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What Kind Of Pets Do You Wanna See Added?


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Nothing has been mentioned so far other than kubrow.

So I wanna ask the community, what kinda pets do you want?

Personally i would like to have some kind of large cat as a pet.


bikini-girls on a bonfire, serving me massage and one hell of a cool barbecue :-)))))

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Moa, Hyena, Jackal, or Zanuka.


we should be able to have some missions where we can get/win them for a limited time to blow some griners and corpus on the higher mission-levels


there is allready a new point at the codex: QUESTS !!

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^ thats pretty much what Specters are for.

And since there are dog people and cat people they didnt really make us choose between those so i'd say i'd love something from the cat family! 


Specters doesn't follow mod loadout.

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  • 2 months later...

No more pets. Stop it.

We need endgame contents, bug fixing and something more usefull then pets, new Warframes or weapons. 


Serious Solid new contents. 

something useful like a pet with ranged attacks wich use kubrow slots without being a kubrow, so you can only have 1 pet active at time :3?, or a pet wich catch loot for you like carrying it into something like a carapce (tortoise for example or a very big bug so it would be "faster".) or a bag? (kangaroo like.) it can even be something like an "alien frog".

furthermore, "pets" usually don't help you in battle, so calling them "partner" or "fellow" instead would be more apropiate, just saying though.

"fellow pet" with: -ranged attacks speciality.

                          -loot catch speciality.

                          -flying speciality.

sound like great ideas to think on new IA's to lvl with and be useful in certain way at newest game content

in space combat the loot sometimes pass by unnoticed. due to this "an IA that catches it for you" isn't a bad idea, help but it's not end-game content either too. still you shouldn't say "pets" are unuseful.

thx for reading and remember this is just my opinion.

Edited by krizhadow
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I would like maybe a bunny kangaroo thing that specializes in stun and knockdown attacks by jumping on enemies with an AOE knockdown on landing and it ignores down enemies so it can go after standing targets and knock them down.


The ability it could have is to hold an item because it attacks with its feet so its hands are free to grab stuff or give it the ability to rapidly stomp the ground creating shockwaves that stun locks the enemies till the attack finishes.


The unique mechanic all bunaroo thingies could have is maybe a quick attack it uses to get it when it’s knocked down.

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