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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Not sure if u could help or if i might even get a response but im a player that has been around since the closed beta and i wanted to try the new Prolonge but i am stuck after i made Darvo's Blueprint to get Vor's Gadget off of my foot there was no animation after nor did lotus tell me anything and when i go to Navigation i didn't see any mission marked with the symbol for Vor's Quest (X shaped symbol) would like to know if im am stuck permanently or if there is a fix was hoping the new Hotfix would help but nothing changed unfortunately would greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction...



Its a bug alot of us are facing. We have to wait for the next hotfix.

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New Bug Report...


Was previously stuck on "Confront Vor" bug, but after last hotfix I was able to see indicator over Vor (Tolstaj) and beat him to access new cinematic. 


After...glitched again. Once i'm back on ship no clue what to do.  View of nav uploaded.




Update: Now I'm able to access Kubrow mission in codex.  Not sure why UI didn't give me some kind of heads up on that but now Jupiter, Elara has mission indicator over it so all seems to be OK..i guess




Beat Elar Mission, Now I can install Kubrow segment.  All is good DE....RESPECT!!!



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Three bugs (or at least seem to be bugs):


Hydroid water tentacles are icey white now regardless of the energy color chosen, as well as his puddle, and occassionally his tidal wave.  For some reason, rain appears to be constant.


Argon Crystals, when you look in the components screen of the foundry, permanently show 1d as the timer regardless of when they were acquired and how much time is really left.


Argon Crystals are also being found in missions where they are not noted as being findeable there (I found one on a mission on Earth, one of the prologue missions).

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shock eximus corrupted crewmen are immune to melee attack. curiously enough just like shock traps. not sure if other shock eximus are the same way, but I just ran an ext mission in the void and could not complete it. I completed another mission earlier by luring one into a laser trap, but at that point I thought I was doing a bit of damage. now I doubt I did any

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Mercury Nav Quest and other parts for Vor's Prize is still not working after the latest hotfix. I took a look at other forum posts and its pretty much the number 1 issue everyone is having. This needs to be a top priority fix. People who have built the ascardis negator and who have not are receiving this issue. This is getting really frustrating for alot of players. 


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Am I the only one who uses the wall run kick to move across levels fast?


To do it start wall run with your warframe on the side of a box or wall (sometimes works on barrels and poles to if you're good) as soon as your frame starts the wall run animation let go of space bar, it throws you very far and and high across the level, now it seems to be either nerfed on purpose or a bug with the wall running speed.


Do not see the need to nerf something that has worked the same since the beginning, hoping it is a bug.   


PLEASE address this Dev's , my playing style needs this back as it was in U13, u12,  u11, u10 ,u9 ,u8.... 


You're not the only one. This mechanic was a great way to travel for those who don't want to copter around the place. In some maps, using this wallrun trick lets you take shortcuts and be faster than someone who is coptering. The great this about this was that you don't need to use a speed mod to be decently fast, as long as there are some objects to jump off of. Although if you fail, it slows you down a lot.


I really hope DE brings this back because these kind of wall running tricks and shortcuts are what made me play the game for so long. I feel more like a ninja when I can do these jumps to get the the second floor instead of taking the stairs.


Here are some examples of jumps that I can't do anymore.


This one is one of the harder ones to do, but it lets you go straight to the top after defeating Vor or Kela de Thaym.



Before this bottom door was open pre update 14, this jump lets you take an alternate route when trying to play stealthy. The Grineer don't look up at that window.



Instead of going around, you can jump over the fence and save some time. If you don't do it right though, you will fall into the pit.



This lets you get the the top level quickly with out taking the stairs, which I hated doing. This is useful for closing the distance between you and the Grineer when they are shooting you from the upper level.



This is just a quick jump to get to the top.


These are just some of the tricks I use to get around. Hopefully, they bring back the wall kick mechanic because it was awesome.

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The secondary mission objective is no longer being displayed at the start of missions.  You have to try all of the various possible secondary mission types to see which one was selected.


Also, still obscenely high numbers of Arc Traps showing up in missions on Mercury.  If your goal was to make me not want to play Grineer maps, you have succeeded.

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I just want to say some changes that can make to make u14 better. 
1)Missions cant be played when double clicked to a node. but have to click accept.

2)selecting frames and changing weapons is little slow

3)In mods station. the campanion slot is said sentinel.

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Update 14:0.2


After killing vor the quest still doesn't move on, nor tells me if that was the end of it.


Still have some nodes in mercury that are locked, even though I had completed the star map months ago.

Either way, the game seems to block me, I cant enter those lock or yet to do nodes.

EDIT: I am able to select and do the mission only by going solo.

Edited by 7grims
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When I log on I cant see any thing except twords the mid part of the game. But then all I see is a cluster of shapes and other stuff. Ill post a video of it on utube called: warframe glitches!!! U14 please take a look at it every one and any one hopfuly some one has a clue how to fix it becuase im a vetern player and im confused and upset with the whole update right now....... please contact me at trufflet9@gmail.com..........also can some one tell me how to post pic.s here

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I played through the prologue last night.


I found it to be helpful in terms of the mythos, but the actual progression seems...disjointed.  After gaining use of the ship suddenly I had my level 30 Trinity instead of the Mag I "restarted" with, with no explanation or reason.


After each mission, I had to restart the game; sometimes, the Lotus would say "When you are ready" but the navigation console would not respond; other times she would be entirely gone, and the ship would ask me to choose a mission, but again no response on the console.  Relogging fixed the issue, but the dialogue window mentioning "loss of completion rewards and bonuses" was a little jarring.  What rewards?  What completion bonuses?


Also, I can't tell if I've reached the end of the prologue sequence or not.  It's not asking me to go get more modules, or really telling me anything at all, but at the same time there's no indication that I've ended the Prologue and am back to where I left off before Update 14.  I've just defeated Vor and am a little confused due to the sudden lack of direction.


Additional bugs:

--During the "worm" takeover sequence where the Lotus starts to go staticky, some of her normal dialogue unaffected by the virus would repeat the preceding subtitle screens.  Basically the same text card I just saw instead of narrating her continuation.

--Some matchmaking sequences, just like before the update, would leave me hanging, saying "Please wait" with no back-out option.  It sat there for ten minutes "connecting" with no apparent progress.  Only fix was to CTRL ALT DEL and close the engine.

--Warframe's major updates keep resetting my graphics options; as such, the first time I started the prologue, everything was completely laggy (2-5 FPS).  I changed the graphics settings just after leaving the Tenno resting chamber, and...well...this happened: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/45351778296428456/35B6E12D3CA9EB648CAE6B432E5289F4B631ACEB/

I had to turn my texture settings from Medium back to Low (geometry detail, particles, shadow detail, texture memory) and reset the screen resolution to 800x600.  When the game came back from a black screen, that picture happened.  The ESC menu was also invisible; it made sounds, but could not be seen at all.  Again, the only way to reset it was to relog.


The menus are also much harder to read than they were before, with the mouse-motion rotations and finer text lines.  I have to play at 800x600 and can barely read the smaller text such as the Foundry material requirements, Mod descriptions, etc.  It's...legible, but an eyesore still.


EDIT: Encountering a rather consistent bug in the Arsenal menu; changing out my Warframe does not let me leave the menu and does not respond to the ESC key.

Edited by IceFlame1019
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During Vor's Prize segment the mission for finding Mercury's Nav Segment, and icon does not show up. Tried relogging many times, still nothing, So now I'm stuck in prologue unable to proceed and unlock the rest of my ship's components.  

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Glaive is stuck at rank 29 in profile, despite the codex saying 30 and having a 30 one in my inventory.


There is a second Burst Laser entry in my codex.


What completion rewards and bonuses am I forfeiting by quitting the game?  Quest related ones?  Does that mean that my Kubrow will stop maturing because that's my active quest?  Or will I not receive the next Mirage part?


Also there's no back out/exit/X button when you select something in the market.

Edited by Groverfield
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polarities not showing in the reward screen




weird reflections




and raptor is still an image :/ ...........




windows that cant be slide through in phobos





cryopod wrong size (red is the actual size)



spaghetti man lives on



dual massage in invasion missions



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So i just claimed my Mirage SYSTEMS, the game however gave me the message for the CHASSIS. Plus, since the hotfix Ordis hasnt spoken a word.




and here is the message for the HELMET, right before it.



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