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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Issues related to the Vor's prize quest

At one time during a mission (when I still had the injection), my screen flashed and was forced to stop into an pain animation, when vor asks me how my shields work. However, instead of having my shields weakened, they got buffed to 4k. (originally somewhere around 100~400)

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Potential bug here, but I'm having issues inviting friends to a squad. The game keeps saying "mission has expired" when I invite my buddies to my group already formed from the navigation console. I had to disband the party and reform it to get it to work.


Additionally, said buddy is running into an issue where the mission for the mercury nav beacon isn't showing, meaning he's stuck unable to continue in the Vor's Prize questline.

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Not sure if posted but whenever I leveled the Venka during a mission the game was stuttering for 2-5 seconds. No idea about other weapons.

This is happening to me as well.

Every time Venka levels, the game stutters for 2-5 seconds.

Then, disconnects me from the host and kicks back to the ship. 

Hope this helps.

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I had just maxed a few of the new Kubrow mods and then they disappeared. Restarted the game and they were still gone. The mods were Hunt, Howl, Pack Leader, Protect, Savegery and Loyal Companion. The non-maxed Kubrow mods were not removed.

Edited by Isklamia13
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Why can't i access any Upgrade menu's for weapons or frames??? People say i have to unlock, but wtf, i got 400h play time, and maxed all of the best mods and weapons, what do i need to unlock, Anyway...this update really makes me think about leaving this game untill it will be rolled back to old interface. Values i've been sticking to this game have been lost due to U14. everyone makes mistakes, but this is total FAIL !!!  WAKE UP ALREADY DE and roll this U14 off, cos it sux!!!

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Sentinels taking more damage than they should be. 


Minor freeze up when switching from chat tab to chat tab. 


Infested gaining absurd armor buffs. They develop a red aura and basically turns all the mobs affected into  Grineer Propspectors. (or whatever they are called.) They develop an insane armor rating which more than halves your damage output. My Akstiletto goes from 600-800 damage per bullet, to only 23 damage per bullet. (could be corpus and grineer as well. but have only seen it on Sechura with infested.


Kubrow glitches out of the incubator when pressing "E" repeatedly.


Howl of the Kubrow quest line is bugged on the navigation terminal. It reads as this:




Many armor/weapon clipping issues with Mirage. Sidearms clip into her thights, chest armor clips into her chest, etc.


Warframe covering up much of the Mod/Foundry/Arsenal UIs


Volatile Runners explosion range goes beyond 20m. Seems to only damage Sentinels though, not the player.


Many matchmaking bugs such as people not loading in, people unable to join sessions, etc.


Getting stuck on loading screens. 


Getting stuck on a "please wait...." screen.




Just to name the few that I have come across.

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I was crafting Mag before update 14, then i claim it after update 14. However, I don't have the power mods of Mag like Pull or Crush? 


Got it after re-login, thanks

Edited by Edwinghui
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the quest raid corpus resource don't appear on the map i can't see it anywhere


Have this issue too, i finished the raid corpus resource quest but it keeps telling me i need to do it. And there is nothing indicating on the star chart of where i need to go. Tried re logging but it didnt work

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Controller navigation is horrid...
Was kind of manageable with the old menu... Use a mouse to navigate the menus and such, the pick up the controller to play. 
Now I need to switch back and forth very frequently. The controller has stopped working to pick pop up promts in-game now as well... Defence missions require a response, which I need to grab a mouse for now instead of pressing left or right on my controller... This would not normally be an issue, but I like to play from the couch on my TV

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Mirage's Hall of Mirrors doesn't seem to be working properly. By properly I mean that it does WAY too much damage. I've been pulling consistent damage numbers around 100k with an naked phage and can kill bosses instantly. Needs to definitely be looked into.

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I had just maxed a few of the new Kubrow mods and then they disappeared. Restarted the game and they were still gone. The mods were Hunt, Howl, Pack Leader, and Loyal Companion. The non-maxed Kubrow mods were not removed.

As I said to the other guy, check to make sure that your mod inventory is set to not hide maximized mods. It is by default. The box is on the right side of the screen.

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Sentinels taking more damage than they should be. 



Warframe covering up much of the Mod/Foundry/Arsenal UIs


Volatile Runners explosion range goes beyond 20m. Seems to only damage Sentinels though, not the player.

^ These. Seriously. My Carrier seems to abruptly die out of the blue. Its shields are functioning normally but it seems like it has a NEGATIVE armor rating and anything hitting its HP deals exorbitant amounts of bonus damage.


As for the Warframe covering up the screens, try activating the module standing a bit more to the left. OR, hit ESC and access them that way. It's kind of a pain that the game doesn't automatically reposition you and even allows you to cover it up but... eh. Use the ESC key menu and you'll never be standing in the way.


As for the last thing, seriously wtf. I'm sniping these runners from across a defense map and they're still damaging my sentinel. It's beyond absurd. I might even start using Bastille until this is rectified because the lil bugger can't seem to STAY ALIVE anymore. ; ;

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Hi, I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but on the mission select screen, the tabs showing the mission information (I think) are waaay off. They sometimes even appear partially cut off by the screen, I think they're supposed to be displayed above the mission node box. Just thought I should point it out because I do not see that on the bugs section at the start of this post.

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Mission maps


1] I can't track which misson I've played cause there's no longer a completed misson count eg. 7/14 meaning I've completed 7 out of 14 available missions in that particular world. Please put it back...


2] I can no longer tell whether I've completed a particular mission because completed and open missions have the same animation/indicator now vs what we had before the update. Please put it back...




1] Please put back the mod count as I find it useful to track the number of mods I have.


2] Please allow a single page to view all mods instead of having to scroll down. It's annoying and time consuming.

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Why can't i access any Upgrade menu's for weapons or frames??? People say i have to unlock, but wtf, i got 400h play time, and maxed all of the best mods and weapons, what do i need to unlock, Anyway...this update really makes me think about leaving this game untill it will be rolled back to old interface. Values i've been sticking to this game have been lost due to U14. everyone makes mistakes, but this is total FAIL !!!  WAKE UP ALREADY DE and roll this U14 off, cos it sux!!!

Oj dear lord, cry some more you baby. Welcome to the first day after an update, not even 24 hours has past. The game is a beta game, prepare for things to change and be buggy.


And guess what, the game wont change back to the way it was, because about 80% of the community likes the new ui. Ether get over it, or get out, because I won't stand to listen to whiners about a game I have put equal time into and can still do all the stuff perfectly fine.

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Well, it seems there are many bugs that are serious and or irritating to the general public at this hour. I must reiterate, the "glitch" with the Mercury Nav is the most gamebreaking i've come across thus far. The armory seems to prevent weapon switching upon attempt and freezes/does not allow any action by the player. Significant lag in multiplayer, and switching between the codex and other menus can initiate a crash and or freeze. Devs, you're probably busy, but i urge you to please prioritize on the most "gamebreaking" of things that do not allow for gameplay due to insane lag, freezing, crashing, or halted story lines. Thank you.

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General Suvival:

Mission insta failed past the 5 mins mark when the air ran out. Void and regular survival showed this behavior. (Unsure if is intentional)


Survival T1 and T2 timer has frozen in place, enemies stopped spawning and the air meter kept ticking down, the time it would take to happen varied from 1:30 to 8 mins.


Vay Hek full form spawning in lvl 1


Howl of the Kubrows show in the Navigation pop up screen :


General Gameplay:

The game has been freezing for 3-5 secs and continue to run normally, this has happened to me and other friends after the update.

Some players report FPS loss, can't confirm on my end.

During the mission load screen if a player takes too long to load or fails too the screen hangs there and you can hear the other players being able to attack.


Disruptor Ancients are still doing full energy nukes instead of draining it as the patch notes said, need confirmation on the correct behavior they should show or the changes din't went trough as planned.

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Mission maps


1] I can't track which misson I've played cause there's no longer a completed misson count eg. 7/14 meaning I've completed 7 out of 14 available missions in that particular world. Please put it back...


2] I can no longer tell whether I've completed a particular mission because completed and open missions have the same animation/indicator now vs what we had before the update. Please put it back...




1] Please put back the mod count as I find it useful to track the number of mods I have.


2] Please allow a single page to view all mods instead of having to scroll down. It's annoying and time consuming.

1: You can track what missions are done, Missions you have not completed have a glowing outline that is basicly telling you to do them, completed missions are static, and locked missions have Grey veils over them. You need to be smarter than the tools you are working with.

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