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Disliked Frames?


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From my time lurking around these forums and playing the game, it seems there are a select few frames that the general population of players dont like/dont like to be in a party with. I mean, from my experience with all the frames none that I have seen are really capable of trolling to the point of anger other then maybe Loki(Switch Teleport) or Vauban(Teslas everywhere)



What would the community here say the general players feelings are on some of the frames? I am not making this thread to rant, just to inquire why certain warframes are disliked by the general community.



This should not be a thread to just list off all the warframes you hate. IMO all the frames are great and deserve their own spotlight but others would seem to disagree. But my true question is, from your own experience, what would you say other players consensus of frames they dislike.


Examples would be I seem to get hate from players for using Zephyr(My Main) due to her tornadoes; however, I belive this issue is rooted back in her release when the 'nadoes could move items. 

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Probably because either they are the most used and yet the worst played (Loki is a prime example of a very useful frame but is used in the wrong hands).


I remember when Rhino was hated (still kinda is) for being the cheap frame for surviving (back in the dark ages of iron skin bringing godmode)

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Here are some examples of hate :

Rhino is easy in medium content and boring. almost invincible + lolstomp to wipe a whole room is definetly boring.

Sames mays go for a saryn but I accept it a little easier as we don't saryns very often.

Then are zephyr and hydroid, that send enemies flying everywhere, making it really hard to shoot enemies.


But most of my rage comes from misused frames, such as perma hysteria Valkyrs, embers that spam 4 then run like headless chickens, ult spammer oberons and so on

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The frames I dislike, in order:


- Excalipoor (Seriously...it's prime is fugly)


- Joki (on second thought I like Loki)


- Vaubans with the freakin' jump pad thing. Teslas are good, but the jump pad? Seriously!





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I like most frames that people consider "underpowered" or "weak in METAHGAYUM", Like Volt, Zephyr and even Hydroid.  I even like Excalibur, and Oberon.

Frames I dislike? 

- Nova.  She drains the fun right out of the game - no point in actually doing anything when a Nova is around, as one bullet and a whole crowd explodes.

That's it. 

Thing is, I don't care much about HOW powerful the frames are.  I mean, at least Vauban lets you kill S#&$ still and vortex is hilarious.  But, Nova..  Nothing fun or creative about her.  She plays with balls and explodes everything. 


Edited by Gaminus
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I just get annoyed by anyone who clearly does not know what their doing or using their frame for something that its not meant to do. Like a nova that thinks it can tank at T4 defense. Apart from that if you know what your doing and dont really care what frame you use.

Edited by xlegion101
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I only hate one frame alone and that is the Nova - because in most of the cases (like 95 % of the time) Nova prevents the rest of the players from playing the game...

And it doesn't help Nova's case when most Nova mainers actually find a way to justify how OP she is.  Much like the Trinity players when she got nerfed or the Quick Thinking Ragers that *@##$ed when that got fixed.

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I think it's funny I never really used Molecular Prime with Nova.


I like her first skill more easily. Dem floaty orbs man. Ah well, guess it's nice I didn't annoy people with Nova's MP.

Another thing; her 2 and 3 are nice.  2 at least takes some skill to really pay off, and 3 is a fun little ability.  But 1 and 4, not so much. 

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I dislike Ember because out of all frames, she suffers the most from damage falloff, making her useless very quickly.

Try max power Accelerant -> 500%+ fire damage buff (and stagger) + ignis. It can go quite far

Edited by Valfunde
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I can understand you want to play a nova without MP, portals and antimatter drop are cool, but her first ability ... God, it is terrible


I quite enjoyed that move. But I didn't use it against anything remotely insane like T4 or whatever but eh, I enjoyed it when I used it.

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Examples would be I seem to get hate from players for using Zephyr(My Main) due to her tornadoes; however, I belive this issue is rooted back in her release when the 'nadoes could move items. 


Usually it takes me less then a minute to kill Sargas Ruk. With a Zephyr who casted her tornado all the time, it took about 15.

It is a very annoying skill to everybody but Zephyr itself.

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It's depend on a perspective of each player.  Every frame got it own dislike.


This is from what I heard lately.


- Mag - useless, weak, noob. 

- Excal,  - useless, weak, noob.

- Oberon - useless, weak.

- Rhino - ignorant lonewolf, rusher.

- Frost - ... well, I'm seen many complain about him.

- Nekros - weak, useless, dessicate only.

- Loki - weak, rusher.

- Valkyr - useless.

- Volt - weak, useless.

- Ash - useless.

- Nova - kill stealer, rusher, annoying.

- Zephyr - annoying.

- Ember - useless, weak.


But, an expert player can dismiss this claim above. :)

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Rhino, Vauban, Trinity imply ezmode gamer with dubious skill level

Nova implies player has a 106 button keyboard, all of them the number 4

Loki sucks because Loki

Zephyr did get a lot of hate due to messin with loot

Excalibur Prime is hated by everyone cause of SOLID GOLDZ BLING 2.0

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It's depend on a perspective of each player.  Every frame got it own dislike.


This is from what I heard lately.


- Mag - useless, weak, noob. 

- Excal,  - useless, weak, noob.

- Oberon - useless, weak.

- Rhino - ignorant lonewolf, rusher.

- Frost - ... well, I'm seen many complain about him.

- Nekros - weak, useless, dessicate only.

- Loki - weak, rusher.

- Valkyr - useless.

- Volt - weak, useless.

- Ash - useless.

- Nova - kill stealer, rusher, annoying.

- Zephyr - annoying.

- Ember - useless, weak.


But, an expert player can dismiss this claim above. :)


Warf2013 - Useless, weak, noob.


Have you ever even tried any of those frames yourself?

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