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Gamescom Tenno-Live Hype Megathread!


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Yes, I think it's about the Xbone version  too.


Something I really don't care about since I don't own one.


Leaves me worried about the main PC version getting less attention though.


Did PC get less attention when PS4 version went out? No, not that I've noticed, anyway.


I think it's crazy to jump to the conclusion that because it's getting a new platform we'll be seeing less of it on our platform. The extra jump in Xbox One subscribers and the cash they'll get from it will only help to improve ALL mediums, as far as I can foresee.

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I am hoping for a new faction.

But I think it will be an increase in.. I dunno.. grind or something? Not sure. Not too curious about it all.


For this kind of reason, I'm trying not to hype myself.. Every time I do, I end up disappointed because its so hard to judge how much to expect

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Did PC get less attention when PS4 version went out? No, not that I've noticed, anyway.


I think it's crazy to jump to the conclusion that because it's getting a new platform we'll be seeing less of it on our platform. The extra jump in Xbox One subscribers and the cash they'll get from it will only help to improve ALL mediums, as far as I can foresee.


Not making conclusions - as I said - I am just worried. That's all.

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Maybe Xbox one announcements

Also revised j3 golem and the new infested enemies, maybe all the community based enemies I.e. silverbones juggernaut etc.

Focus system and sentients as new faction.

Only other really outrageous thing could be the hubs the devs talked about but that's probably a long way away.

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Warframe will be officially renamed Kubrowframe, all frames will become kubrow spinoffs (Excalibrow, Lokubrow, etc).


All Warframes will also be converted to one use one mission specters, that can be remade using only Argon/Neural sensors that break down over time, so you have to stabilize them using items that can only be obtained via gambling packs that can only be bought for plat.


The forums have only on thing to say: "OMG DE ty so much ily haha Kubrows/Grind are da best! This is so much amazing content wow!"

Edited by Chupacabra
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They have called it a new "feature" on more than one occasion that will be announced.  What FEATURE could this be.. hmm... 


The cynic in me says lockboxes, HUE!


Here is some thinking out loud:


Features they have touched on before are the reputation and focus features but neither of those would be a 'big announcement' to me we already know they're coming withing the next 5 years. (soon)  


They mentioned a possibility of a feature that lets us use our excess prime BPs for 'something' but that isn't on the table until most of the game is 'finished'.


Weapons, warframes, enemy types, tilesets, music, UI are content specific and not a feature.


We have recently upgraded new user experience and companion feature.


Other recent new features were uhh.. Specters but that was based around Dark Sectors ideas.


PWE? Auction Houses? Mobile phone app for something? - Nope.. It is something that also has "never before seen gameplay footage".


Sentients? I doubt it. If you watch the devstream that focused on enemies you can see/hear their response on that so very unlikely.



So whats left?


Announcing BETA is over?  Never!


XBone Release?  We know that already.  Maybe the magical rainbow bridge will work with it out of the box tho?


My bet is that whatever it is, it somehow ties in with the whole dark sectors charade.

Edited by Judge_Hellboy
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im thinking reputation and proxy war reveals since we havent seen anything concrete on them. also focus mode / mastery rank related buffs for the same reason.  


biggest gameplay reveal ... hm... perhaps more than four people in missions or hubs in action. 


what if its a tenno city .. imo dojos having lots of people in it was the beginning to that function in areas other than dojo. or what if we are actally getting pilot missions.. 


what if its frame breeding or module hybridization 


stealth 1.0 is a good suggestion and i would like that but it better be some srs dont get spotted type stuff with appropriate lvl design. 


if its proxy wars im hoping for player/clan/alliance allegiance to factions. 


im really trying to scrape my brain for ideas on things we dont have.. 


dedi servers ? no more sucky host lag? 

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Warframe will be officially renamed Kubrowframe, all frames will become kubrow spinoffs (Excalibrow, Lokubrow, etc).


All Warframes will also be converted to one use one mission specters, that can be remade using only Argon/Neural sensors that break down over time, so you have to stabilize them using items that can only be obtained via gambling packs that can only be bought for plat.


The forums have only on thing to say: "OMG DE ty so much ily haha Kubrows/Grind are da best! This is so much amazing content wow!"

10/10 I would play that game mode 24/7/365... kubrowframe? Excalibrow? Lokubrow? Sign me up! XD

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