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Gram - It Needs A Skin, Do Some Justice To The 2H Sword


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You can't really be serious right? You do know that a scythe is not a weapon right? If you were to use a scythe in real combat when you connected with a target it would be stuck (unless it went all the way through) and you would have to stop   and reverse your physical efforts to recover your "weapon." Having a scythe as a weapon skin looks cool but it is easily the most non nonsensical and ridiculous weapon skin in game. Have you ever held a scythe? Try chopping something thick with it and see what happens. It is not a weapon design, it was designed and created to harvest a plant, mainly wheat if I remember correctly.


A scythe would be a bad skin for the Gram (or prime) because it was a bad skin to start with because it is not a weapon.


Scythe is not a weapon, not when created, and not in the future as the blade design is all wrong for combat. You want a skin for a combat melee weapon, cool. But let's leave the garden tools in the shed.


P.S. and don't come back with that "war scythe" idea because when they did that they rotated the blade 90 degrees basically turning the scythe into a cheep spear.

Fact of the matter is, the scythes ARE weapons in this game.  Notice that I also said game, this isn't real. Trying to hit me with real life technical stuff when we're talking about a game isn't going to help your argument. Nor did I say I wanted a scythe skin for the gram (where did you get this idea?) Then you try to be a smart &#! on top of that. xD We have two scythes and I like them. I'm not asking for more scythes, I'm asking for a better looking sword skin for the gram. Cause the gram currently, looks like the plasma sword. (which also has two club lights stuck on to each side) Please really read my post next time before replying. 


Also, scythe war? What even...I don't even know what scythe war idea you're talking about. 

Edited by TheDoctah
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Also, scythe war? What even...I don't even know what scythe war idea you're talking about.


^ War Scythe ^

EDIT: Incidentally, it shares some similarities to the Gram. Both weapons were clearly made in a hurry and look the part >_> Seriously, I like the weapon and all, but I just don't like the double glowstick look at all.

Edited by Rule34
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^ War Scythe ^

EDIT: Incidentally, it shares some similarities to the Gram. Both weapons were clearly made in a hurry and look the part >_> Seriously, I like the weapon and all, but I just don't like the double glowstick look at all.

Thanks for bumping my knowledge a couple points! Lol! Yes, both were rushed out, it clearly shows too. I like the weapon too and I super agree that the glowstick look isn't exactly great! Lol! Hopefully we'll see a change to it. 

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Why not an actual broken sword? Considering it's named after the broken sword Gram

Gram was broken at one point, but was reforged. and a shattered sword wouldn't exactly fit the theme of Warframe, I don't think.

Warframe also references mythology and other mythological stories, but it's not a mythological game, we aren't wearing Toga's and righting Romans.

inspired, not actual ;)


but I wouldn't be against trying it, I guess.

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Gram was broken at one point, but was reforged. and a shattered sword wouldn't exactly fit the theme of Warframe, I don't think.

Warframe also references mythology and other mythological stories, but it's not a mythological game, we aren't wearing Toga's and righting Romans.

inspired, not actual ;)

Oh good, thank you for knowing your mythology.

That said, we do need a true sword.

Cloud's sword, or really any blade from such themes, are just....No.

I like how people cry "we need ninja things!" and then post pictures of swords the size of Shaquille O'Neal.

If we do get two-handed blades, let's take all the cultures. We could use claymores, zweidenhanders, large katanas, muramasas, etc.


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Oh good, thank you for knowing your mythology.

That said, we do need a true sword.

Cloud's sword, or really any blade from such themes, are just....No.

I like how people cry "we need ninja things!" and then post pictures of swords the size of Shaquille O'Neal.

If we do get two-handed blades, let's take all the cultures. We could use claymores, zweidenhanders, large katanas, muramasas, etc.


 - to be honest, i knew what Gram was in mythology, but i always double check information like this. so i can't take complete credit.


 - 16 high-five's for someone finally understanding that 'we want ninja weapons' and 'we want FF weapons' don't mix. 


 - i'd be up for trying Muramasa's and Nodachi's. they're historically accurate to what we're trying to be as a heavy weapon, but still very useful.

however, i'm also up for western traditional Great Swords. however, personally i've always though the 'second handle' area on most historical Great Swords to look really ugly. it totally ruins the look of the swords.

in other words, this part of the average Great Sword really kills the look for me. i know it's critical for use of the weapon, but i want mah purty looks:



so as long as we don't have that on the sword, i'm good with it.

Edited by taiiat
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Like OP's gram re-skin.   Could also just go with claymore (or any large sword really) shape w/ laser energy (or the glowy ether glass stuff), look at some of the stuff they have in the phantasy star online/portable games, think they had some cool looking melee weapons that didn't seem too out there in a futuristic sci-fi environment. 

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I have a idea, was going to suggest a new weapon from it, but it might do better as a skin. its a WIP, just a rough draft basically.



Ori; Gram Skin

Increases attack speed by 10%; Decreases Charge Damage by 15%


Would something like this with these stat modifiers work well for people? Cause skins are starting to have their own stat modifiers. Its still a WIP, I might elaborate on it.

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I have a idea, was going to suggest a new weapon from it, but it might do better as a skin. its a WIP, just a rough draft basically.



Ori; Gram Skin

Increases attack speed by 10%; Decreases Charge Damage by 15%


Would something like this with these stat modifiers work well for people? Cause skins are starting to have their own stat modifiers. Its still a WIP, I might elaborate on it.


I just... do you noticed Gram is sword, right?

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Zelgaris, I had a Gram before it was nerfed. Skins don't always have to be a similar weapon, plus the Ori is a WIP, still  figuring out how to make it a little better. And so what of the blade is only on one side? It's different. Need to take a look at some more designs, get a idea of mixing and matching parts. There are weapons that look like something else, but theyre not.

Edited by Zenn
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