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On The Nature Of Warframes And The Tenno (Ooc Discussion)


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This isn't directly tied to RP, but this seemed the best place to put a lore discussion thread (correct me if I'm wrong). It's something I've been thinking about for quite a while, but I'm rather new to the lore, so I want some other opinions as other people likely know more than I do.


Basically I'm curious if, in canon, warframes represent specific individuals (as in there is only one Loki, one Oberon, etc.) or if they are just styles of armor and abilities and there might be numerous excalibur-class tenno. Personally, from a purely canonical point of view, I get the impression they are specific individuals.


Somewhere it's been mentioned that the design team has concept art and the like for what each warframe looks like without the frame, which gives the impression these are specific individuals. Furthermore, the fact that the warframes don't come in both male and female and are either one or the other seems to support this idea, but that's just what I've got so far.


What are your thoughts on the matter?

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This would actually go into the Fan Zone section. 

There isn't enough knowledge of the frame's to accurately support either theory. The developers support monotenno'city'. The creation of Valkyr suggests she is her own self, unless of course, the frames are actually alive themselves.


I do not believe the concept artists have ever brought about Tenno without their suits (besides rescue targets/cryopods). Their are a lot of fan-made art, however.

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It can go any way. There is a gargantuan group of players believing there is only one of each Tenno, whereas there is an equally gargantuan group of players believing there are millions of Tenno and by extension multiple Warframes.


I'm in the Poly-Tenno category (the second camp I listed). I believe that each Warframe comes with a Tenno, and thus I play as multiple Tenno as multiple Tenno in that I have multiple Warframes. Of course, everyone should take into account the current segregation between gameplay and lore, and for the most part those two things should be considered separate until we get somethign truly definitive.


In conclusion, no one person is right and no one person is wrong in general. Everything we currently have regarding what I said is speculation.

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My two cents; There's thousands of Tenno, with frames being different classes. I'm not sure how else Alad V could make so many harvesters, and Vor talks about how every time they dissect one, they don't learn anything.


I think each Tenno can only use one type of frame, while the player can switch between frames at will, which is where the separation of lore and gameplay comes in. 

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My opinion mostly is that you are controlling two Tenno's male and female. Both able to change shape of their body to use their warframes. They are capable to learn to use multiple warframes but what comes to true mastery of one warframe is way other thing. One thing is that these Tenno are not the most educated but I have to admit surviving this long with sense and smarts. It is agreeable that Tenno are one damn huge bane to reckon with when provoked.


This is just my opinion. This can be placed either GD or FN. Depends on how Forum Moderators sees this thread fitting.

Edited by Revel72
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Using Valkyr as an example her codex info says "Forged in the labs of the Zanuka project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments, leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing."


This suggests that there are more than one of each frame especially Valkyr, also it'd be highly unlikely that there are only x-Tenno in all existence, as that would also break the foundation of the game when two people are playing as the same frame. So my thoughts are that there are dozens of different frames and such.

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