whom as well.

And the Neural Sentry AI, could it be sentient as well?

If so, could Orokin still hide there, perhaps in "digitized" form like the capture targets?

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@ arch111 ... Great post!  The questions you raise about the Void towers was EXACTLY where I was going to go with this line of inquiry about the "Prime"


First, I like your description of the towers as being "bastions" ...

1. It connotes that they served some type of defensive function - like wartime BUNKERS

2. The towers seem to "stockpile" a lot of Orokin technology and resoures

3. The towers are not in "real space" by the Void, which according to MagPrime's codex was a "hellspace" - hardly the place you would take the kids to on family vacation

4. The towers are heavily fortified, just like the derelict Orokin ships - so the towers are NOT vacation resorts (although they may have been well protected get aways for the Orokin elite/Royals)


Second, regarding WHO built the Void Bastions ...

1. While the Warframe Wiki labels them as "Orokin Towers" strictly speaking that only denotes OWNERSHIP or recent "control", not construction

2. However, given the striking similarity of construction between the towers in the Void and derelict ships in "real space", it is very reasonable to INFER that the Towers were of Orokin make

3. On the other hand, just because something is MADE doesn't mean that that it was originally DESIGNED ... the towers and the ships could be Orokin "knock-offs" of some other race's/group's design


Third, regarding WHEN the Void Bastions were built ...

1. No way of knowing BUT - if it was BEFORE the Orokin-Sentient War then it was in PREPARATION for SOME TYPE of crisis - be it an external conflict or an internal one (i.e. the Orokin were always looking over their shoulder because of their desire to hold on to power while as the same time not completely assured that they could or that they were morally entitled to that power)

2. If they were built AFTER the onset of the Orokin-Sentient War, then maybe they were the medical prisons where the Orokin could conduct military experiments to advance their Tenno design


Fourth, regarding WHY the Void Bastions were built ...

1. Storage depots

2. Personnel bunkers

3. Advanced defensive positions

4. Tenno factories/warehouses/training camps

5. Tenno base of operations against the Sentients

6. Orokin command centers - either central command or field command - to coordinate the war effort

7. Old discotheques converted into storage sheds


Fifth, regarding the Neural Sentry being a Sentient sleeper ... I like it!

I think ANYTHING is possible for those clever bastards

I see the Sentients as enlightened cosmic cockroaches - smart as hell and know it, hard as hell to get rid of them completely and they hide everywhere


Last point:  could the Orokin also be in hinding?  Would make for a interesting twist to the story so far ...

Could they be in a nonphysical state?  Anything is possible, depends how much the people at DE like homages (Matrix), BUT given the fact that the Tenno are stored physically, I would guess that the Orokin are not "digitalized"


Edit:  spelling

Edited by ElHefe
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All interesting stuff.


I personally think the Orokin towers ARE the Orokin ships--the ones that escaped infestation by warping into the void. They remind me of L.E. Modesitt's Tower ships from the Recluse Saga...they remind me of them a LOT.


Also, we don't have a timeline for what actually occurred in the Great War. We know the Orokin were playing footsie with the technocyte virus and we know they had access to the void before the war started. I still maintain that the infestation was unleashed by the Orokin while they were searching for a weapon to combat the Sentients. This backfired on them and they were forced to fight a two front war. This means towers as bunkers and/or a rear echelon for industry, command and control, or whatever military necessity makes a lot of sense.


We know the tenno have a connection to the void. We know they are technocyte "hosts", for lack of a better term. Other than that, we don't know much. They were the Orokins' ultimate weapon that turned in their hands, but we still don't have a "why".

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Last point:  could the Orokin also be in hinding?  Would make for a interesting twist to the story so far ...

Could they be in a nonphysical state?  Anything is possible, depends how much the people at DE like homages (Matrix), BUT given the fact that the Tenno are stored physically, I would guess that the Orokin are not "digitalized"


Someone in another thread brought up a really cool point for the orokin:


Perhaps the last few orokin are lost, hiding deep within the void. For all their know-how they never truly understood the void, and now they're lost there, stuck in their final defensive emplacements forever.

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I believe that the Void Towers // Neural Sentry are actually a sort of prison complex. Think about it; People go to the towers, and they're trapped by the corrupted. When they get killed, they become corrupted. It's a self-guarding prison. Seriously, look at some of the rooms. They look way to comfortable to be dedicated military installations.


Lemme break it down for you:


If the towers are a prison complex (Most likely, in my opinion) then their set-up is to literally tease potential treasure hunters and thieves (The kind of people the Orokin would have hated) with the possibility of a big find, only to lock them into a brutal gauntlet of laser traps, powerful and accurate turrets, and other corrupted.
If the Treasure Hunters don't make it, die before they get to the treasure, then they become another part of the security system, doomed to shamble about the ivory halls until another intruder stumbles in. If they do get to the Treasure, then they still have to make it back out. And that would certainly be a harrowing experience for anything that isn't Tenno.


Another way I look at it, actually, is that; they were hideaways for the influential elite, as ElHefe pointed out, somewhere they could hide where the Sentients would be taking just as much, if not more, of a risk trying to get to them. The kind of fortified bunker that Bill Gates would have. Y'know, Stocked liquour cabinet, Cherry-wood wall paneling, and fancy leather recliners. There's a few tiles, actually, in the Void set that include comfortable looking couches and tables that are clearly meant to have people sitting at them.


No matter how it's spun, I can't believe that the towers are anything other than those two possibilities, perhaps both at the same time. They don't look like dedicated military installations, they don't look like labs. They look like nice places to live.

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The biggest question I have for Warframe is whether or not the tenno are individuals, lemmie explain. We have regular Frames, Frost, Ember, loki etc. But then we get the primes, no my question is are these primes the same people as their none prime counterparts or are they the same person? Are Tenno capable of leaving the warframes? The grineer can't remove us because they always end up killing us before successful extraction, Valkyr almost died when Alad tried to take her out. Are they permanent life support systems? Then you have multiple frames running around, Three nova's and a loki for instance. So if that's true are the frames themselves like cars? Frost is a Toyota, Loki is dodge? (I'm not good with cars) And we pop in like it's a car, exchangeable suits like Iron man, but how would that work? After all we have Valkyr who seems pretty stuck in that suit, and we have to remember that anyone who jumps in has to fit the dimensions of the suit, last I checked Rhino and loki don't match... Lastly, the Gradivus dilemma, thousands of tenno were at stake and we saved them, what happened to them? Were they individual suits that now run around without us knowing? (Devs are limited, I know) Did they all conform to the Rhino Loki question? What happened to these supposed "Thousands"?

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I believe that the Void Towers // Neural Sentry are actually a sort of prison complex. Think about it; People go to the towers, and they're trapped by the corrupted. When they get killed, they become corrupted. It's a self-guarding prison. Seriously, look at some of the rooms. They look way to comfortable to be dedicated military installations.


Lemme break it down for you:


If the towers are a prison complex (Most likely, in my opinion) then their set-up is to literally tease potential treasure hunters and thieves (The kind of people the Orokin would have hated) with the possibility of a big find, only to lock them into a brutal gauntlet of laser traps, powerful and accurate turrets, and other corrupted.

If the Treasure Hunters don't make it, die before they get to the treasure, then they become another part of the security system, doomed to shamble about the ivory halls until another intruder stumbles in. If they do get to the Treasure, then they still have to make it back out. And that would certainly be a harrowing experience for anything that isn't Tenno.


Another way I look at it, actually, is that; they were hideaways for the influential elite, as ElHefe pointed out, somewhere they could hide where the Sentients would be taking just as much, if not more, of a risk trying to get to them. The kind of fortified bunker that Bill Gates would have. Y'know, Stocked liquour cabinet, Cherry-wood wall paneling, and fancy leather recliners. There's a few tiles, actually, in the Void set that include comfortable looking couches and tables that are clearly meant to have people sitting at them.


No matter how it's spun, I can't believe that the towers are anything other than those two possibilities, perhaps both at the same time. They don't look like dedicated military installations, they don't look like labs. They look like nice places to live.


It doesn't have to be a prison to have some sort of security.

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No matter how it's spun, I can't believe that the towers are anything other than those two possibilities, perhaps both at the same time. They don't look like dedicated military installations, they don't look like labs. They look like nice places to live.


I couldn't agree more. There are a few tiles which don't look like this, but as a whole most of the tiles look like civilian rooms with heavy security. It doesn't give off a prison vibe, but an escape bunker isn't out of the question.

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I couldn't agree more. There are a few tiles which don't look like this, but as a whole most of the tiles look like civilian rooms with heavy security. It doesn't give off a prison vibe, but an escape bunker isn't out of the question.


If you pay attention to the place, you can see the Tenno symbol over some doors. The Tenno were in this place, and chances are, these towers are where the Tenno were trained and where their Warframes were built.






This room.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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If you pay attention to the place, you can see the Tenno symbol over some doors. The Tenno were in this place, and chances are, these towers are where the Tenno were trained and where their Warframes were built.


That seems logical as well. We know the tenno were created in the void, so a void tower is probably where they were sent to be exposed to the void/technocyte/whatever


The majority of the rooms just seem to give off a civilian vibe, none of them look like a place where you'd conduct research or train soldiers.

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Printscreen only copies to your clipboard. You have to use the in-game screenshot button, which goes in your Pictures\Warframe folder, at least that's where mine go. In-game screenshot button should be F6.


And this is where the Tenno symbol used to be. For some reason, DE removed it from here. It was originally right over the door:




It filled up that empty white space there.

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And this is where the Tenno symbol used to be. For some reason, DE removed it from here. It was originally right over the door:


It filled up that empty white space there.


Yeah, I think I remember seeing it up there. I'll try and go look for it.

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