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Theliset.com - U14 Official Hype Site - Updating Daily (It's Here Edition)


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around the soonish... around the corner? anywhere between now and the end of time probably... though seriously cmon man its almost certain to be tomorrow you should check forums more often  :<

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This Thursday will mark the release of our most ambitious Update yet, Update 14! Intel from www.theliset.com reveals information on what’s coming your way this week. Get ready, Tenno! The scope of the changes coming may give some a bumpy ride, hold on tight! We’ll be standing by to catch you!


Dammit, one more day to wait.

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The Hype Train wasn't going the required speed and the conductor has been replaced. Now that we know the true date of release, we're full speed ahead.

well at least we have time for the mcdonald's drive thru?


='( i would rather starve

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Would've been Thursday over here anyway. lolz.


oi, a new teaser thing!...

Plz, let it be about the quests,.... or other lore related stuff.



This is the first time I actually can feel the hype....

Edited by WEREsandrock
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