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Change Melee Elemental Mod Color?!

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I wish there was a way to change the color or turn off the animation for elemental mods on melee weapons for example I have a heat sword with fire and electricity mods (I forgot the names) which makes a green flame but I'd really like the flame to be the color of fire or grey to match my Warframe and still have the mods selected...

If there's already a way to do this on PS4 let me know...

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Frankly, I'd like the option to disable the effects entirely.


The ice, fire, and lightning effects are awesome as hell on melee weapons... but let's face it, we hardly ever see any of those anymore because of the disgusting same-old Radiation and Corrosive effects that are standard for three of the four factions in the game. (Well, we occasionally see some Fire and Ice. But it's hard to tell because of the nasty green.)

This is especially annoying when Dynamic Lighting is enabled, because then your entire Frame has this glow reflecting off it like some humanoid vomit-green disco ball.



If we aren't allowed to have a tickbox of which of our equipped elements we want to have a visible effect (e.g. a Corrosive/Fire sword can have Corrosive glow disabled and Fire glow enabled), then I at the very least want to see an option to remove the effects entirely.

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I agree with you in someways but not all. I think that changing the color of the elemental isn't a very good idea. Elementals should have a unique color cause make fire the color of ice is just wrong, in my opinion. I do agree with someway to not have them effect the look of your melee weapon, on the PC and the PS4.

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