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Kubrow Feedback [Megathread]


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Some comments to add, though it is likely that some of these have already been made before:


1. I'd like to name my Kubrow *after* I know what it looks like, fully grown. I was forced to name my first one as a pup, it looked hideously fat and I gave it a name which is completely unfitting now that it has grown up into a lovely, slender, majestic Kubrow. It looked nothing like it did as a pup, except the pattern matched.


2. AND/OR - Let us rename our Kubrow. By all means, charge 20 platinum for it or something. There are plenty of people who will use it, so you make some money on the side. Win-win.


3. Why can't we use an existing Kubrow while breeding another? This is one of my most major gripes.


4. Instead of the current breeding method, why not 'unlock' patterns and colours as you gain them on your Kubrows? This makes imprints far more useful in trade as well, as there is a good chance the recipient will then unlock whatever colours and patterns the imprinted Kubrow had. It's just DNA sequencing, so after having the sequence once, we should be able to replicate it.


This would also turn it into more of a collectors thing, people would keep breeding until they have the things they'd like.

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4. Instead of the current breeding method, why not 'unlock' patterns and colours as you gain them on your Kubrows? This makes imprints far more useful in trade as well, as there is a good chance the recipient will then unlock whatever colours and patterns the imprinted Kubrow had. It's just DNA sequencing, so after having the sequence once, we should be able to replicate it.


This would also turn it into more of a collectors thing, people would keep breeding until they have the things they'd like.

That would be really cool. Like, instead of a genetic template containing all the information about your kubrow, just have it contain one trait. For instance, if you have a sunika kubrow, you can make a sunika imprint (or a "lotus head pattern" imprint, etc.). Make each imprint have, say, a 30% chance to pass its trait on to an egg. So if you REALLY want to make sure your kubrow egg hatches a sunika, put 3-4 sunika imprints on there. Make it so you have 8 slots for imprints when you start an egg (same as you have 8 mod slots on weapons, frames, etc.).

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I just consigned my Kubrow to the Lotus and it took my stasis slot along with my kubrow! Is this a bug? I really hoped getting rid of a Kubrow would allow me to make a new one with an egg and a power core I recently built.

It was a huge let down to see a stasis slot get consigned along with a Kubrow.

If this is intentional then could someone please explain to me the logic behind this?

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And now for our latest instalment on "How to fail at monetizing your game":

Turns out we don't have to always wait 3hrs after all!...


You know, if rushing stasis recovery cost 1 plat or 2, I'd more than willingly pay for it. But 10 plat is half a catalyst/reactor and the same amount you have to pay for rushing one of those in the foundry - which takes 24 hours instead of just 3. Sometimes I feel like DE doesn't want people to pay for those things ...

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And now for our latest instalment on "How to fail at monetizing your game":


You know, if rushing stasis recovery cost 1 plat or 2, I'd more than willingly pay for it. But 10 plat is half a catalyst/reactor and the same amount you have to pay for rushing one of those in the foundry - which takes 24 hours instead of just 3. Sometimes I feel like DE doesn't want people to pay for those things ...

I think it is because they felt that not many people will do anyway so higher plat will mean that those who do will pay more. Possibly a statistic taken from foundry rushing, so it is safe to make that assumption however for small things 1/2 plat is always good. Over time it becomes really something that goes unnoticed and like that hundreds of platinum can be given away.

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And now for our latest instalment on "How to fail at monetizing your game":


You know, if rushing stasis recovery cost 1 plat or 2, I'd more than willingly pay for it. But 10 plat is half a catalyst/reactor and the same amount you have to pay for rushing one of those in the foundry - which takes 24 hours instead of just 3. Sometimes I feel like DE doesn't want people to pay for those things ...


it's up there with the argument that each Kubrow is very much specialized for each mission and should be easily swapped out...


I probably won't even pay 1 plat for it even if I always sit on a surplus of plats (I tend to go on and off so it's not hard for me to get 75% off and support DE). Still I was surprised when I absentmindedly clicked Stasis and saw that...I actually didn't saw it first and was like "wait a second I saw something strange" and went back...

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Scavenge currently is bugged/not working properly. Eventhough i have 90% chance of locker unlocking, my Kubrow very rarely attempts to do so. The ability needs some sort of trigger (you could try opening a red locker to trigger it for example) or better cooldown/locker detection. The way it is is very untrustworthy. 

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Scavenge currently is bugged/not working properly. Eventhough i have 90% chance of locker unlocking, my Kubrow very rarely attempts to do so. The ability needs some sort of trigger (you could try opening a red locker to trigger it for example) or better cooldown/locker detection. The way it is is very untrustworthy. 

Do you make sure that there are no enemies around you, because usually when there are no enemies in a certain radius the kubrow should be trying to open lockers, because when I went into a room full of lockers my kubrow went to each locker and pried it open.

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The next big thing on Kubrows should be skill-trees giving incentive to have more than one Kubrow of the same type.


I am planning to write a big post on that here and give it a full section due to its importance, share your ideas for that kind of system if you want to. I expect it should be finished by the end of this week (Starting tomorrow) :)



Is there anything in the works like a genetic breed changing tool at all? Having breed several Raksa it's now getting frustrating... :(

Only RNG I'm afraid, I went through 2 Sahasas and 2 Raksas before I have gotten one of each type :/

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I went through 2 Sahasas and 2 Raksas before I have gotten one of each type :/

Just two of each? That's nothing ... I had three Sahasa from random eggs until I imprinted an egg with Huras and Sunika and got a Huras. Might have been another Sahasa else.


On the skilltrees: Another idea might be to do what Diablo 3 did with the runes for skills. Maybe instead of half a dozen, you have two or three options (let's call them Kanji for starters) for each ability that unlock as your pet levels up and offers the choice to alter how the ability functions. So Dig for example could have the options to stay unaltered (no Kanji, Kubrow digs up stuff) and the Kanji "desecration" (Kubrow doesn't dig any more, but rips apart dead enemies for additional drops) and "fetch" (Kubrow doesn't dig any more, but can open containers and bring stuff you need). This is just an extreme example, other abilities might offer longer duration or larger area of effect as alterations. Other than in Diablo, those Kanji couldn't be swapped on the fly but would stay permanent (or require that you spend a forma on your Kubrow to reset it).

Of course, this system is not always perfect, as I found myself thinking a few times "okay, I'd like to have the effect of X but with the elemental damage of Y", but in general I think it's easier for both players and developers because we can't mess up that much and the devs can just throw in a new Kanji if someone has a good idea on how a certain ability could be altered without having to work through the entire skilltree again.

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Just two of each? That's nothing ... I had three Sahasa from random eggs until I imprinted an egg with Huras and Sunika and got a Huras. Might have been another Sahasa else.


On the skilltrees: Another idea might be to do what Diablo 3 did with the runes for skills. Maybe instead of half a dozen, you have two or three options (let's call them Kanji for starters) for each ability that unlock as your pet levels up and offers the choice to alter how the ability functions. So Dig for example could have the options to stay unaltered (no Kanji, Kubrow digs up stuff) and the Kanji "desecration" (Kubrow doesn't dig any more, but rips apart dead enemies for additional drops) and "fetch" (Kubrow doesn't dig any more, but can open containers and bring stuff you need). This is just an extreme example, other abilities might offer longer duration or larger area of effect as alterations. Other than in Diablo, those Kanji couldn't be swapped on the fly but would stay permanent (or require that you spend a forma on your Kubrow to reset it).

Of course, this system is not always perfect, as I found myself thinking a few times "okay, I'd like to have the effect of X but with the elemental damage of Y", but in general I think it's easier for both players and developers because we can't mess up that much and the devs can just throw in a new Kanji if someone has a good idea on how a certain ability could be altered without having to work through the entire skilltree again.

Seems interesting, I thought about splitting them up into Offensive, Utility and Defensive:

Offensive would be split into 4 categories (one for each base element) and each would have increasing amount of abilities and passive that make the Kubrow different and interesting.


Defensive would be for the Kubrow itself, things like an extra shield that stops the damage of an explosive once every 1 minute or so.


Utility would be AOE and things to help the owner and the team,

all balanced in a way so that they can be unique and not cumbersome. However need a lot of detail developed on that so it just does what it says on the tin :S

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Ok so I have had my Kubrow (Nyx) for some time now and I love him to death. However there is one major issue I always have when I am with him. And that is he has a notoriously bad habbit of getting in front of me or in my line of sight when I'm trying to aim. It's one of the most crippling issues I have with him, ESPECIALLY when I'm using a bow or sniper rifle. It's come to the point that I find it easier to not even use him and I really don't want that. Please for the love of Lotus fix this.

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Ok so I have had my Kubrow (Nyx) for some time now and I love him to death. However there is one major issue I always have when I am with him. And that is he has a notoriously bad habbit of getting in front of me or in my line of sight when I'm trying to aim. It's one of the most crippling issues I have with him, ESPECIALLY when I'm using a bow or sniper rifle. It's come to the point that I find it easier to not even use him and I really don't want that. Please for the love of Lotus fix this.

Yep, I believe DE is aware of this issue but they haven't done much with Kubrows lately, I think when this gets changed we can expect other changes to come as well :)

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regular kubrow attacks are slow and deal low damage - compared to the special "finisher" attacks as well as to certain sentinel weapons. this could be a bug actually, as in according to the stats regular attacks with rank 6 to 8 maul should (probably?) kill mid-level grineer in one hit, yet it takes several hits.


another thing about kubrows in general and their regular attack seems to be that the ai could use some improvements - it takes too long for them to line up an attack on a moving target (and our enemies are moving constantly). other than that kubrows have a habit of getting stuck or running around in circles (just like spectres actually) - the teleport to owner if both are too far apart is the only saving grace here.

Edited by SlyBoots
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Im here for one simple ask..Who the fu*ck come with idea if you ddint log your kubrow die..Did you know how extremely stupid and basically non humal it is!? Imagine if someone walk in to job and being run over by car..Laying in hospital. After he come home and want some fun time with Warframe..now BAM your pet die because you are not @(*()$ inmortal nolifer without any personal life so your pet die..Same as my friend..he have been diagnostic for psychiatric therapy from extreme traumautic shock (car accident, death sister)...If they send him straight to the hospital his kubrow will die..Did you @(*()$ imagine now how stupid it is for players? Esspecialy for player who buy this thing with pl! Now here is idea how remake it.. If you ddint put him im stasis his healt and loyalty drop to 1%! So you must spend 75k to retrive atleast something from him..Thats fair and good for game mechanics..do you imagine what  someone can fell when his belowed sister die, come home and find his belowed pet dead to?! Doesn't matter if real pet or in game polygon textured model! I think you cant, because if so, no one will add this abomination! This is unethical and i'm not scare say Assisted Suicide for people's like him!

Edited by JustSneaky
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I have an issue with the Kubrow Quest itself. Since there is a megathread I thought I would post it here since it's not an issue I want to make a big deal out of anyway.


I finally started the Kubrow quest a couple of days ago (time concerns with dealing with a new feature). The problem I had happened today, basically just a few minutes ago. The Kubrow quest advanced to the point of "Defend your Kubrow", I believe is the wording. Now the reason I had actually logged on, was to get in on an Orokin Reactor Blueprint alert that was ending in 5 minutes. The game, however, did not allow me to start any mission other than the "Defend your Kubrow" thing, it simply did not process any clicks on the Accept button for other missions.


Now, I've been around, I did not really need that Orokin Reactor Blueprint, I have more than I care to build, but I believe in stocking for rainy days, so I was still attached to the idea of earning said Blueprint. This made me go into the Kubrow mission HATING the Kubrow for the loss that it caused me. Luckily for me (and my self delusion of being a reasonable person that is not mean to pets), the Kubrow made a good showing and I had some fun with the mission so that is no longer the case.


However, I would guess that the intention for the Kubrow questline was NOT to have it piss one off and then redeem itself at the very end. As such, I ask that you please fix this (admittedly entirely chance based) intrusive oversight for future users.

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