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Dread Bow, Worst Bow?


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Dread is border lined the best bow. I literally just got out of 35 min T4 survival and i was still one shotting most of the enemies. I still like the Paris Prime more though.

The gap between them isn't too large, though.

I'm not swapping from paris prime, though, Formas and potato, too valuable now.

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you don't need damage table if you have tons of damage, and you can have tons of damage with Dread.

Who needs damage tables, when you have tumblr_m0sx9q4h6R1rp8ehlo1_400.jpg ?

Aight thanks guys, i was getting a bit discouraged and yes i DO have the dread bow that i made today and i'm proud of it ._.

Except for the part where i shoot heavy armor greniers for punny damage T.T

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Dread is not the worst bow. I (in my severely limited modding skills, i'm horrible at modding weapons) can get 8-16k crits, and a 50% chance of a red crit, which doubles that amount. And slash seems to be the most versatile damage type (or i just can't bring out the potential of impact or puncture.. one of the two).

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Physical damage does not really matter that much considering most of your damage will come from the elemental mods you put on and with the dreads crit chance it has so much overkill that it does not matter what damage type you use anything hit by it is going down.

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Who needs damage tables, when you have tumblr_m0sx9q4h6R1rp8ehlo1_400.jpg ?

Aight thanks guys, i was getting a bit discouraged and yes i DO have the dread bow that i made today and i'm proud of it ._.

Except for the part where i shoot heavy armor greniers for punny damage T.T

Just gotta lvl it and mod it properly friend. Which applies to most weapons actually.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I'm sorry what.

Paris? Grineer?

Dread? Infested?!


Do you even codex man?


Paris can reliably ignore armor, which only the Grineer have in significant amounts.

Dread deals Slash Damage, which is most effective against Infested (who have neither shields nor armor that Slash is weak against). Bleed procs ignore armor and shields entirely, but sadly aren't reliable (even if you magically give it a 100% proc chance. For more information, take the Miter for a test run).


I think that APBladeX gave a pretty good summary (although Cernos being unable to reach a 100% crit rate makes it less reliable than the other two on top of having lower base damage, so I personally avoid it like the plague. Still definitely usable, though).




As the others in this thread have said extensively, Dread is one of the two top-tier bows in this game. The Dread and Paris Prime have different niches, but are about equal in terms of overall viability assuming that you have the same accuracy with both.

If nobody's mentioned it yet, keep in mind that Dread's projectiles are noticeably faster than those of any other bow in the game. While the Paris Prime may be statistically superior against armored enemies, keep in mind that the bow that you're more effective with is the one that you can more reliably headshot enemies with.

Edited by SortaRandom
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What is a forma and what are the better options for Mods in a dread?

Forma is an item you use to change polarity of a mod slot, but resets its rank to 0.

I suggest Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike and Vital Sense for main build and then elemental mods depending on faction.

PS. Forgot how I mod mine

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I'm kind of dissapointed to find out that the dread stalker drop bow is the worst of them all, why is the hardest to get bow, the worst one? ._.


It has slash damage, judging from this table: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0


Slash is the worst possible damage type, half the enemies have resistance against it and it only gives minor bonus to flesh enemies, while Puncture damage is the best type.

1. Its Critical Chance is what makes the bow the best for example like the Soma and lets not forget the flight speed the Dread has.


2. That it does have slash damage.


3. Slash does bleeding proc which is very useful/helpful in some situations. 

Edited by genthis
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I'm sorry what.

Paris? Grineer?

Dread? Infested?!


Do you even codex man?

Bruh, do you even enemy weakness?

Puncture is best versus Grineer for their high armor ratings.

Slash is best versus flesh and Infested units.

Impact is best versus shields and machines/robotics.

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I use serration, split chamber, point strike, vial sense, hammer shot, dual event elemental mods and speed trigger. Huge elemental chance reliably gives Bleed procs that tick for over 1000 damage, although with minimum yellow crit damage of 22000 it takes a lot of enemy scaling to start seeing procs. Of course that requires 4 polarities (Dread has 2 by default).

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There is a bow for each faction:



Paris (Paris Prime)=Grineer

Also, slash directly damages health. The Dread's insane amount of slash damage and critical chance is worthy of bringing it to any battle. It's arrows travel much faster than the Paris (Paris Prime) or Cernos, and can achieve 100%+ critical chance, allowing for red criticals.

This is not completely accurate.  Only Slash procs ignore shields/armor.  Dread is great because of those procs.  Paris Prime has an edge vs Heavy Gunners due to its damage type.  Cernos is better than regular Paris, even vs Grineer, because its higher base stats better take advantage of elemental mods vs all factions.  Certain weapons being better for certain factions is only really true when you don't have access to elemental mods at the start of the game. 

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How do elemental mods work?

I see that Corrosion is strong against Ferrite mobs (Grennier) and it allows reduced armor, does that mean that it reduces armor on the initial HIT then all the subhits after that benefit from it, or does it benefit from armor penetration on the first hit as-well, nulifying enemy armor?

Edited by Glasglow
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How do elemental mods work?

I see that Corrosion is strong against Ferrite mobs (Grennier) and it allows reduced armor, does that mean that it reduces armor on the initial HIT then all the subhits after that benefit from it, or does it benefit from armor penetration on the first hit as-well, nulifying enemy armor?

It will reduce armor only when it procs, every time it procs.  The reduction is permanent. 


Consult this page: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0


It is one of the most useful wiki pages and invaluable to any Tenno. 

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