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Sexier Male Warframes


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I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said in this thread but I did notice while playing Ash that his arse is a wierd flat panel thing and doesn't seem to have any room for the actual 'gluteus maximus'. I didn't play him before the last change to player character animations so I don't know if that's a symptom of those.

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First of all I'm a dude, and also those are valid points. It is a stylish sci-fi game so I don't understand why people would want to dissolve it into a XCOM armored style game. That being said, the art style of that game was already terrible to begin with. 



I wonder how many girls involved in this discussion actually. I gues, that not all of them would be happy to be portraited in game as genderless abomination in bulky suit.


Cmon, dear players, stop bothering with sexism already so far we have:

- Skingtight male frames - Excalibur, Ash, with muscular asses which will please your sight 24/7.

- Drapped male frames - Frost, Volt, Loki - with pants\skirts\robes obscuring asses.

- Armored as fuk male frame - Rhino, still has muscular &#! to please your sight.


- Skintight female frames - Nyx, Mag - flash their asses 24/7 (same as Excal and Ash)

- Draped female frame - Saryin, Trinity pants\skirts obscuring asses.

- Armored as fuk female frame (design) - Banshee, I doubt if she has human anatomy at all.


You see - we have DIVERSITY in here.

Who is offended by flashing boobs\asses stick with frames who have some draping on top of their curves, who is offended by draping - stick with skintight, etc etc.


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Edit: forgot to mention, I'm a girl.


I think the art is just fine the way it is, and I would really be repelled if new 'frames had exaggerated proportions, whether steroid masculine power fantasies or wasp-waisted big-breasted pinup models. The Tenno are killer ninjas, and any martial artist will tell you that flexible bendy acrobatic hand-to-hand fighters don't look like Conan the Barbarian or a Playboy centerfold. They are wiry and tough with lean (but defined) musculature.


Way back in the day, as part of a patch, the devs of Tabula Rasa "sexied up" a support class who wore a baggy chemical warfare suit, giving her big 'ol child-rearing hips and stonking breasts. It ruined the character, in my opinion. She looked like a serious soldier before, and a pinup after. Rubbish.


It's true that a proper curaiss lacks individual breast cups for the above-mentioned reasons. Warframes are weird future bio-armor, though, and appear to be not so much worn, as merged into like a symbiote. As such, it's expected that the contours of the suit would follow those of the body. Also if it was skintight everywhere but had a mono-breast, there would be a weird air gap between the breasts where sweat droplets would accumulate, and it'd probably itch or develop into swamp breast. YUCK.

Same here. As long as it stays reasonable I'm happy. As for "swamp breast" I can only assume they will still wear sports bras in the future :P

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Why all the negatives?

You make some decent points in your post. I definitely think they need to add more definition to the muscles.


People kept thinking that I wanted "buffer" male warframes. When really, I just asked for line definition like you say or more visual appealing proof that they are buff. There are tons of games like metal gear solid or crysis that provide that blast in scifi suit design. Not saying the warframes are bad as they are but they certainly could use some improvements, and if people like them the way they are, we can easily accompany the idea of broad marketing and add one or two male warframes that are more or less muscle like. 

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I was personally going to pass up post in this, i just wanted to read it because i love reading how obviously sexist people will be while still trying to say they are not (not the OP im talking about how i knew people would respond) but then i looked at the earlier concept art. I really like how they look, the frames we have now is nice but I would like future frames to be more like how those where. 


One thing i would like to bring up is a saw alot of people saying things that it is equal between girls and guys frame wise, and in many ways this is not true. Afew things I saw looking thro this was 

1st. that the male frames had "masculine names and where strong and sharp like... men" and the female frame had "famine names and where smooth and soft and looked like women" but why do females have to be smooth and soft while men strong and sharp?


2nd. both males and females have tanky/ heavy set characters, im sorry but the banshee is no where near the rhino in plating 


now lastly I have noticed on my own that the female classes tend to be casters and supports while the people who get up close are male this dose show that as the classes are now the game kinda says "females should stay in the back while the males do the actual fighting" it may be due to not enough varity but it is something that should be brought up now while there is still time for the devs to keep it in mind


one last thing to the people who constantly say "if they dont have boobs how am i supost to know its a women?" under armor you wouldent and to the people who say that they are not sexist but girls need to show off there boobs under atlest an inch think armor all i can say is metroid, in metroid samus was just a girl under very think armor and surprisingly you couldent tell it was a girl, ya know why? cus it didnt mater her gender it mattered her results 

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I don't understand... why would power armor have muscle definition?

The last thing I want is to have the male frames look as silly as some of the female frames do. Even ignoring the boobplate, Saryn, for example, appears to be wearing a corset to battle... no thanks.

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Ultimately, it's not like DE needs or even really wants to be realistic with the armor designs.  They aimed to be unique, different, and that's exactly what they're doing.


Whether or not it would realistically protect the wearer shouldn't even be considered in a game with robots, clones, space ninjas, and zombies.

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And high heels sadly.

Volt also has heels.

As for Saryn corset - she just has large shoulderpads with a buly skirt, that makes her waist look thin, I dont think her proportions diviate from Nyx and Ember if you remove that stuff.


Banshee armor, while not as bulky as Rhino (since Banshee was meant to be stealth frame lol) has multiple layred armor and she greatly resembles the Alien Queen with all that plating and disregard to normal human proportions (I mean look at her legs they are hella thin).



Ok, what female frames are meant to stay back?

- Ember - short range AoE doter with defence and dmg buff - "IN YOUR FACE" style.

- Saryn - melee dmg buff, short range facemelting nuke, close range decoy - "IN YOUR FACE" style

- Nyx - Absorb, you literally need to stay in the crowd to make that skill work, Chaos has huge range thou :3.

- Trinity - can tank with Link just as fine as Rhino with Iron Skin.

- Banshee - short range nukes, short range crowd dispersion, stealth augmenting skill for whole team.


Yes so far we dont have 150 base armor female frame, or female with dash or teleport. 


I understand that we live in a modern society and all, but c-moon.... its fuking biology, and if tenno are the extincion border isnt it stupid to put females in frontline using banzai-rush frames like Excalibur and Rhino?


I dont get it. If admiting that genders are not equal in terms of biologicall roles makes you sexist - ok I am sexist here. Enough that fuking equalizer already, world slowly turning into S#&$ by trying to wash away gender identity of people. 


But as usually - its usless to argue on the internet.

Even if devs will implement gender swap of some sort - people will wine that Male Trinity will either look gay, or will look too masculine for his stats (low defence and health), or that Female Rhino will either look not distigushable enough from male or TOO  distingushable, etc etc.

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one last thing to the people who constantly say "if they dont have boobs how am i supost to know its a women?" under armor you wouldent and to the people who say that they are not sexist but girls need to show off there boobs under atlest an inch think armor all i can say is metroid, in metroid samus was just a girl under very think armor and surprisingly you couldent tell it was a girl, ya know why? cus it didnt mater her gender it mattered her results 


Zero suit... oink-oink.

Also it was a joke from first game 



"The famous scene of Samus' reveal to be female at the end of 1986's Metroid, described as the original "jaw-dropping moment" by UGO. It was also called the greatest twist in video games by Game Informer in 2007 and the greatest moment in Nintendo's history by GameDaily in 2008."


So the whole point was that you was not able to tell her gender till the end of SAMUS STORY. In warframe it is YOUR story, and I gues I wont like to play as something with "not sure if boy or girl" apearance, since a frame that will have some sort of duality in it's look will just make more flamewars about what gender should it be.


Also if you brought Samus argument - I guees Frost and Rhino will suit here. They have so much fuking armor and other stuff on top of frame user that you can easly pretend that those two are unisex models.

Edited by derclaw
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I find these kinds of topics interesting.

Wanting a frame to showcase a more masculine or feminine shape is not automatically the same thing as "oversexualized"


Folks need to remember that the shape of a healthy body indicates many things not just sexuality.

Strength, fitness, endurance...all things that are implied by certain physical shapes and proportions. 

So, asthetically, there are many things that an artist might be looking to evoke when creating a form.


and come on now...

There is a difference between having curvy hips and wearing a g-string....

There is a difference between having broad shoulders and having an unbuttoned shirt...



Its not a simple matter of showing gender=sexualized.

There is much more to it then that.

Edited by Ronyn
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Zero suit... oink-oink.

Also it was a joke from first game 



"The famous scene of Samus' reveal to be female at the end of 1986's Metroid, described as the original "jaw-dropping moment" by UGO. It was also called the greatest twist in video games by Game Informer in 2007 and the greatest moment in Nintendo's history by GameDaily in 2008."


So the whole point was that you was not able to tell her gender till the end of SAMUS STORY. In warframe it is YOUR story, and I gues I wont like to play as something with "not sure if boy or girl" apearance, since a frame that will have some sort of duality in it's look will just make more flamewars about what gender should it be.


Also if you brought Samus argument - I guees Frost and Rhino will suit here. They have so much fuking armor and other stuff on top of frame user that you can easly pretend that those two are unisex models.

 Im glad you brought up zero suit samus cus I am going teach you something. Samus was a large heavy set girl, very strong and this was need to wear her suit, back when they first revealed that she was a girl graphics where not good enough to demostrate this and now those who play super smash bros are probly already think "thats not true zero suit samus was a small skinny girl" here is the thing they chose to ignore the orignal design because they knew they would sell less copys unless they over sexualized her. I only bring her up because players say "if they dont have gaint boobs that are being cuped directly by there armor then how will I know this is a girl?" there are more ways then having gaint boobs to show gender

edit: here you are the orignal samus http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110906100255/metroid/images/7/7a/Samus_PD.jpg

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 Im glad you brought up zero suit samus cus I am going teach you something. Samus was a large heavy set girl, very strong and this was need to wear her suit, back when they first revealed that she was a girl graphics where not good enough to demostrate this and now those who play super smash bros are probly already think "thats not true zero suit samus was a small skinny girl" here is the thing they chose to ignore the orignal design because they knew they would sell less copys unless they over sexualized her. I only bring her up because players say "if they dont have gaint boobs that are being cuped directly by there armor then how will I know this is a girl?" there are more ways then having gaint boobs to show gender

edit: here you are the orignal samus http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110906100255/metroid/images/7/7a/Samus_PD.jpg


It kind of annoys me that we're almost never able to play female characters like this iteration of samus. Women who, if they existed in real-life, would've been able to hold their own against the best men around. 6'3 and 200 pounds, with probably ~90% of the upper-body strength of an equally well-trained male of her size, and large enough to out-size most males, she'll kick almost any dude's &#! in brute force alone, without even factoring in her skill.


I like these large warriors with wide shoulders, strong arms, strong cores, strong legs, etc, that look strong. A good recent example, I think, would be the Diablo 3 female barbarian: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/diii-female-barbarian.jpg


I can't think of any other recent examples off the top of my head, though.

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It kind of annoys me that we're almost never able to play female characters like this iteration of samus. Women who, if they existed in real-life, would've been able to hold their own against the best men around. 6'3 and 200 pounds, with probably ~90% of the upper-body strength of an equally well-trained male of her size, and large enough to out-size most males, she'll kick almost any dude's &#! in brute force alone, without even factoring in her skill.


I like these large warriors with wide shoulders, strong arms, strong cores, strong legs, etc, that look strong. A good recent example, I think, would be the Diablo 3 female barbarian: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/diii-female-barbarian.jpg


I can't think of any other recent examples off the top of my head, though.

this is why i say games like these are sexist in there character design yes i understand that you can have a near skin tight suit (it would have to be atlest 1/4 inch thick to be honest) but the way they make the female characters just has there legs arms and all around body so skin there is no possible way they could have near the muscles needed to pull off these moves

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Metroid Prime had a good armor design for Samus. The Varia suit in particular looks quite practical. Heavy armor plating, giant shoulder pauldrons holding the environmental control units for operating in heat zones, and the awesome Arm Cannon that transforms into different beams suiting the needs of the combat situation.


The reason I posted the XCOM example isn't so much the armor design as it is the sensibilities of equality of the sexes in the heavy class. A female heavy can have the same stats and skill trees, and be just as combat effective as the male Heavy. So it is with every other unit in the game as well. I didn't get a female Heavy until my second playthrough, weirdly enough. I specified the heavy class because the armor was much closer in terms of design between male and female. It's heavy plating, and it's practical looking.


Obviously Warframe has much different art direction. Even the frontline Excalibur frame is pretty skintight, but it looks damn cool. Obviously, each Warframe is made from alien materials, since the powered armor allows insane feats of mobility to be utilized by the wearer, such as wall runs, midair flips, and other gymnastics.

EDIT: To the website team: PLEASE FIX THIS EDITOR. I had to edit this post three times for it to accept the formatting as I wanted it.

Edited by SFkenny
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I like how someone tried to assert that there is something inherently masculine about the words "Frost" or "Volt." Same for feminine and Ember...why, because it's the weakest manifestation of fire?


And the whole "female=softer" thing...these tropes just make it more clear that many people still ascribe to caveman levels of gender discourse.

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