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Why Pay So Much For Our Kubrows?


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Ever had a pet in real life?

If yes, then you know they're expensive little S#&$s aren't they?

Now try adding on gene modification and incubator costs.


If no, try raising a pet and tell me how that goes for you.


Ever assembled an arsenal of weapons ranging from cutting-edge military technology to lost relics of an ancient civilization in real life?


Because I haven't, but I'm guessing it costs a bit more than a few bags of dog food.

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I have too many credits that I can't spend on anything since I bought everything I can with credits already. I don't see the complaining, Kubrows are just another sort of "sentinels" the sentinels aren't really maintained.. They are robots for gods sake, if you don't want a Kubrow, don't go farm for it, since you don't need a kubrow, a sentinel can do most the things a kubrow can from what I seen. But some people may like having a kubrow running around with them.

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It's not a real pet, and you shouldn't have to devote the time you'd spend on a real pet to maintaining this virtual one. It isn't worth the time, nor do most players have that much time to spend on this. Right now DE is providing absolutely no incentive to spend any amount of time or resources on these kubrows. And if they nerf sentinels to try to make kubrows more appealing, then all they'll do is push players to not use either companion. And if this dumb degradation system extends beyond argon crystals and the kubrow, then players will start dropping this game. I know I will.

If you don't want to use the pet then don't.  Not every feature needs to appeal to you.  Personally, I can't wait for them to become available on the PS4.

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The problem is some of us have jobs, or a life outside of warframe. We don't have time too upkeep a pet. I myself work and once summer is over will be going back to college not leaving me a whole lot of time for warframe or other various activities I might want to do with my free time.


We'll see how it plays out, but at the moment it's looking bad.


well then id say its not for you, I have a job and life outside warframe but im just putting my Kubrow on my irl pets schedule and they get fed at the same time. Its not a constant 24/7 upkeep, you do it like any other pet. Kubrows are in essence another pet, and if you want a 0 upkeep pet then a sentinel is going to be more your style. The upkeep part has been known about for a while and 100k is nothing money wise to feed him for almost a week. thats roughly 500k a month to feed it and a bit of attention when you go in the ship.


Lets all be realistic here and not act like this is a tedious amount of upkeep, this is literally only 5-10min (thats assuming just logging in real quick to tend to him) of your day at most if you actually want to have a kubrow. You more than likely play more than that in a single sitting so it shouldnt be a problem.

Edited by Echoa
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The problem is some of us have jobs, or a life outside of warframe. We don't have time too upkeep a pet. I myself work and once summer is over will be going back to college not leaving me a whole lot of time for warframe or other various activities I might want to do with my free time.


We'll see how it plays out, but at the moment it's looking bad.

Fair enough but the thing is I don't think your kubrow dies.

It gets less of a health bonus, and you could always stick it in stasis and not have to worry about it.


But I do agree with you guys they should make this a bit easier considering how much effort we have to put in just to get the damn thing.

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Every time you post a thread in the wrong section, Vor kills a Kubrow puppy.



Well... let him... He's got my support.


Like in Star Trek where the Klingons still sing songs about the Great Tribble Hunt... the Grineer (including some Tenno and Corpus) will sing songs about the Great Kubrow Hunt in the future.

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Wait, you're telling me that I have to constantly buy stuff to keep this dog thing alive? If so, I won't even worry about creating it.


I'm not looking for some in-game animal I have to come back and "feed".

Then before you log off, put it in stasis.

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Kubrows are only meant for Rich players? poor players dont deserve a pet?

First theyll tease you with it after 2nd boss in game, then theyll demand argon so you go farming voids, if youre completely clueless like new players you probably spend some money on void key packs and try to solo few, once you finally get one. Upkeep cost will gonna kill new player unless he decides that its not worth it or gonna buy some for plat.

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They weren't joking when they called this tomagotchi warframe in the video

And from what I understand, if you neglect it, it will die. I shoved mine in stasis and am not going to even bother with the stupid thing.

Edited by Zaresin
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