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What If? The Warframe Anti-Hype Thread


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What I'd like to see now is the hype-train and the anti-hype-train crashing frontally into each other. Maybe then a new not-yet-seen-train will spawn off it, much like in particle physics.

You mean the impartial train?

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You mean the impartial train?


Either that or the double-edged-sword-train will spawn off it with people having good and bad feelings at the same time. Unpredictable stuff.


Maybe the universe of trains will just implode

Edited by MeduSalem
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You have to fly to particular planets in the solar system..


Earth to Pluto will take 5 hours.


Spend 10 plat to engage hyperdrive.


Oh wait, you didn't build hyperdrive?


Well, you need to farm the components across the solar system.


Each component takes 3 days to build


Hyperdrive takes 9 days to build when the components are built.


..I should stop.

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You have to fly to particular planets in the solar system..


Earth to Pluto will take 5 hours.


Spend 10 plat to engage hyperdrive.


Oh wait, you didn't build hyperdrive?


Well, you need to farm the components across the solar system.


Each component takes 3 days to build


Hyperdrive takes 9 days to build when the components are built.


..I should stop.

you should come back and add more to this. i.e. hyoerdrive thrusters take 6hrs to charge up. 

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What I'd like to see now is the hype-train and the anti-hype-train crashing frontally into each other. Maybe then a new not-yet-seen-train will spawn off it, much like in particle physics.


it will eventually happen, but the trains created will move so fast they travel back in time, these trains are the hype train, the anti-hype train, and every f40ph.

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.. RNGeesus will be laughing at our asses as we scurry along missions looking for modules. 


Kubrow eggs and DNA.. i wonder how much is plat will they cost.


it will eventually happen, but the trains created will move so fast they travel back in time, these trains are the hype train, the anti-hype train, and every f40ph.

When Warframe players meet physics or science in general.
Edited by coldfirex44
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I don't see why space ninjas need explosive primaries and secondaries

You know, real ninjas used explosives. Quite a lot actually. They were like the fastest adopters in japan. Sabotage was far more common than assassination. 




Anyhow, From another post of mine and you know it's damn well going to be accurate. 



- No update to standard gameplay. As usual, this will upset me. 
- Disapointing and utterly pointless kubrows. Will spawn many, many threads. 
- New tileset won't be fully optimised for quite some time
- Ship will be overhyped. Strangely I think ships won't fail; But they won't be as amazing as some would like. 
- New UI is a bugfest. 
- New frame won't be balanced for at least another major update. 
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Oh come on, don't say that you really don't want this to happen...



That is exactly what I do not want to happen.


Can't speak for everyone else, but really now.

We didn't need dogs. Just a new sentinel every now and then, a polished boss battle, some fun new toys to play with, and I am happy.


Instead, we get polished menus and puppy blenders.

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When i had heard about kubrows for the first time, i immediately thought about some kinda reverse engineered corpus proxy dog-like creature. 

To my disappointment, kubrows are ugly stupid dogs, that behave like a mix tamagochi and god knows what else.

So, no hype for me there.


Also, new UI is pretty, but hellova clunky, have you seen new star map, surely designed for gamepads and not m+kb ?

No hype there either.

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here's some anti hype, instead of investing time in making awesome new stuff (like more primes or guns or missions or be able to have both of your dual swords a different color or new warframes,stance mods, better melee combos,melee combos being useful.....the list is endless ) OR investing time in fixing the many many broken things in this game. They invested ALL of this time in the menu screen, which didn't really have any issues to begin with...GG!!! ( i bet the new menu system will be buggy as hell too, so they basically spent all that time breaking something that worked)


Warframe is going to become pokemon , and they are changing there name to



Edited by MerelyARumor
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