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Xp Gain Reduced By Nearly 75%? Why?


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I didn't mean that casual should be the most efficient. I just refused to go to sechura and leech. In that spirit I would play lower level missions mostly solo all the time. I am decent enough at the game but I don't feel I am in the level of some people who can go 30+ minutes solo even on a t1. I can barely make it to 10 minutes because I run out of LS.

The idea  of either being limited to using a specific frame or being forced to play with others  just doesn't sit well with me. There should be some kind of option for us introverts who really don't like playing with others to not be penalized so much.

Maybe some option to save exp  until the end of a mission and then you get to decide how much of a % to put where.


Or they could, yanno, undo the damn nerfs.


XP was fine pre-nerf. It allowed you to level (albeit somewhat slowly) outside of Survivals. Nowadays, pfft. You don't get much of any XP from anything BUT Survival and maybe Defense.

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Eximus was too rewarding. Sure the nerf was harsh and I wanted it nerf to only 2x instead of 5x so it's actually rewarding to kill but you have to admit they were giving too much for having little to no real actual difficulty. They still die in 1-2 hits. People only enjoyed them around because they gave too much for little to no effort.


Nerfing Eximus was a right decision. Now all they have to do is make the Exp-to-level scaling better so a lv 20 Grineer will give 100 exp instead of 82 something from the base 75.


Survival is just an option as the fastest option if you can do it. Exterminate is still good. Defense is still good. Interception is also good because any capture is 300 - 800 exp split between gears you have on. (So you can remove items). Interception also loves to spawn the big unit. The only time it will be bad is that you're fighting against INFECTEDS. Instead of spending time in Sechura or low level stages, it's time to move to lv 15-20 stages or something so that heavies will be every where for you to fight now. Nobody bothered fighting Corpus or Grineer until today. Now I actually use Infected purely for farming and the other two factions for leveling now.


Btw, I solo all of them so you don't need to be a team player to level up fast. I can easily get my gear from 10 to 30 in about an hour. People are just not used to having to work for something again.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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Eximus was too rewarding. Sure the nerf was harsh and I wanted it nerf to only 2x instead of 5x so it's actually rewarding to kill but you have to admit they were giving too much for having little to no real actual difficulty. They still die in 1-2 hits. People only enjoyed them around because they gave too much for little to no effort.


I disagree. Some Eximus (HELLO MAG EXIMUS!!!) are just plain ridiculous and can mess your crap up in a hurry. There SHOULD be a hefty XP bonus for killing them.


Nerfing Eximus was a right decision. Now all they have to do is make the Exp-to-level scaling better so a lv 20 Grineer will give 100 exp instead of 82 something from the base 75.


Except nerfing Eximus isn't the only thing they did to XP... they had to have done something else too, don't know what. Less XP per unit, sure... but it seems like there's something on top of that. XP was better even in the Pre-Eximus days when there were no Eximus units at all.


Survival is just an option as the fastest option if you can do it.


Right now, Survival and Defense are pretty much your only two reasonable options.


Exterminate is still good.


LOL, you're joking, right? 2k per mission is "OK"? It takes what, 50 missions to get 29->30 at that rate?


Defense is still good. Interception was also good because any capture is 300 - 800 exp split between gears you have on. (So you can remove items). Interception also loves to spawn the big unit. The only time it will be bad is that you're fighting against INFECTEDS. Instead of spending time in Sechura or low level stages, it's time to move to lv 15-20 stages or something so that heavies will be every where for you to fight now.


Again, shoehorning everybody into 1-3 game modes is a horrible idea.

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I disagree. Some Eximus (HELLO MAG EXIMUS!!!) are just plain ridiculous and can mess your crap up in a hurry. There SHOULD be a hefty XP bonus for killing them.


They were? I shot them in the head and they died before doing anything. I could grind any weapon easily by going into a low level defense or survival and abuse the Eximus. They were of no challenge unless you're using a Lato in which case anyone smart would abuse a melee or weaker weapon to hit them to near dead and use the weapon they're grinding as finisher. No challenge, super reward.



Except nerfing Eximus isn't the only thing they did to XP... they had to have done something else too, don't know what. Less XP per unit, sure... but it seems like there's something on top of that. XP was better even in the Pre-Eximus days when there were no Eximus units at all.


Even with so much little exp and Eximus giving meh exp now, I can still grinding my gears and frame to max in 2-3 hours. This game grinding is still too easy and if it's still this easy, the focus system will be maxed in less than a day.



Right now, Survival and Defense are pretty much your only two reasonable options.


I mashed 4 on Ash outside Survival and Defense. Mobile Defense also love to spawn Heavies. Exterminate has a lot of heavies after lv 15 stage. Even Capture is good because units never stop spawning and heavies are also easy to find in capture. I can list a lot but you need to stop playing in Mercury, Earn and Venus to really see it.



LOL, you're joking, right? 2k per mission is "OK"? It takes what, 50 missions to get 29->30 at that rate?


2k in exterminate? I get like 20-30k (included end-of-stage reward) every void I exterminate run when trying to farm for my Forma Blueprint. The amount of Heavy Gunner, Moa and Ancient make the exp pretty nice.



Again, shoehorning everybody into 1-3 game modes is a horrible idea.


I could easily grind in Exterminate, Capture, Mobile Defense, Survival and even Invasion. At least 5 modes where you can grind in if you play above lv 15 and making sure it's not an infected stage. The only bad mode is Hive because again, infected.


Sorry I was already prepared for an Eximus nerf and prepared tricks ahead of time. My usual trick that could max my Warframe in 5 hours or weapon in a little over 2 hours if not forma'd is still working great. Just no more 40 minutes insta-30.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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RE:Zeitz: I'm not going to copy and paste each individual response (the forum system sucks!), so...


--Lv18 Soma, Potato, 1 Forma in T2 Defense. Anytime a Sanginous Eximus came out, it took almost an entire clip to kill it (versus a few shots for everything else). Frost Eximus, you have to walk right up to and get inside of their bubble (and since they seem to always be heavy gunners, they'll lolslap you to the floor first thing.


--Void Exterminate: That's awesome... if I still had some Void Exterminate keys laying around. You know, after Mirage needing 5 Void Keys, and horrible luck with RNG, I don't really have a lot of Void Keys and I'm sick of Survival and Defense rarely drops keys anymore after they nerfed that too. Oh and I did a couple not that long ago; it was nowhere near 20k. What about non-Void Exterminate? Go to, say, Jupiter and tell me you get 10k+... lol, not.


--Focus can be tuned however they like; I doubt it'd be maxed "in a day". They could make it be the equivalent of leveling something from 1 to 40 (yes 40) to get 1 Focus point or whatever they're going to call them. However, for the people who still need to Forma things, the nerfs make the game very not fun to play.

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--Soma takes an entire clip? Tell me you modded it for Serration + Crit early, not damage and elemental. My soma isn't even Forma'd and I could easily use it to kill Eximus in TI survival after 30 minutes as long as I land consistent headshot. (Which isn't hard because Soma is accurate)

Also, why are you grinding in T2 Defense with a weapon below lv 25? The level-to-exp scaling in this game is bad. You're better off killing a bunch of lv 15 than a small amount lf lv 30. This applies to ALL kind of mob. That's why my fastest leveling stage beside Void Survival is only Saturn Cassini Survival for 35 minutes. It's the lowest level survival stage where Heavies spawn at 9 instead of 20. (Apollodorus took 20 minutes for them to start spawning. Wonder if this was changed with the survival table change)


--RNG in Vault is removed by using team. Survival I means a lot of key. 1 Survival Keys can easily lead to 4-5 more T I keys. I burn all my Defense key to make vault key and still have over 20 of them.


And Jupiter is a low level stage. Jupiter is only well known for its Corpus Shotgun user. You picked a bad stage. If you want to grind exterminate (which isn't the most effective method because you want to kill and enemies in exterminate is limited. They have inifinte spawn elsewhere), go to Grineer faction or some stage like Uranus. THe units that give great exp in Corpus are the Tech and Shockwave Moa which don't spawn consistently until later in like Neptune.


Void is lucky heavies is everywhere and it has at least 120 - 150 units to kill. Other maps only have like 40-70 in a small map. If you want something close to exterminate in the star chart, go to Invasion. You have twice as much to kill with loads of heavies.


--It can be maxed in a day if you can get a weapon from 0 to 30 in 20 minutes with Nova Vauban combo. It was broken and needed fix.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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Also, why are you grinding in T2 Defense with a weapon below lv 25? The level-to-exp scaling in this game is bad. You're better off killing a bunch of lv 15 than a small amount lf lv 30. This applies to ALL kind of mob. That's why my fastest leveling stage beside Void Survival is only Saturn Cassini Survival for 35 minutes.


Because a friend was all like "I want Wyrm Carapace! Come along!" and I'm tired of Boltor Prime pieces not dropping so I thought I'd go for the next-best gun... mine was 30, no Forma, so I slapped a Forma on it and have been working on it since. If I'm gonna be going to a freaking Void Mission, I want crap that's gonna get XP, you know? And you didn't reply to my main point: Grunts were dying in 5-10 shots, even normal Corrupt Ancients were dying in 15-20 shots... but the Sanguinus Eximus was taking nearly 100 shots? That's 5x the health.



--RNG in Vault is removed by using team. Survival I means a lot of key. 1 Survival Keys can easily lead to 4-5 more T I keys. I burn all my Defense key to make vault key and still have over 20 of them.


Uh, wha? What do vaults have to do with anything? I mentioned needing 5 keys for vaults, because you need 5 Vault Keys to get the 5 Ciphers. Mine, or my friend's, whatever, still 5 keys used to get Mirage.




And Jupiter is a low level stage. Jupiter is only well known for its Corpus Shotgun user. You picked a bad stage. If you want to grind exterminate (which isn't the most effective method because you want to kill and enemies in exterminate is limited. They have inifinte spawn elsewhere), go to Grineer faction or some stage like Uranus. THe units that give great exp in Corpus are the Tech and Shockwave Moa which don't spawn consistently until later in like Neptune.


I was there for the Battlepay, not for XP. However, my point still stands, that incidental XP was still a nice icing on the cake. Now, it is "specific reward OR XP but not both" if you do anything but Survival/Defense/Interception.




--It can be maxed in a day if you can get a weapon from 0 to 30 in 20 minutes with Nova Vauban combo. It was broken and needed fix.


I don't see the problem with this, to be honest. Given they expect players to level each weapon they plan to use 4-5 times for Forma, I think it is only fair that there's a quick-level method.


But even if we nerfed the Eximus down to 2x XP (which isn't too bad of an idea), again, they nerfed more than JUST the Eximus units. THOSE are the nerfs I don't agree with.

Edited by Xylia
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Because a friend was all like "I want Wyrm Carapace! Come along!" and I'm tired of Boltor Prime pieces not dropping so I thought I'd go for the next-best gun... mine was 30, no Forma, so I slapped a Forma on it and have been working on it since. If I'm gonna be going to a freaking Void Mission, I want crap that's gonna get XP, you know?


In such case, bring a defensive spell user. It's just a T II so Snowglobe will do the job and you will now an easy life where your friend who invited you will have to do most of the killing = easy exp to your gear. If your friend doesn't really feel like killing and just want to grind gears too then you should have went grinding first instead of trying to farm without the gear for it. My friends and clan understand when I tell them I want my Vectis at a certain level first so that it is very effective before I join them.


Uh, wha? What do vaults have to do with anything? I mentioned needing 5 keys for vaults, because you need 5 Vault Keys to get the 5 Ciphers. Mine, or my friend's, whatever, still 5 keys used to get Mirage.


5 Keys only takes like 40 minutes to get at most anyway....


I was there for the Battlepay, not for XP. However, my point still stands, that incidental XP was still a nice icing on the cake. Now, it is "specific reward OR XP but not both" if you do anything but Survival/Defense/Interception.


If there's a stage that gives both, why bother doing a stage that only give X or Y. That was broken and it's good they fixed it. It made other nodes useful again. Ever since I got to Sechura, I stopped unlocking nodes. I stopped going to other stages. Sechura was the best. Dark sector on other planet for mats. Corpus and Grineer? Never heard of them.


I don't see the problem with this, to be honest. Given they expect players to level each weapon they plan to use 4-5 times for Forma, I think it is only fair that there's a quick-level method.


It's okay to have a quick-leveling method around but a trick that make leveling at least 8-10x faster from leeching? Like, wth? WF is probably the first game that took power leveling to the next level and made it a joke because it's like playing Rhino. Powerleveling at such rate teaches the player absolutely nothing about the game. When you remove it, they don't know where to go next and just sit there waiting for someone to tell them a new spot to go to so the horde can go camp there.


Also, every time you forma a weapon, the weapon is much more powerful at early ranks. A gun that has Serration + Elemental mod at lv 7 can easily farm Void for exp already. Every Forma means reduced grinding time anyway. Punchthrough + Damage pretty much make the leveling a joke even with the current nerf.


But even if we nerfed the Eximus down to 2x XP (which isn't too bad of an idea), again, they nerfed more than JUST the Eximus units. THOSE are the nerfs I don't agree with.


Beside the Eximus nerf and spawn rate, I barely notice anything else. Don't forget that Sechura comes with +30% exp so you might feel like the exp was reduced but nope, that was the actual rate to begin with. Dark sector just boosted them.


The only other issue is the survival spawn change but that is more of a bug and will likely get fixed because it's dumb nothing would spawn for over 15 seconds.


In quote.

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This is just bullS#&$. Survival for 20 minutes and my Vauban went from lvl 13 to 14. Leveling weapons and frames is boring. Having a maxed out weapon or frame and then pushing it to the limits is fun (solo surv 60min+, solo def wave 50+ etc.)



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This is just bullS#&$. Survival for 20 minutes and my Vauban went from lvl 13 to 14. Leveling weapons and frames is boring. Having a maxed out weapon or frame and then pushing it to the limits is fun (solo surv 60min+, solo def wave 50+ etc.)




Don't tell me you're playing Infected or Apollodorus.

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Sechura Sechura Sechura.


Maybe I was one of those Tenno who do not worship Survival? Fun fact: I Hate survival. I'm sick of it being the only way to get much of anything in this game. It feels rammed down my throat.


We shouldn't nerf XP gains from all other nodes (which was one of the ONLY reason to do those nodes in the first place!) just because "OMG PEOPLE ARE LEVELING TOO FAST IN SECHURA!"


Maybe......nerf Sechura instead since that appears to be the 90% of what you have issue with?


Don't tell me you're playing Infected or Apollodorus.


Again with the "This doesn't give XP so don't do it!" response.


Why even have these missions in-game, then?

Edited by Xylia
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Why don't you buy plat and skip more gameplay if you don't like it :^)

Are you serious? You can't level items with Plat. If this was intentional then it was to further length out the needless grinding. This is a bad move.

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Sechura Sechura Sechura.


Maybe I was one of those Tenno who do not worship Survival? Fun fact: I Hate survival. I'm sick of it being the only way to get much of anything in this game. It feels rammed down my throat.


We shouldn't nerf XP gains from all other nodes (which was one of the ONLY reason to do those nodes in the first place!) just because "OMG PEOPLE ARE LEVELING TOO FAST IN SECHURA!"


Maybe......nerf Sechura instead since that appears to be the 90% of what you have issue with?


They did, with the Eximus nerf. Eximus was the exp for Sechura anyway. Now it's Credit only. Other nodes only took like a 10-15% nerf at most while Sechura ate like 60%



Again with the "This doesn't give XP so don't do it!" response.


Why even have these missions in-game, then?


To unlock new nodes, to kill a certain type of mobs (you farm Apollo for the T3 reward card early because that's the easiest stage) and to farm resources?


Sorry but it's time to start playing and not waiting to be spoon fed. The community here is too spoiled.

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Sorry but it's time to start playing and not waiting to be spoon fed. The community here is too spoiled.


lol, what?

I want to know what whacky world you live in where "I wanna do something other than Survival and get decent XP" somehow equals "You want spoon fed"?




Tell me just how THAT works. Here I am saying I don't LIKE doing the whole leeching on Sechura thing and you come back with "you want spoonfed" .... that's... wow.


What were you smoking earlier? Can I have some?

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lol, what?


I want to know what whacky world you live in where "I wanna do something other than Survival and get decent XP" somehow equals "You want spoon fed"?


"Game too hard, please fix. Make leveling easier. Make loot easier. Make mobs easier."




Tell me just how THAT works. Here I am saying I don't LIKE doing the whole leeching on Sechura thing and you come back with "you want spoonfed" .... that's... wow.


Isn't even directed at you but the whole community in general. Everyone only QQs now because they couldn't leech an unranked weapon to full again in 20 minutes.


What were you smoking earlier? Can I have some?


Your tear



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Time-consuming != Challenge.


If, before, I could level a weapon on Mercury in X missions and now it is X*3 missions, that doesn't mean it is any harder to do so. That was just an example, btw. I don't actually level weapons on Mercury. Well, sometimes 1-5 I will. Depending on how good the weapon actually is while unranked.


2nd Point: The only thing I said that about is Lephantis being Lv80 when the rest of the Derelict is Lv30. That's just an absurd jump in power. I feel 40 is fair. Yes, I'm asking for him to be "easier", but not so dirt easy you can pop him with a single shot of a Lato easy. Loot "easier"? Again Grind != Challenge. Doing a Tower 3 Survival to 40min once is just as hard as doing it 15 more times. I've proven I can do it. Therefore there's no more "challenge" left in that.


3rd Point: Generalization much? I'm not posting in this thread because of "I can't level 0-30 in Sechura in 20min anymore", it is more "I spent all day playing Warframe and I've only got a handful of levels to show for it, purely because I didn't do Sechura."


4th "Point": I was tempted to report you on that; that's inappropriate. But I'll let it slide this time.

Edited by Xylia
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Time-consuming != Challenge.


Part of playing any grinding game is that it is time consuming. Just because it isn't challenging doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. This isn't just an ordinary FPS. It's an MMO with shooter element. A grind in unavoidable in any MMO and this one takes the LEAST time so far out of all MMO I've played.


If, before, I could level a weapon on Mercury in X missions and now it is X*3 missions, that doesn't mean it is any harder to do so. That was just an example, btw. I don't actually level weapons on Mercury. Well, sometimes 1-5 I will. Depending on how good the weapon actually is while unranked.


You still can though even on Mercury. The problem though is that Mercury is a "beginner-zone" and beginner zone are never great for leveling. However, if you want to level there, you still can. Heavy used to spawn post-20 minutes. Unless they fixed it, any longer than 20 minutes will start having your room flooded with Heavy Gunner = huge exp.


2nd Point: The only thing I said that about is Lephantis being Lv80 when the rest of the Derelict is Lv30. That's just an absurd jump in power. I feel 40 is fair. Yes, I'm asking for him to be "easier", but not so dirt easy you can pop him with a single shot of a Lato easy. Loot "easier"? Again Grind != Challenge. Doing a Tower 3 Survival to 40min once is just as hard as doing it 15 more times. I've proven I can do it. Therefore there's no more "challenge" left in that.


Since when did Lephantis get in the discussion? Bullet sponge Lephantis is likely a bug anyway and I hope it gets fixed or I will have to go Corrosive Team on him just to make it easy. Lephantis will never be hard unless they add stuffs for you to do beside "Shoot the weakspot"


3rd Point: Generalization much? I'm not posting in this thread because of "I can't level 0-30 in Sechura in 20min anymore", it is more "I spent all day playing Warframe and I've only got a handful of levels to show for it, purely because I didn't do Sechura."


A bunch of them will mention "Sechura" and "Lower EXP" in the same thread. Sure is funny. I complained about the Infected Ancient's exp and eximus nerf right after the patch and no one cared. Now, 2 days later, the front page is filled with "Eximus lower exp" and "Sechura no longer good".


4th "Point": I was tempted to report you on that; that's inappropriate. But I'll let it slide this time.


Do know that you started it first by saying I'm high when I typed that. It just goes to show that you had no intention of respecting my reply to begin with and that you were just mocking me for pointing out the effective tricks.


Sometime, I ask myself why I even bother posting because I could have gotten Brakk forma'd 2 more times already.

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3rd Point: Generalization much? I'm not posting in this thread because of "I can't level 0-30 in Sechura in 20min anymore", it is more "I spent all day playing Warframe and I've only got a handful of levels to show for it, purely because I didn't do Sechura."


A bunch of them will mention "Sechura" and "Lower EXP" in the same thread. Sure is funny. I complained about the Infected Ancient's exp and eximus nerf right after the patch and no one cared. Now, 2 days later, the front page is filled with "Eximus lower exp" and "Sechura no longer good".


Sometime, I ask myself why I even bother posting because I could have gotten Brakk forma'd 2 more times already.


Then why are you replying to Xylia's post, when he isn't making the point you're trying to counter? What are you trying to accomplish by making yourself look like a coward who's backpedaling after his BS has been called out?

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Then why are you replying to Xylia's post, when he isn't making the point you're trying to counter? What are you trying to accomplish by making yourself look like a coward who's backpedaling after his BS has been called out?


And I did state in the post that "this is not directed at you but the general"


like here


Isn't even directed at you but the whole community in general.


or here


A bunch of them will mention "Sechura" and "Lower EXP" in the same thread.


Misunderstanding happens and I just want to clear it. If I had been backpedaling the whole time, I wouldn't even bother giving tips and tricks in almost every post made in this thread from exact location to grinding methods.

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I haven't seen it brought up yet, but NPE is suffering slightly from this as well. With the lack of semi-decent mods dropping for MR0 players, and the fact that few of the starter weapons are decent against anything but low-leveled Grineer, the necessity to use the mods one has is definitely there. Unfortunately, this system is making it more difficult for new players to get the mod points they need in order to begin to start having a fighting chance against Corpus and Infested.

Edited by ForgemasterHD
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Don't tell me you're playing Infected or Apollodorus.

What does it matter? Formula for XP is Total_experience = 0.1425 * base_exp * (current level)^0.5 + base_exp

  • Base Exp: the base experience value for the enemy. 
  • Current Level: the level of your target enemy.

Assume a monster has a base exp value of 100. Killing a level 10 enemy of that type would award you with ~145 exp points. Killing a level 50 enemy of that type would award you ~200 experience points. Killing a level 100 monster (found on Defense wave 40+) would award you a whopping ~242 experience points.


Tell me which is harder to kill: a level 100 ancient with ~100k hp or 2 level 10 ancients with ~1k hp?


It will actually be faster to kill hordes of low level monsters than to try and farm high level ones since every monster type has a set amount of EXP they reward, which is then SLIGHTLY affected by the monsters level.


Also, nerfing the XP rates DOESN'T make leveling Frames and Weapons any HARDER than it was before the patch. It isn't any more difficult to play a defense map to wave 40 or survive until 40 minutes on a survival map now compared to pre-patch. What the nerf does is make you repeat that mindless repetition aka grind multiple times instead of just once or twice as it was before.


PS. To make things even more difficult Defense maps seem to be bugging as every time I've played one to wave 30 and tried to continue towards 35 our group disconnects and gets "session closed" error message. Fun times indeed.

Edited by Suprkeke
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