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Important Psa: How To Preserve Kubrow Dna Integrity



I figured out the system and verified my theory this morning.


Step 1: When you're about to log off Warframe for the night, whenever that is, put your MATURE Kubrow into stasis.


Step 2: When logging back the next day, you thaw your Kubrow AFTER you claimed your login reward. (After server reset)


Result: No DNA Integrity lost for any Kubrow in stasis when you've claimed your login reward.


Note: DNA Stabilizers are meant for the Kubrow puppies because they have to stay out in order to mature.



Please direct everyone you can to this thread, so we save credits, frustration and Kubrow lives.

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Thanks for the tip, and I hope DE doesn't consider this a bug or an exploit. Though I am a bit puzzled by why Kubrows are so genetically unstable. The wild Kubrows clearly do not have this genetic issue and domestication should not have altered their DNA in any drastic way. Even selective breeding used to create the different breeds of Kubrow should not have destabilized their entire genetic makeup. And if it did, that brings up even more disturbing questions. What did we do to these animals that causes them to rapidly deteriorate? What physical and psychological toll does this deterioration have on the Kubrow; it clearly is enough to effect their combat performance and even lead to death. How could we have mutated these otherwise genetically stable creates so much that they require expensive genetic treatments almost daily just in order to survive. And I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think freezing and thawing a pet every day is particularly humane. 


I know this is a game, but I'm kind of serious, because lore and continuity matters to me. Its also a big pain gameplay wise. 

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You feel like you discover a singularity but nope, it takes 3 HOURS to take the dog out of stasis, and you skipped that part. off course it is easy to put it into stasis everynight, now tell us how you wait 3 hours everyday to take it out of it.

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You feel like you discover a singularity but nope, it takes 3 HOURS to take the dog out of stasis, and you skipped that part. off course it is easy to put it into stasis everynight, now tell us how you wait 3 hours everyday to take it out of it.

put it in stasis, 5 min before reset time. Take it out and play with it in 3 hours and the rest of the day, and tomorrow until before 5 min reset time again. Seems legit, rather than spending 100k credits every week to sustain a pet. 

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I would take a 3-hour downtime over a credit sink any day of the week.


You bring up an interesting point, inthephonebox;
Tenno are not humane by any stretch. They were created by a race of completely cold, calculating geniuses. Tenno operate on cold logic for the most part, and I consider this more humane than the feral Kubrow genocide we had to enact to get our eggs, and our Kubrow mods.

This is not to say it IS humane. It's not. But the alternative is worse.

Edited by DAttila
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There's only one other problem, if your kubrow isn't out of stasis at reset you can't use your three loyalty redeems that day. So, it's whichever is the lesser of the two evils I suppose.

That's why you put the Kubrow into stasis when you're done playing for the day. Even if it's past server reset time, so long as you do not relog, you'll be fine. And you just wait the three hours until you interact with them, simple as that.

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Hmmm, I'll have to try it out. One of my kubrow was in stasis today when I claimed my login reward and even though he's thawed now I can't regain loyalty with him. Perhaps it's just a glitch. We can hope!

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Yesterday I was thinking if that would work, and apparently it does.


While it is a workaround, using it would mean I agree with how things are right now, and I don't.

Thus, my Kubrow shall remain in stasis permanently, until it's changed.

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by the way I am also doing an experiment I bought an egg and rushed it through the incubation period right before yesterdays reset, if what I had heard it takes two resets for it to mature then todays reset should see it mature and I will have cut the mature time in half. My Huras took almost 48 to 50 hours last time. Just an aside, it's appalling the lack of information on the kubrows and how we have to wade through multiple posts of players with absolutely no input from DE about their care or how to do many of the things people are asking about.

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personally, mine had been out since his birth and had never dropped for more than 20% a play every mission with him and try my best to keep him alive in harder mission, I just don't take him to survival where I would risk to die myself, so I guess it's just another genetical traits or something like that, probably considered as a kind of ageing or thing like that...


by the way , he is 2 day's and a half old and lvl 15.

Edited by Philipes111
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There's only one other problem, if your kubrow isn't out of stasis at reset you can't use your three loyalty redeems that day. So, it's whichever is the lesser of the two evils I suppose.

Quite oddly enough I was able to pull one of my dormant Kubrows out of stasis, regain her loyatly while she was recovering and then put her back. The reset however was taken by the pup I was leaving to grow.

(And yes the 3 chances of the one I pulled out had been used up before the reset)

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