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Side Mission Idea: Space Battle.


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Space Battle



(This is long shot idea [with bad concept art XD])


What is use of ships if they can't fight?


Space battle missions are side missions and players don't need to play them to proceed to other missions.

Space battles have their own star maps in planets.


Mission types:


Space extermination: Players have to use their fighters to destroy all enemy ships.


Space Sabotage: players have to destroy enemy galleon. Sometimes it has to be destroyed outside and some times tenno have to destroy defences and the go inside the ship by foot to destoy it from inside and escape.


Space Assasination: Tenno have to destroy elite ship users: BOSSES WITH SHIPS. Sometimes they have to destroy defences and then kill the target from inside the mother ship on foot.


Space defence: Tenno have to defend ship with their fighters.


Space survival: Tenno have to fight endless waves of enemys but have to keep sure that their fighters have enough fuel.


Space Conflicts: Corpus and grineer fight eachother in space (no S#&$) but with ships, there is also change to go inside the mother ships on foot.


When player is on foot in ship, player can call their ship to them (only works in areas that ship can go)


Ship customication


Players can change their ships armor (cosmetic)

Players can mod their ships


Players can mod their weapons

Players can buy new weapon bluprints from store.



Ship and weapon mods can be found from destroyed ships.


Other information


Ships are flyed in 3D person.


Maps are big but mostly don't have much objects in them, (exept destoyed ships and asteroids and mother ships/galleons)


Some missions need both ship and ground/foot combat to be complited.


Some fights are fighted in planets atmosphere.


Maps have "walls" and when you go pass them you will be teleported back to the fight.


Your fighter is part of the stealth ship.


You can find some cosmetics and usable items to customice your "player ship" (place where you select missions etc)


edit: Just like "Lokime" suggested: Ship could have power amplifier that would make you able to use your warframe abilities when flying.


edit: our fighter ships are separeted from stealth ships, but they can be attached to eachother.


How could infested be in space fights?


Well since they are mutating mass, i dont see why the would not be able to fly. (expecialy now thanks to alad v)





(idea is hard to make but is idea that could be done if DE has spare time, its not meant to be part of the main missions and is side mission, so players have choice to play it but are not reguired to)

Edited by omegaskorpion
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Bro, do you know how much work this would be? Maybe next year. Maybe.


But throwing rationality out of the window, I would love for Invasion missions to have elements of this.


This is exactly why i sayd this:  "idea is hard to make but is idea that could be done if DE has spare time"

Because ideas like this cant be made fast to games like this but in time maybe. (looking back at original ratchet and clank series, it was platformer/shooter that had space battle minigame [like 4 space missions per game])

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So what if the Tenno lose? Do they drift in space until someone picks them up?


What do tenno do if they lose inside corpus ship or fighting against salad v.

Pretty bad S#&$ will happen in both cases.

Space would be no differend.


(like being scavaged by enemy)

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What do tenno do if they lose inside corpus ship or fighting against salad v.

Pretty bad S#&$ will happen in both cases.

Space would be no differend.


(like being scavaged by enemy)

What about gameplay-wise? Another Escape mission?


Or even yet, a swimming mission where we try to swim in space and hope to find a planet to attract ourselves to?

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What about gameplay-wise? Another Escape mission?


Or even yet, a swimming mission where we try to swim in space and hope to find a planet to attract ourselves to?


Well if we would have ship harbinger boss that will try to capture us, we would have to escape and when we die in space, its all over (in missions case, not our life sace)

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Well if we would have ship harbinger boss that will try to capture us, we would have to escape and when we die in space, its all over (in missions case, not our life sace)

And what do we do next, if the ship was blown up? 


Craft another one, while being grounded on a random planet?

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And what do we do next, if the ship was blown up? 


Craft another one, while being grounded on a random planet?


Lotus would propably send support or we could use our stealth ships to rescue us, i mean, we dont need to use our stealth ships to fight the enemy XD that would be just silly... ou wait...

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I would love to see if they can somehow get a system going like in Assassin's Creed 4, where you can pilot your ship around in real time, fight other ships and even dock and infiltrate larger ships with no loading screens.  I would be really cool to fly your ship to a blind spot on a Grineer Galleon, jump in, run through and sabotage and the main power core, and then jump out back to your ship and fly off as the Galleon self destructs in the background.  


Or even meet up with other Tenno ships for larger challenges or get attacked by space pirates. 

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I would love to see if they can somehow get a system going like in Assassin's Creed 4, where you can pilot your ship around in real time, fight other ships and even dock and infiltrate larger ships with no loading screens.  I would be really cool to fly your ship to a blind spot on a Grineer Galleon, jump in, run through and sabotage and the main power core, and then jump out back to your ship and fly off as the Galleon self destructs in the background.  


Or even meet up with other Tenno ships for larger challenges or get attacked by space pirates. 


It would be pretty cool and talking about space pirates, i think they would be good rogue faction attacking everyone.

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Nice idea. Would like to see it. Maybe the Red Veil could introduced Space Missions. They mightnot prefer 'stealth' like we do. They would want an all-out attack on an enemy. Any Grineer or Corpus will have to make way for the Red Veil, in order to restore galactic balance (For you Lotus, *hint-hint*).

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This is the equivalent of making an entire new separate game and then attaching it to warframe. try games like star conflict if you want to blast ships out of the sky


Exactly why i sayd its a long shot, since it would have compleatly new mechanics but some of them attached to normal game play and space missions would not be main missions, only missions you could play if you want, or want to make your ships cooler.

Sometimes i prefer games that have more mechanics than only 1 mechanic. (Ratchet and clank= you have to do platforming, solve puzzles, shoot everything and sometimes fly or race)

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Nice idea. Would like to see it. Maybe the Red Veil could introduced Space Missions. They mightnot prefer 'stealth' like we do. They would want an all-out attack on an enemy. Any Grineer or Corpus will have to make way for the Red Veil, in order to restore galactic balance (For you Lotus, *hint-hint*).


Would they die as fast as the "red shirts" XD

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