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New Ui 1St Impression


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* I am not sure if it's just me. But parts of the UI causes me terrible vertigo and makes me kinda dizzy. I can't hold on much on that screen with the panel always moving every lil time you have to move the mouse pointer (Ie: mod's upgrade screen).


* On Navigation screen dev team supressed the pop info about resources (causing people to click every planet). Not as announced (user friendly, in my opinion). Same screen could havesmall pop with eventual alert (near alert simbol "!").


* Found an adventure to leave a live session, after completing a missing. (lol I couldn't hide it better).


The rest, overall impression, loved the ship, concept and interativity.

Edited by spyvspyaeon
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Horrible and confusing.



First off, DE didnt take PC players in account when making new UI. No exit button in login screen. No right click on name to invite anymore. Mod, Codex, etc screen are TV friendly. Really DE? Do you guys even know what are you doing?



Update was executed poorly, again. After 90+ days and all that "we are prolonging update because we want everything to be perfect" bullS#&$, they release most broken and confusing content ever.

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Horrible and confusing.



First off, DE didnt take PC players in account when making new UI. No exit button in login screen. No right click on name to invite anymore. Mod, Codex, etc screen are TV friendly. Really DE? Do you guys even know what are you doing?



Update was executed poorly, again. After 90+ days and all that "we are prolonging update because we want everything to be perfect" bullS#&$, they release most broken and confusing content ever.

Right click to invite is still in it, a bug didn't allow it but that has been fixed partially -   The Ui being Tv friendly since a lot of pc gamers HDMI out to tv's because .....well, why not ?  

Give DE a few days to work out the bugs like any other update - maybe more  so since this update pretty much change a quarter of the game.   

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First off, DE didnt take PC players in account when making new UI. No exit button in login screen. No right click on name to invite anymore. Mod, Codex, etc screen are TV friendly. Really DE? Do you guys even know what are you doing?



I guess that is only a matter of getting custom with in my opinion minor changes. I would sugest to please both is both UI running (annimated one) and an alternative just menu (like a shortcut). (activated by a button?)

Edited by spyvspyaeon
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Extremely packed close together, and in most cases being too bright, leads to some serious eye strain in a lot of menus. The new foundry in particular is horrible compared to the old one.


None of it is fun to use or streamlined for efficiency. In most cases, the ship has led to things being MORE clunky, not less.


Let's take mission selection as an example. Mission selection used to be a case of finding the planet on its orbit and clicking on it, then clicking on the mission. Now you have to walk to the navigation console (eating up many seconds if you're in the lower part of the ship since for some reason they decided you can't run), finding the planet and clicking on it, potentially rotating the mission wheel around, and clicking on the mission. Even ignoring the fact that the new mission wheel is just WORSE at getting information about the mission to you across, it's already inferior at the first step, which eats up a huge amount of time.


I'm sure a counter to this will be 'you can just hit escape and use the menus there.' And it's true, it does cut out the immense inconvenience that walking around the ship is. This isn't really a defense of the system, though. It's just more damning evidence that the entire project was poorly thought out in the first place. If my best option for dealing with the ship is to ignore it completely in favor of a simple tile menu, then I think it's fair to say that it's a failure.

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I have none of these problems, if you do have these problems I suspect the best way to take action is to go outside & drink some water. lol sitting at the screen for too long can do this to someone, even if it's just notepad.

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Congrats to DE for pushing a major update to live.

My first response to the new UI is a mixed one.

Very happy to see that the game now displays weapon / frame stats while equipping mods so I don't have to go back and forth there.

Weapon selection screen is definitely nicer with the bigger tiles.

There is a lot of "cool" in the new UI.


Camera motion / UI sway in the mods screen is dizzying.

The game has an option to turn off HUD sway in missions, please add an option to turn off camera motion in the ship UI as well.

Diegetic UI is a cool concept, however arsenal, foundry and mods screens are still GUI.

GUI elements that move around while I am trying to click them are rather annoying for mouse manipulation (should be fine on gamepads, dizzying effect aside).


The new foundry screen does not show how many units of a resource I have.

It only displays whether I have enough resources to craft something or not.

This is not helpful for me for decision making purposes.

I have to constantly open the resources tab and close it to check things.


Logged out of the game after wrestling with the new solar system interface.

I really want the old starmap back.

That is the nicest thing I can say about the new navigation UI.


The new UI targets gamepad use and being displayed on a large tv.

This is noticeable.

My computer is connected to a 55" tv as well as a 27" monitor, and I don't shy away from using a gamepad either.

That being said, so far I have been playing Warframe on the monitor with the classic keyboard & mouse setup (occasionally use the left side of the gamepad and the mouse together when I get tired of holding shift due to the low run & sprint speed).

The new UI is a strong motivator to move over to the TV, but the mouse is difficult to give up. :)


I hope that the mouse usability of the new UI will be improved (by simply turning off some of the "cool") with the upcoming patches.

Edited by Tekknoir
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This new UI is less simple but it's badass and pretty as fast as the old one once you're used to it.

My only blame is the new solar map that I find HORRIBLE, less obivious and less easy to use. Please if you could put back the old one at least as an option or improve the actual.

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This is part of what I am talking/suggesting. ps: of course I have another post with all positive and great news!! only this menus are annoying. Pretty much.


ps: if you click accidentally "remove all" or you need to rollback your change, you can't!!! no save no cancel. #userfails lol

Edited by spyvspyaeon
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I have none of these problems, if you do have these problems I suspect the best way to take action is to go outside & drink some water. lol sitting at the screen for too long can do this to someone, even if it's just notepad.


source ds.about.com - motion sickness - Motion sickness that's triggered by video games is more correctly referred to as "simulator sickness," since, unlike traditional cases of motion sickness, your queasiness isn't triggered by actual movement. Tomato, tomahto--whatever you want to call the feeling, it's still awful. simulator sickness--is believed to exist because of the same inner-ear conflict that causes the better-known miseries of seasickness and airsickness. When you play a video game, you're typically stationary on a couch, but your eyes are still observing on-screen movement, which might make your brain unhappy. Scientists have yet to confirm the reasons why we suffer from simulator sickness, but everybody is in agreement that it's not fun to go through. One thing we know for sure: simulator sickness isn't exclusive to video games. According to a report published in August 2007 issue of Popular Mechanics, "A 1995 report by the U.S. Army Research Institute found that almost half the military pilots who used flight simulators developed aftereffects--and 10 percent of those respondents had symptoms lasting more than 4 hours."

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The new UI is cluttered, unfriendly for navigation, laggy, motion sickness inducing (and I don't GET motion sick in games!), and terribly ineffecient.

It is a step back in every way concieable.

The old UI was leagues better than the current one, please do everything in your power to make the UI closer to the U13 UI.

Thank you.

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