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Pvp Problem


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Hi all!



I just wanted to post what I think about the pvp in WF.  I am in alliance and a part of moon clan and I really dont like this move by DE. Every of my clann/alliance mates think the same. If you want to put pvp in WF then do BUT NOT AS A PART OF DARK SECTORS. Something that was END game for PVE player and now DE made this move......


DE have in mind that this game and community is based on PVE and that is why it is a good one. If you start putting PVP more and more then you will get community as LOL or Dota 2 got.


DE, you know that you will loose lots of members b/c of this (I have seen ppl leaving already b/c of this) and that will be ONLY your fault b/c you cant KEEP YOUR OWN PROMISE.


When someone brakes their word then how can we trust DE anymore?


Im really sad b/c of this and I will try to find some other game to play.


It was fun while it lasted but seems like DE is making a PVP game....


That was my mind on this subject.





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PvP and PvE are balanced separately, not to mention Dark Sectors are entirely optional so in addition to being balanced separately they do not effect the PvE experience in the slightest. DE isn't going back on their word at all.


For clarification, they never said there wouldn't be PvP. They said, at the time (which was MANY Devstreams ago) they had no plans to do so. Obviously, they have plans now.


EDIT: Also, the Dark Sectors (like most of the game) are by no means a finalized nor a finished product. Expect more changes, additions, and tweaks. In fact, with the sheer amount of stuff going in and out of the feedback and concept phases, I'd expect additional... additions... to the Dark Sectors beyond just the PvP and Infested sections. 


It also goes without saying that there are PvE Endgame Systems in the works. Just look at Proxy Wars and the Focus System.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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DE, you know that you will loose lots of members b/c of this (I have seen ppl leaving already b/c of this) and that will be ONLY your fault b/c you cant KEEP YOUR OWN PROMISE.

Hahaha, I always love made up statistics ^^


Seriously though, calm down its optional you don't have to do it. Personally I love the new PvP, hopefully we will get more of it :D

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I don't think PvP on this scale should exist in warframe, especially not darksectors. Its buggy, unbalanced, and broken. previously PvP was only in dueling arenas and conclave maps, way out of the way and held no consequence or reward.

Now the unbalanced and broken gametype is involved in Darksectors, which is something thousands of players are directly involved in(the clans/alliances that own territory) and thousands more that are indirectly involved.

For people looking for PvP, the difference between the conclave and darksectors is the Rating Limit. I cant go into a Venus conclave with more than 100 rating. But i can go to either Romula or Malva and fight players with any rating.


a team of 4 ashes vs a team of 4 ashes, 1-shot shurikening and bladestorming each other is not fun and requires no skill. But because Ash CAN 1-shot very easily, he is one of the most popular warframe choices in PvP, DarkSectors included.


I could go on and on...


(obligatory "I love this game and the Devs, please dont hate")

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I'm against pvp in general but I understand the reasoning for putting it in. However I do not believe that dark sectors were ever considered for pve endgame. In fact early on in the discussion about the endgame projects they said that darksectors (badlands at the time)were going to be for pvp and that people who didnt want to pvp would have proxy wars and focus was for both groups to use. So yeah they haven't gone back on anything they just changed the order they were delivered.

The positive news is the quest systems seem to be in place and (mostly) working now so I would expect proxy wars to be not too far behind.

Edited by NevanChambers
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SO what will PVE end game looks like and we will get it in 1 year or sooner?


Al lframes and weps are for PVE game and it is unbalanced. You get Ash and insta kill with 1st ability and that is not fun for me. So DE will have to change frames and weps for PVP or they will leave it like this.


And DE did promise end game soon for PVE but there is none and now they put PVP in dark sectors that was 1st PVE gamemod. So yeah call me whatever you want and go play the PVP with broken things.


And even if DE fix the frames and weps for PVP then the whole game is going to be going to PVP not PVE. They did say that PVP WILL NOT BE MAIN THING IN WF and they lied. Simple as that.

Edited by SSI_GG
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Hahaha, I always love made up statistics ^^


Seriously though, calm down its optional you don't have to do it. Personally I love the new PvP, hopefully we will get more of it :D


Made up statistic? Dude ask in your clan or alliance who likes the PVP and check the answers. I played 1st time with couple of my clan mates and they said that was 1st and last time they do PVP in WF. 


And they did say that PVP will not be the main thing in WF; that WF is first PVE game.



Look at this like a PVE player. DE promised END GAME for PVE but it is not here; they added dark sector as PVE (at first) and now they are changing it to PVP. And now they promise new end game for PVE that will come out when? Do we have to wait 1 year more for the PVE end game?

Edited by SSI_GG
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Made up statistic? Dude ask in your clan or alliance who likes the PVP and check the answers. I played 1st time with couple of my clan mates and they said that was 1st and last time they do PVP in WF. 


And they did say that PVP will not be the main thing in WF; that WF is first PVE game.



Look at this like a PVE player. DE promised END GAME for PVE but it is not here; they added dark sector as PVE (at first) and now they are changing it to PVP. And now they promise new end game for PVE that will come out when? Do we have to wait 1 year more for the PVE end game?

You silly nilly, there are very very few developers even working on PVP. It is not the "next endgame" like you think. Quests are and will be as well as the Focus system and the Diplomacy system they are going to bring in, all of which are PVE. 


And yes those are made up statistics, why would DE lose a lot of players because of an OPTIONAL PVP mode which did I mention it's OPTIONAL? 

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You silly nilly, there are very very few developers even working on PVP. It is not the "next endgame" like you think. Quests are and will be as well as the Focus system and the Diplomacy system they are going to bring in, all of which are PVE. 


And yes those are made up statistics, why would DE lose a lot of players because of an OPTIONAL PVP mode which did I mention it's OPTIONAL? 


PVP is optional but they put it in dark sector where some alliances were controlling nodes and now ppl dont want do to them b/c they are PVP....


Do you know some alliances spend days on statistic, and on planing to conquer the nodes? And now DE change it. So we did all that for nothing.... When new end game comes for PVE can we be sure it will stay PVE?

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