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Pso2 Is Back !


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Does it have a North-American release available yet?


Or are there only Japanese servers currently?

Japan Only right now, it was previously hit with an IP block so foreign players couldn't connect without the use of VPNs or other means of masking your IP.

Edited by DBugII
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Does it have a North-American release available yet?


Or are there only Japanese servers currently?

THere are 2 versions of PSO2


JP japan and SEA , south east asia.


SEA version is region locked . So it's a no no + It's 2 years of content behind JP.


TO play JP in english  you have to get the PSO tweaker  , it's free and easy to use. translates most things in the game except some trivial stuff


BUt of course you ave to register at the sega site that's in Japanese hirigana and all. There's a guide i'll post it later.

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Japan Only right now, it was previously hit with an IP block so foreign players couldn't connect without the use of VPNs or other means of masking your IP.

TO play JP in english  you have to get the PSO tweaker  , it's free and easy to use. translates most things in the game except some trivial stuff


BUt of course you ave to register at the sega site that's in Japanese hirigana and all. There's a guide i'll post it later.

I'll probably wait until there are servers in the North Americas then.

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I'll probably wait until there are servers in the North Americas then.

I'd say no Letter , SEGA has been teasing a NA and EU release for At least 2 years. I'd advise trying out JP


Recently they said they will release it in EU and NA , but no date. 


+the translations in the tweaker are really good,

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I'd say no Letter , SEGA has been teasing a NA and EU release for At least 2 years. I'd advise trying out JP


Recently they said they will release it in EU and NA , but no date. 


+the translations in the tweaker are really good,

Fine. I'll try it out. I'm not wholly fond of navigating reddit though... so I'll probably be relying on your guidance.


Now I have yet another game to pick up and play... ;o;

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Yea the region locking of PSO2 has been part of my rant on why western games should region lock out the Korean/Japanese regions from our games.

I'm still wondering why the hell they haven't released it here and in NA yet: People are VERY VERY willing to play and spend money on this game.


I haven't payed anything but this game is extremely fun and action packed with friends.



The best MMO i've ever played until now.

It's grindy  like all MMOs but you don't even care since you're always rewarded somehow , it's like playing an anime :O

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Does it have a North-American release available yet?


Or are there only Japanese servers currently?

So important to know. I have been WAITING for this...never played pso1. There is rumor of it coming to the PS VITA but nothing solid yet... Deidaku how do I play eeeet?

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It's back?



Th-that's okay...

It's not like I wanted to p-p-play video games or anything...

Try softether VPN , worked for me


So important to know. I have been WAITING for this...never played pso1. There is rumor of it coming to the PS VITA but nothing solid yet... Deidaku how do I play eeeet?



follow the instructions :)

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Does the VPN have to be running the entire time? can you guide me on how to use the VPN to connect?

No problem , download softether VPN client manager  from their site


Start it


you should see VPN gate public servers appear. Click on it and the list of connections will appear. 


Click on the line speed tab and choose the fastest Japanese VPN relay.


And you're set to go !


But do this after starting the tweaker and before starting the game

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