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I Finally Stopped Playing Every Day, Thanks De


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I didn't even notice, but after update 14 I felt not even compelled to get my login reward, I have little to do now, in fact I am now locked from any alert that comes up on E.Prime thanks to the neverending search for a Kurbrow egg, way to go I guess, one would think that all the grind for pets would come into play with eugenics and not with finding the base components, not to mention their mods.


Also, regarding the Kurbrow quest, did you seriously think making jokes about the rarity of a random drop would be funny? now Warframe is self-aware? too bad is one of the most hated aspects of the game what you choose to portray, you may be laughing at me while swimming in cash but that won't entice me to play more, and now I am more reluctant to buy plat again (considering I only do it with discounts)


The UI while interesting annoys me with the tilting, the way you leave a squad is way unintuitive, some stuff was streamlined in a good way but the rest is just plain bad, I lost hope long ago for Rhino Prime until I got a nice deal on the trade chat which is still problematic on its own right, but Mirage, I need lots of vault runs just to get one component, for someone who despises the whole recruiting way you can guess I'd rather go Solo and try to have the right key, but I won't be doing it until I have 20/? right keys, I have a clan but even then we are less and less active now.


You never cease to amaze me DE.

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Yeah I'd say just take a break off warframe. Try a new game I'd recommend "Divinity Original Sin" a very fun RPG made by Larian Studios(it's on steam don't know if they sell it on disk but still) so expect funny/silly thing and a few references. Play that for a few days and then come back I did that and man I feel Great or really any game that doesn't make you get angry or annoyed easily and you'll be fine.

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Really?? It's beta! Try putting up some ideas!!! Just sayin

What does that have to do with anything? beta or not the grind model finally made me stop playing on a daily basis, I just noticed a hotfix, but now I read the notes and didn't even bother to log in, ideas I have, but everyone can have ideas, the only way they would be implemented would be if I were part of the staff or the primary shareholder, which I am not.

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I still play everyday, but I feel it's lesser and lesser now.

Don't have to log in for another 10 hours for Akzani and Mirage part to finish. 

Or I could just wait 1 day more for my next Kubrow.


There's a lot of waiting right now there's nothing for me to do.

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Yeah I'd say just take a break off warframe. Try a new game I'd recommend "Divinity Original Sin" a very fun RPG made by Larian Studios(it's on steam don't know if they sell it on disk but still) so expect funny/silly thing and a few references. Play that for a few days and then come back I did that and man I feel Great or really any game that doesn't make you get angry or annoyed easily and you'll be fine.

I am not even a fan of online stuff like this and MMOs, I came for the faps and stayed for the Fast, got almost everything I wanted and kept leveling stuff I wanted just so I could join the harder raids, now I don't feel compelled to get a pet or the new frame because even Hydroid (which I didn't bother to get after a while) is easier to obtain.

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Also, regarding the Kurbrow quest, did you seriously think making jokes about the rarity of a random drop would be funny? now Warframe is self-aware?




No, i'm not being ironic, i'm not being sarcastic, yes they think that a rare drop is funny. Not only that, they are VERY aware that the drop is rare and frustrating. They have Metrics that tell them how rare the drop is WAY better then you could ever prove. And they KNOW this, they know that gunning for an Egg is frustrating.


Hell, the capitalize on it, they have a "Purchase Egg" option that comes with a whole load of crap you don't need too, which is a very anti-consumer choice to offer. So not only do they KNOW it's frustrating to farm for Egg, they designed it for you to feel that, hoping you'd cave in, give up the grind and just buy it from them.

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Getting mirage doesnt rely on RNG, that s a good thing, unfortunately it kinda punishes solo players due to the vault runs, and costs you more time due to the fact you need to craft one part after the other.

Precisely, I like to get all my frame parts in the foundry in the same day and then just mess around during the 3 days it takes for it to finish, it is almost as if DE wanted me to rush every component with platinum, but they can't be that greedy... right?

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fist was the oxium, then the argon, the void grind, now the quests... only way people will like next frame is putting it on the market for credits

Man, don't be such an extremist, raiding a boss for a 25+% chance of getting the component you look for is acceptable to a degree, Vay Hek locators are more or less annoying if you compare to Lephantis raids, but Mirage takes the cake.

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 So not only do they KNOW it's frustrating to farm for Egg, they designed it for you to feel that, hoping you'd cave in, give up the grind and just buy it from them.

A lot of people don't realise this funnily enough. Don't be a consumer pig, I only use plat for slots but it's evident that DE are enticing people to use platinum for things that we can wait for such as speeding up builds in the foundry or the kubrow egg for 10 platinum.I smell greed. It's going to also put off new players.

Edited by SpartanSK117
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i'd agree in part i suppose. collecting the Reagents is not where i expected to be dumping lots of time, what i DID expect, is breeding dozens and dozens of Kubro's to gene splice them together to create specific strains which i want.


i don't know if we can do that, but i'm hoping so. because that's what i simultaneously expect, and dread from Kubro's. i want it, but at the same time, i don't. but i think i want it more than not.



Beta at this point is just an exuse for bad mechanics to exist.

more of a mention that the experience isn't considered complete. elsewise, it is to be primarily treated as a completed product.



Need 5 cyphers per message, I got 1 cypher per run, I need more or less 15 of those, right?

just the 5, after that it's a story based Quest that's mostly getting you to do some thinking, rather than replaying Missions a million times.


admittedly, Vaults isn't the most solo friendly, however that's the only 'grind' you can consider to be connected to Mirage.

the story based aqqusition of Mirage is a big step forward, and i happily await more parts of Warframe that hopefully are that interesting to complete.


you build each piece in order, but so what? there's some interesting thinking to do along the way. there's no legitimate complaint against that unless you literally have never learned patience. waiting a few days is really not a big deal, especially considering there's more than just waiting to this, and instead you're being given an actual story for building the frame.

fist was the oxium, then the argon, the void grind, now the quests... only way people will like next frame is putting it on the market for credits

Oxium is a very well designed Material. Argon would be very well designed if there was ways to make it easier to obtain it, like Oxium. though Argon seems to be able to be obtained in Missions outside of the Void now, which makes them probably acceptable as is, even if killing an Enemy in a specific way would be great.

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A lot of people don't realise this funnily enough. Don't be a consumer pig, I only use plat for slots but it's evident that DE are enticing people to use platinum for things that we can wait for such as speeding up builds in the foundry or the kubrow egg for 10 platinum.I smell greed. It's going to also put off new players.

Don't forget the minor but annoying thing, until I complete the quest any alert on E.Prime is blocked for me, it is that or there was a node that day on Earth with an alert that didn't appear at all, and I had all the nodes unlocked.

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i'd agree in part i suppose. collecting the Reagents is not where i expected to be dumping lots of time, what i DID expect, is breeding dozens and dozens of Kubro's to gene splice them together to create specific strains which i want.


i don't know if we can do that, but i'm hoping so. because that's what i simultaneously expect, and dread from Kubro's. i want it, but at the same time, i don't. but i think i want it more than not.



more of a mention that the experience isn't considered complete. elsewise, it is to be primarily treated as a completed product.



just the 5, after that it's a story based Quest that's mostly getting you to do some thinking, rather than replaying Missions a million times.


admittedly, Vaults isn't the most solo friendly, however that's the only 'grind' you can consider to be connected to Mirage.

the story based aqqusition of Mirage is a big step forward, and i happily await more parts of Warframe that hopefully are that interesting to complete.


you build each piece in order, but so what? there's some interesting thinking to do along the way. there's no legitimate complaint against that unless you literally have never learned patience. waiting a few days is really not a big deal, especially considering there's more than just waiting to this, and instead you're being given an actual story for building the frame.

Oxium is a very well designed Material. Argon would be very well designed if there was ways to make it easier to obtain it, like Oxium. though Argon seems to be able to be obtained in Missions outside of the Void now, which makes them probably acceptable as is, even if killing an Enemy in a specific way would be great.

I was about to agree with your points until you questioned my patience, there is no scaling with Mirage components as to compensate for them being built one at a time compared to how you build any other frame once you get all components, I am basically blocked from playing to get the next until is finished, so much for a story driven quest.

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