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New Way I Post Alert Threads


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So one person was very very straight forwardly against how I post alerts recently, which is. I post ? - Alert, and then immediately change it to the specs, and then change it again for the time, and again for the reward. If this upsets anyone else besides this guy please let me know.

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I don't care if you post minimal information to start and edit it later. I prefer that in the end the topic's subject has all the relevant information. None of this really matters and it's not like mail gets sent every edit, so just do what you want.

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Lol doesn't upset me, I thought it was funny :P

Everybody should just take a second and check if an alert's been posted already before making 5 topics. That's all. The format don't matter none to me.

It kinda of IMPOSSIBLE since he usually beats me by 1-5 seconds.

Edited by Synikal
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Everybody should just take a second and check if an alert's been posted already before making 5 topics. That's all. The format don't matter none to me.

That's the hard part, if everyone takes the time to look, who will post it, so everyone just rushes to post first.

Most repeat topics are posted within a minute of one another, even seconds.

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