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Combo Moves Discovered


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While sliding. People have claimed to be able to do it 3 times if timed correctly. Most I've seen is 2, and it looks like there's an attack speed requirement for it to do it twice. Also works midair.


Currently, using a max fury mod on Zorens will launch you the farthest. Its so fast that it does both of the slashes almost at the same time.

I do a double swing with my giant hammer, so doing it twice works with anything.

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I don't know if this was mentioned anywhere but it's so awesome and reminds me A LOT of metal gear solid ninja.



Parry enemy bullets:


Block against gunshots. Try it, i still need to try it further to see which weapons/warframes do in different situations and against different enemy weapons.


For the record, i know this works when you use double daggers, but i still have to try this with other weapons! : )


Give me your feedback pls!

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yes it works with all weapons. Bullet deflections seems to be more efficient the faster your blade swings. So Fury fire rate mods help block as it will have you swing the blade quicker.


You can also block while sliding, sprinting and wall running.

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yes it works with all weapons. Bullet deflections seems to be more efficient the faster your blade swings. So Fury fire rate mods help block as it will have you swing the blade quicker.


You can also block while sliding, sprinting and wall running.

I didn't bother experimenting with blocking. So it completely blocks every bullet that it looks like it blocks? If so that's awesome and I should really be using it.

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I didn't bother experimenting with blocking. So it completely blocks every bullet that it looks like it blocks? If so that's awesome and I should really be using it.

So it doesn't block every incoming bullet. But it does deflect the one you see bouncing off your blades. Adding that fury mod and increasing fire rate will make the bullet deflection more efficient.

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Just recorded Episode 05 - Melee Techniques for you guys!


Hot off the press, haven't even done the annotations yet


Hope you guys like it, feedback is welcome as always :)


edit: annotations are done :P

Edited by shukudai
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I'm not sure if this move was included because I couldn't find it but here's one i've discovered on my own:

Sprint > Jump > Crouch > melee (immediately) > melee (again) > and additional melee (landing shot).

basically Sprint > Jump > Crouch > Melee x 3


It's pretty easy combo to do.

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Not sure if this was posted here, dont have time to read ALL posts...


Sprint .> Jump > Crouch>Melee very quickly after each other does no attack but does an insanely boosted dash of speed jump carries you very far. Have used it to clear long jumps normally impossble to do. Have created amny shortcuts with this move :)


Banelight out o/

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this game doesnt have combos really. developers need many combos that need some skills. that is just Sprint + jump + Crouch + attack. it is not combo at all like action games.

Its not meant as a "Combo" in that sense, meant as a combination of key presses that result in an out of orinary result. If you do it you will see what I mean...massive speed boost. almost like Volt sprint.

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Infinite Vertical Wall Climb (A.K.A. Tormund Giantsbane)

Sprint > jump + crouch + melee (must crouch + melee ASAP after jump)

While climbing keep holding crouch + melee until you're nearly out of stamina.

Release, crouch + melee right after release. Repeat indefinitley (or until you run out of vertical wall)

Edit: I'm not entirely sure the crouch + melee has to be ASAP after jump, i'll edit this later when i'm home but this will work regardless)

Try it on Xini folks (the outter wall of the broken-down elevator) and you will find 2 extra crates (breakables) hiding up on the scafolding.

Can also be changed into a horizontal wall run when needed.

Add me in-game if you want to practice or want to see how it's done.

Just don't challenge me to a race, because Yuluz.

Edited by yuluz
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