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New Ui Makes Me Nauseous


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Like, I am literally getting motion sickness from all of the random rotating and weird overlays.


Further details so it's not buried


Looked at it some more.


One main issue, I think, are that when you move the mouse left, everything shifts right automatically. It feels less like your "flipping through pages" or "scrolling through" and more just like everything is moving backwards.


Another subtle, but I think important, issue is the random "wind" effects or whatever it is going behind the interface. Like I'll be moving my mouse to the left, the interface itself will move to the right, while at the same time there's particle effects in the background moving left. It just disorients the hell out of my head.


And there's a weird flashing light at the very edge of the screen. Flashing lights in peripheral are a surefire way to cause disorientation and headaches.

Edited by SanityRobot
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i suggest you stop playing video games

Please watch this video afterward you to will know how DE did everything wrong from a minimizing Simulation Sickness stand. Its all the mistakes a Console developer would make, not one giving lip to supporting PCs.


Edited by Brasten
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as I posted before - I am not sure if it's just me. But parts of the UI causes me terrible vertigo and makes me kinda dizzy. I can't hold on much on that screen with the panel always moving every lil time you have to move the mouse pointer (Ie: mod's upgrade screen).

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as I posted before - I am not sure if it's just me. But parts of the UI causes me terrible vertigo and makes me kinda dizzy. I can't hold on much on that screen with the panel always moving every lil time you have to move the mouse pointer (Ie: mod's upgrade screen).


Its not just you


DEs offense here are many:


-> Very tight 3rd person cam.

-> Very low Field of View.

-> Lots of "head bob" and motion.


Basically everything you can do to make someone sick while playing your game they did. The only thing they may or may not be there is heaping helpings of motion blur.

Edited by Brasten
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I agree. This UI is hard to tolerate as it hurts the eyes.  But my guess is DE is typical greedy company that only cares about the fat checks they will make from consoles.  PC prolly fkd now. i doubt anything will change

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Please watch this video afterward you to will know how DE did everything wrong from a minimizing Simulation Sickness stand. Its all the mistakes a Console developer would make, not one giving lip to supporting PCs.


Sad that this got it right decades earlier


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Well despite our opinin, I preffer to put it as a contrutive criticism, after all as we knew this's stil beta and improving. If there is more people with that impression I really guess they will do something to make it look less painfull.


plus most of updates are to fix lots of peoples complaints( well I believe in that).

Edited by spyvspyaeon
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My biggest problem is that the screen elements move around when I move my cursor.

So every time I try to click an icon, I have to play a little game of cat and mouse.

(Not to mention, sometimes icons resize themselves upon activation.)


What the hell, DE. Give me back my static menus.

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Sad that this got it right decades earlier


I don't see how that's sad.


Older games didn't rely as much on graphics as games do nowadays. Because of hardware limitations, they focused on gameplay and functionality.



Edited by FatalX7
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I agree. This UI is hard to tolerate as it hurts the eyes.  But my guess is DE is typical greedy company that only cares about the fat checks they will make from consoles.  PC prolly fkd now. i doubt anything will change

i have had none of these problems, how long have you been playing today? If you have motion blurr on in the settings also try turning that off & bloom, i turned those off when i first started.

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People complain a lot, but have you CONSIDERED the other HALF of warframe that likes it? Taking it away from them may just upset them. You can't please everybody, the only way to please, is if they make possible in options menu to toggle Static menu.

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People complain a lot, but have you CONSIDERED the other HALF of warframe that likes it? Taking it away from them may just upset them. You can't please everybody, the only way to please, is if they make possible in options menu to toggle Static menu.

The difference is if you take it away you won't suddenly make that other "half" of the player base sick. Also you didn't watch the video clearly.


Toggles, toggle-able options, all the time every time. Most of the DEs failures here could be correct with Options in the bleeding Options menu.


Is this a PC game or a Console game? Cause with update 14 I'm feeling the Console super strong.

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There are 7 billion people on the planet. How are people seriously surprised when other people have different experiences? Motion sickness is a real issue, and can easily be caused by video games for many people, but there are ways to design to mitigate that.


It shouldn't be outright removed entirely, but it is harming players and should be tweaked to alleviate that.

Edited by FatalX7
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People complain a lot, but have you CONSIDERED the other HALF of warframe that likes it? Taking it away from them may just upset them. You can't please everybody, the only way to please, is if they make possible in options menu to toggle Static menu.


It's not "dislike".


It's that trying to set up mods literally makes me physically ill.

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I don't see how that's sad.


Older games didn't rely as much on graphics as games do nowadays. Because of hardware limitations, they focused on gameplay and functionality.



Wing Commander was actually quite ambitious in the graphics department, and something as simple as FOV and a Bob toggle shouldn't be lost in gaming generations, that's like forgetting to map Pause to the Start button because you're reliant on graphics :/ (do note I don't suffer from the effects of motion sickness but I can see how such options would be good to have, even Minecraft has it. (most likely for performance issues rather than motion sickness accommodation but eh) 

Though the FOV in the ship is quite atrocious, it makes Rhino's face as big as Chris Redfield's bicep.

Edited by TenshuYuusha
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Also getting dizzied and frustrated by the mods screen.

This is the only game where I get it this bad.


There is a setting under HUD options to turn off UI sway in the mission HUD.

We need a similar setting to toggle camera motion / UI sway for the rest of the GUI.



People complain a lot, but have you CONSIDERED the other HALF of warframe that likes it? Taking it away from them may just upset them. You can't please everybody, the only way to please, is if they make possible in options menu to toggle Static menu.


Other people liking icons that move away while you are trying to click them, or enjoying camera motion does not help those who get dizzied or frustrated.

Giving players options to turn these kinds of things on and off is a very good idea.

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To make clear my suggestion.


Probably leaving the user the option to change mods panel size (smaller) and change mods zoom (zoom more) and option to turn on/off annimation. Otherwise 3D and 2D options!

Edited by spyvspyaeon
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