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How To Prevent Rushing (With No Nerfing Or Annoyances)


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There have been numerous discussions on these forums regarding "rushers" (people who rush through missions). Some suggest blacklists that would let people opt out of being grouped with known rushers. Some suggest make frames slower (which was the likely reason for the discontinuation of stats on helmets - removing Vanguard Rhinos). Some suggestions included more obstacles in missions which led to garbage like broken lights (now arc traps) and magnetic field traps which deplete shields and energy.

Discontinuation of stats on helmets and extra obstacles have already been implemented. They have done nearly nothing to stop rushers, yet these changes have only served to annoy players. When the broken light traps were first implemented, they were much more problematic for new players than rushers.

The fundamental problem with the current anti-rushing features is that they have never addressed the fundamental reason for rushing: In Warframe, the vast majority of the rewards are handed out at the end of a mission. Containers and lockers in missions have very few rewards compared to mission completion. Therefore, adding obstacles or slowing frames down only causes rushers to find alternate ways to rush while severely impeding inexperienced players. Currently, there is little reason to not rush through missions due to gross lack of rewards.

Over the last 6 months, Warframe has been lackluster in quality, balance, updates, and content. Meanwhile I had been playing Mass Effect. And something I noticed about Mass Effect: There is no reason to rush. Rush through missions? Miss out on upgrades and equipment, lose out on experience and level-ups. On Mass Effect 2, it's very important to look through every corner of the map and scan every upgrade, or you may never be able to get maxed gear.

The point? Warframe needs to have something similar. Instead of nerfs and obstacles, make lockers and containers actually have good items. No more crap where lockers drop 20 credits and 100 nano spores. No more containers with only an affinity orb and 10 credits.

There have been numerous complaints about mods that are too rare because they drop from rare enemies (Fever Strike, Contagious Spread, some stance mods, etc). One solution is to make these mods drop from containers and lockers. Perhaps containers and lockers should also drop tokens that can be exchanged for void keys, prime parts, or forma. Containers and lockers need to drop more rare materials more frequently.

This would encourage people to open every locker and container in the map - because the rushers would just be missing out for a relatively small reward at the end of a mission.

tl;dr; increase rewards for not rushing instead of nerfing rushing.

Edited by DivisionByZero
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I still open a locker here and there before going "wait-what am I doing?" then go back to running through the mission. The nostalgic feeling of being a lowbie and thinking loot containers actually had loot that mattered.....*sigh*


+ all of my 1's.


Well if you rush you already arnt killing all the enemys and getting more mods soo


Which you wouldn't really do anyway because defense missions are 100 times better at farming exp AND mods.

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I actually thought they dealt with this very well, by creating a whole host of missions that are impossible to rush by their very nature.  What's really left that you even can rush?  Assassinate and capture?


And sabotage, spy and deception. That's 5 game modes where there is nearly nothing of value between start and finish.

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Personaly I like to opening lockers and loot stuff, but that work in solo or private or with similar persons presense. The amount of loot is low because of RNG so sometimes better to rush than loot but that would be if I can play online without any stress and mates can wait or loot. Maybe if the amouns and rewards change in the future then it would be more worth to loot.

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Ah, right.  I play those missions so rarely that I tend to forget they even exist.  From player counts, seems like most of the community has too.

Personally I mostly play Exterminate, then Deception/Spy.  I can't stand Survival as it currently is (I play solo, so very few oxygen drops), and I hate Defense with a passion.  Some of the other modes (I'm looking at you, interception) I play even less often than I do Survival and Defense.

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I actually thought they dealt with this very well, by creating a whole host of missions that are impossible to rush by their very nature.  What's really left that you even can rush?  Assassinate and capture?

That's not really solving the problem, that would be avoiding it. Not every mission can be a 'defend this position for X amount of Y units'. 

Some missions have to be a run through the level type, and even then those not-rushable missions can still be played with the 'spirit of rushing'. 

There is very little reason to risk going away detouring from a mission objective in Mobile Defense, or from exploring in survival. Or for going through all the detours in any mission. 

Although the sad thing is we're not even getting what we should be for exploring in DEs idea of 'locker looting'. All tiles in a map are pretty much equally likely for drops, with the occasional small cache of lockers hidden away that are mostly locked any ways. But then you have to run all the way back to the main path, increasing travel time, with less enemies, no lockers cause you looted them already. And branches in detours just make it worse, running through the same room multiple times, with no added value.


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I honestly have to say that other than the rare Mutagen Sample drop from the Orokin Derelict, lockers and boxes are very disappointing.  I was really expecting more.  I still tend to try and hit them all as long as I'm not playing a Survival mode, but I just expect the usual handful of credits and few chunks of highly common crafting resources, if I'm very lucky.

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tl;dr; increase rewards for not rushing instead of nerfing rushing.


The issue lies within the basic map and game mechanics, simple fix:

- Increase enemy density in each room 

- Ensure enemy's are spawned in every room, and, each room is USED (prevent rushing)

- Make the overall map generation smaller (due to increased enemy density)

- Nurf sprint to 50% (makes the sprint mod increase actually worth something)


Reduce the players total movement mileage by doing the above. Eradicate rushing in the process.

Make the game more of a teamplay challange in the process by filling up the rooms with things to shoot at.

Its not rocket science, its clear as day what the issue is.


I'am sick of running in 5+ rooms that contain 0 enemies. It doesnt break the gameplay up, or offer anything worth playing for. What it does do, is create the $&*&*#(%& "rushing" required to play this game, whilst destroying "teamplay" elements from the game.

Edited by Fourdee
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The issue lies within the basic map and game mechanics, simple fix:

- Nurf sprint to 50% (makes the sprint mod increase actually worth something)

No that isn't how it works, that ends up making a situation like was had with fury where now it is almost useless. 

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The issue lies within the basic map and game mechanics, simple fix:

- Increase enemy density in each room 

- Ensure enemy's are spawned in every room, and, each room is USED (prevent rushing)

- Make the overall map generation smaller (due to increased enemy density)

- Nurf sprint to 50% (makes the sprint mod increase actually worth something)


Reduce the players total movement mileage by doing the above. Eradicate rushing in the process.

Make the game more of a teamplay challange in the process by filling up the rooms with things to shoot at.

Its not rocket science, its clear as day what the issue is.


I'am sick of running in 5+ rooms that contain 0 enemies. It doesnt break the gameplay up, or offer anything worth playing for. What it does do, is create the $&*&*#(%& "rushing" required to play this game, whilst destroying "teamplay" elements from the game.

Could go the beat em up brawler route and have the pathway blocked due to enemy spawns, only way to progress further is to take them all out (similar to beating up all enemies onscreen until you receive the Go! signal in the aforementioned genre)

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A good suggestion which I hope will get implemented at some point, and a good incentive for people to equip Master Thief and rub their face all over the lockers. Currently the only place that is worth looting out are corpus gas platforms on jupiter, but even then rushing through higher level missions somewhere else nets higher credit rewards(At one time I got around 20K collected credits from lockers on one mission, but that was only because of a really lucky RNG roll.)

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