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Either Do Rotational Rewards Right Or Don't Do Them.


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I don't like having to work for the rarest stuff so it needs to change? Yes. That IS what I'm suggesting. What you're failing to point out is that this stuff is only rare because of how damn awful it is to get them. I've waisted not just an hour of time, but more than a dozen hours, just to get two items from t1 and t4 modes. Not to mention my time in recruitment and interception. 


Don't see the relevance of an OP's attitude in regards to the context of his post. It's a thumbs down from me. 


You don't have all the pokemons and it bothers you? Please show me a reason as to why you need all the guns or all the frames in order to play the game content. You don't.


Complaining your free stuff is not arriving fast enough is not an argument worth considering over making changes to the game.


Since hundreds of players are farming 24/7, if DE makes stuff even easier to get, there would be 4-5 times as much on he market, and it would tank their prices, and everything would cost 1 plat and everyone would have everything and we would not be having this argument, and DE would be making less money.


So what, remove trading and have better drop tables? How about we stick to "suggestions" for DE, and not tell them "you screwed it up so fix it".

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You don't have all the pokemons and it bothers you? Please show me a reason as to why you need all the guns or all the frames in order to play the game content. You don't.


Complaining your free stuff is not arriving fast enough is not an argument worth considering over making changes to the game.


Since hundreds of players are farming 24/7, if DE makes stuff even easier to get, there would be 4-5 times as much on he market, and it would tank their prices, and everything would cost 1 plat and everyone would have everything and we would not be having this argument, and DE would be making less money.


So what, remove trading and have better drop tables? How about we stick to "suggestions" for DE, and not tell them "you screwed it up so fix it".

No, what he's saying is that the procedure for getting this new stuff is too unpleasant to even bother with.


And since getting said new stuff is pretty much all there is to do in the game, this means that the game is too unpleasant to bother with. Losing customers is a very effective way of making less money.

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All this whining about OP's understandably frustrated attitude being followed up by "its okay just the way it is, just enjoy all your free content" is nothing but excuse making and mindless brown nosing. You are a foolish fool indeed if you think this game is anywhere near where it could be, let alone should be. No sane man has ever sat down to play a game and said, "Gosh, I sure do forces entirely up to chance and completely outside my control make obtaining what I want much more difficult than it needs to be."


When the entire point of a game IS to grind, the least that can be done is to make the grind not such arbitrary BS for the sake of having a grindwall. If you don't even have the feeling that this system, which is a painful chore at its best best, could somehow be improved, then why be in the feedback section at all? Feeback is meant to improve the game, which is something we should all want. Mindlessly parroting that status quo is perfect helps no one.

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When the entire point of a game IS to grind, the least that can be done is to make the grind not such arbitrary BS for the sake of having a grindwall. If you don't even have the feeling that this system, which is a painful chore at its best best, could somehow be improved, then why be in the feedback section at all? Feeback is meant to improve the game, which is something we should all want. Mindlessly parroting that status quo is perfect helps no one.

good one, there will always be people who'll say "it's just fine" but just because it feels fine for someone doesn't mean that in all absolute, possibilities for improvements are to be excluded.

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