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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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Xerneas, the Life Pokemon, of Pokemon X.




I even remember giving it a made-up moveset in his weapons:
- Thunderbolt in Amprex
- Horn Leech in Dakra Prime
- Dazzling Gleam in the Dual Cestras
- Moonblast with his Reckoning power

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Here Is My Gurren Lagann Rhino Prime :D Sorry It's A Little Big

i didnt technically alter the main subject but just in case ill put the verson without the text



if you look under the chest piece you can see the eyeliner (blue lines)

i used rubedo skin and helmet for the different decals

Shoulder Pads (Daedalus Shoulder Plates)





Edited by Ramprage5
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not sure if this counts but here's my entry




to those who don't know, this is charles darwin, i would have done the real vauban but i couldn't find an image of him with a majestic beard

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P'li, one of the 4 new villains in the Legend of Korra. I don't have a brawling weapon other than the claws... but I will update the pic (if I can...) once they are crafted.


Edit: Updated the pic with cool pose and fire effect (from mods,  not from photoshop). Same frame, and same entry, just a better pic. I would have done it this way the first time had I not had to wait 12 hours to craft Kogake.


Edit: Took her for a spin against Vor... turns out for all his mega-lasers I was still able to punch him into submission with the fire-bending... now to add some Ogris in the mix for her special third-eye-explosion abilities... >=3

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