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Disliked Frames?


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Did you really read his post, or just a part of it?


''It depends on a perspective of each player.''


Opinions about his opinion also depend on a perspective of each player. I find it amusing how somebody who plays this game finds so many frames weak or useless. That shouldn't be the case if one has spent a good time playing each frame. For example, I used to think that Valkyr sucks as well. Then I spent more time playing on her and now she's one of my favorites.

Edited by Taikaponi
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''It depends on a perspective of each player.''


Opinions about his opinion also depend on a perspective of each player. I find it amusing how somebody who plays this game finds so many frames weak or useless.


This is what he heard on the forums, not his opinion. His opinion is "an expert player can dismiss this claim above.". Which is true, btw. Every frame is strong in the right hands.

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Ash, has no team play based abilities and is often the choice of selfish players looking to feel cool and badass with little regard of the actual mission or fellow tenno.


Nova, can be annoying when the slow down the enemies to a grinding half on defense missions and somebody has to go to the spawn point and kill the last remaining snail.


Rhino, similarly to Ash is attractive to selfish players, and thus I have low expectations of players who choose this. Far from everyone playing Rhino is bad, but it's disproportionately higher compared to other frames.


Most frames can be very powerful if built and played right, but that doesn't really help if you run away from your team mates and get killed, or enjoy playing door hero, or dislike the idea of cooperating.

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None that I dislike, but I do dislike on how they were used in missions. Like recently we're farming the new claw stance in Xini, I was a disarm Loki ready with slash weapon, when to a pub and got a desecrate Nekros. And I thought niceeeee until I saw a Nova was there too. The scumbag Nova player decided to MP all the way, fml.

This was one case that was bad, most pub I joined knows what the do's and don't so I'm glad people are learning the game.

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Ah ... none? There are no frames I dislike being in a team with - every frame has potential to work with. There are a few player stereotypes and builds.


I don't like playing Banshee (looks and lack of full stealth support) or Ash. (looks below the helmet)

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Ash, has no team play based abilities and is often the choice of selfish players looking to feel cool and badass with little regard of the actual mission or fellow tenno.

Ash is the one true Ninja in Warframe and mind that he's pretty much the perfect choice for Capture and exterminate missions and one of the best for Stealth play (along with Banshee and Loki). If we're in an actual MMORPG (like WoW or SWtoR), he'll take teh role of that specific DPS which does not bring much to a team in terms of buff effects and such, but instead he's the rogue / assassin / shadow kind of character, the kind of which clears the unwanted and troublesome mobs while being fast, efficient and silent.


TL;DR You can't expect a true ninja to cooperate directly.

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The frames I dislike, in order:


- Excalipoor (Seriously...it's prime is fugly) - Quote from PC Member "prime is fugly" 


- Joki (on second thought I like Loki) me too, he is fun. 


- Vaubans with the freakin' jump pad thing. Teslas are good, but the jump pad? Seriously! - take it away, problem solved. Godmode.


You named all my favourites. Im not sure how serious you were when doing this list. 

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It is not the Warframe it is the player controlling the Warframe, I love Loki and always will. Can't wait to get Loki Prime on PS4. I have only Switch a Teleported a teammate once or twice in 3 months and have started straying way from my 30 sec Invisibility build to use a more well rounded Radial Disarm build.

Loki hate must stop, he is your friend and ally. #MasterRace

There is not a single Warframe that I do not like, there are Warframes that I myself do not want to build but that does not mean that they are bad.

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I have the 12 frames that interest me and the rest I have no desire to aquire. There are only two I really dislike and that is Zephyr and Hydroid. Tornado, Tentacle swarm and Undertow do not do enough damage and really only spread mobs all around so everybody has a harder time killing anything. Giving a Warframe the special ability to soil himself and keep enemies in a puddle for a while before they pop up again later does not qualify for useful in my book. When you see "ODD pm for invite NO Hydorid" a lot there normaly is a reason for it. The rest of their abilities is also quite useless for a group. 

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Oberon is a disliked frame....


Because Rage + Renewal combo apparently sucks...

I dont get why he is so disliked D: His reckoning is not as strong as Mags crush, but its faster and gives health orbs. His Renewal doesnt heal as much ( at all) as Trinity, but its a healing ability for a combat styled warframe and it heals over time. He is a decent warframe, and I use him alot. People just need to stop using warframes purely for their abilities and more for just playing with them.

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The only frame I could possibly dislike is Oberon, because he is the only frame in the game that is actually useless, as every other frame (even Saryn, though she could use some love too) can at least function past level 30.


His damage and scaling is so mediocre, to the point where he can’t do squat past level 30 (and that’s giving him more credit than he’s due). He is not tanky whatsoever, like a Paladin should be, and he does absolutely nothing that any other frame can’t do better. Smite is a lamer version of the already lame Soul Punch. Renewal’s heal only heals 200 health over 10 seconds (20 health per second), which doesn’t mean jack, especially when Trinity exists (he does not provide an alternative, he’s just inferior). Hallowed Ground is a complete and utter joke and is the size of 1 Grineer. His ulti is the same generic ‘nuke the room’ ulti, except it sucks and can’t kill anything above level 30 and provides no utility whatsoever. Health orbs on low level enemy kills are not a merit whatsoever, and Nekros/Trinity/Team Health Restores still all do his job better. He does absolutely nothing for the team, or even yourself, aside from wasting a slot.


If you think Oberon is a good Warframe as he currently is then you seriously need to consider actually playing another frame. There is a REASON Scott is planning on reworking him entirely. There is a REASON he’s considered the laziest and most useless frame (there is no way that you can deny he was rushed, considering he was released not even a week after his concept art was shown, and again, his kit is generic and mediocre). That reason being; he sucks and is completely useless beyond belief. He is in desperate need of that rework and I do hope it brings him up to par with the other Warframes in the game, because frankly he has no place in the game whatsoever aside from taking up inventory space and giving 6k mastery.


Also for the love of god unless his new kit involves holy judgment then they better rename him to a druid. 

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i can only make sense of the collective ignorance by expressing what i do like about the common frames in question.


lokis switch teleport is a mediocre troll at best. if youre gettin switched around by loki youre not ninja enough. his invisibility duration make him good dor getting to downed people who may be a ways away while having enough time to rev them. his disarm is great when surrounded by heavies. 


vauban is on alerts for a reason. not only is vortex possibly the best cc and def the best against infested but you can use it in many ways to boost mobility. bounce is a much better trollonf utensil than switch teleport. not only can you play duck hunt with enemies u can bounce people off of ciphers. have players who talk trash and keep dieing but their scrub friends keep reviving them? throw bounce on them while they bleed out. you can use slide attk on high apeed melee and slide into bounce and travel great distances.  combine vortex qnd bounce for greater effects.



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