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Colors Not Changning


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Ever since I decided to get one of everything, as much as possible, I have noticed that some tint colors either doesn't change anything, or changes so little, that it might as well not be there.


Here are my findings



Braton - tint 3 + 4
Burston - tint 4 
Gorgon - tint 4
Hind - Tint 3 + 4
Ogris - tint 4
Supra - tint 4
Tetra - tint 4


Acrid - tint 4
Bolto - tint 3 + 4
Lato - tint 4
Angstrum - tint 3
Despair - tint 3 + 4
Detron - tint 4
Hikou - tint 4
Kunai - tint 3 + 4
Pyrana - tint 4


Bo - tint 3 + 4
Dark dagger - tint 3 + 4
Dual cleacers - tint 3
ether - tint 4
Dual heat swords - tint 3 + 4
Fang - Tint 3 + 4
Kama - tint 4
Skana - tint 4
Dual zoren - tint 3 + 4
Ether teaper - tint 4
Fang - tint 3 + 4
Glaive - tint 4
Hate - tint 4
Heat dagger - tint 3 +4
Kogake - tint 3 + 4
Lecta - tint 4
Obex - tint 4
Orthos - tint 4


Pangolin sword - tint 3 + 4

I might have made an oversight, or had one of the other colors be set so that I didn't notice the change in the tint. If I have, please post a screenshot and I'll take it off the list.
Also if you have any weapons with similiar issues, that I haven't listed, leave a comment.
Edited by BenzinNinJa
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That might be, and probably is, true, but I haven't been able to find anything stating that, so I figured I might as well post something about it.
If it's by desing, hopefully (fingers crossed) someone from DE will pop their head in and let us know, and if not, maybe something will be changed.

But if you look at the Dual Cleaver, the blade seems to have 3 "splatters" of something, where only one of them changes color, no matter what you chose. The remaining two simply stay grey.

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Speaking of things not changing colour, even though it's not a weapon - the Yomo syandana has an unchangeable white and grey area, and channels 3 and 4 do nothing.


I can't help but feel this is a bug. It looks like there are two distinct color areas that don't do anything when changed. I think the Secondary and Energy color options are reversed atm as well on the Yamako.

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