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Anybody Else Want To Play Longer Missions?


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I’ve been playing quite a bit of warframe with my friends recently, and we came up with an idea that I think would be really sweet to see implemented.

Currently all missions by default have a single objective, with a chance of a second one following straight after (I can’t recall if there can be a third or not.). It would be really great to see some missions by default having two objectives attached to them from the beginning.

Having them happen simultaneously would be a possibility with us being able to choose which one to do first by bringing up a tab screen would be cool for group play, but it’s not the point of my post.

I also think it would be really awesome to have a special 24hour running alert mission each day or hell just once a week that was at minimum 5 chaining objectives and was set on a high level planet (40+). The rewards for it would be very high, but would of course be a very long and hard mission (looking at say around 30+ mins).

It would have to require planning and strategy on how we would approach such a long mission. Like for example stocking up on consumable items, or what loadout/warframe to use, how badly we will get screwed over if the factions swap over or we have a brief encounter with another faction etc. Hell, even from the start have the main enemy change with lotus saying something like ‘wait…I’m detecting significant X presence. The area must have been overrun before our arrival.’

So basically to sum up:

  1. I would like to see some missions with multiple objectives by default on the mission select screen.

  1. I would also like to see a special alert that is run once a day or week that was both very challenging and had significant time length to it.

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+1 for both the (multiple objective missions) and the "for lack of a better word" challenge mission(24hr alert with n-objectives)


one nice touch would also be to clean up where they currently have the objectives chaining, i've had multiple missions turn into

1) acquire the artifact

2) "oh what do you know there is an artifact on board" get a second artifact

I face palm each time I hear that while I've just picked up the aritfact

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Personally I think a Campaign mission would be interesting. Like your dropped off on a planet, infiltrate a city in disguise, and travel around gathering info at bars, and clubs and stuff. Then after getting info find the base and break in, do your mission and escape. However the drop off point, the city, and the base should be like three different levels, and of course the city is unlocked by traveling the wilderness and fighting wild animals, in the city you eaves drop and stuff of course it be like a small alley way area with some places to get around to, and people to get info from. Then after gathering enough info you leave for the third area the enemies base. Based on extra info you obtain you can locate hidden entrances for easier get ins, and get outs. This is an ideal LONG ninja mission in my opinion.

Edited by Arlayn
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Yea im totally for this. Extended missions that have a long chain and take you to a number of locals be it mixed environments or through an entire facility.

As the game stands, it could work. Problem being is that the tile set of areas may get a bit repetative to "create" a large area. Maybe after a couple more tiles are made to mix things up a little and such can happen. Maybe 2 or 3 more "rooms" and we would be good to go for 3 different types, space facility/ship, deep space mine, and frozen tundra. Of course the mine and space ship/facility would have the fire and freezing variants too.

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