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Warframe's Directions [My Inquiries]


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On this account, i have been playing warframe since the end of update 8. Although my neighbor had the closed beta of warframe and I would come over and play it with him quite often.


Having said that, I feel that I have been there since the start. From the skill trees, old vor, to the release of phobos and the arid event, the vandals, to the DS pvp I can say that yes i have been playing for a while.


Now enough about my history lets begin with the topic at hand and that is, the direction of Warframe.


I feel that as the months go by we seem to be shifting our goals here. At first the game was genuinely fun, it was engaging and difficult but not too difficult. It seems that as months go by, I am enjoying the game less and less. But why is that? How? Perhaps I get bored easily but that was not the case, I'm never like that. But then it just hit me in update 14, why I get bored of this game. The reason I stick to the conclaves and almost never play the PvE content, why I am absent fro days. Why I get on and get bored right away and get off.


It just comes down to one thing, content.


I mean who does not like new content right? It makes the game more fun, it increases variety is attracts more players and it keeps people playing.


This is the problem with warframe, before warframe was actually fun but now it just getting stuff. Why do we play void? To get stuff. Why we play all those defense missions, grind those survivals? To get stuff. Why we go on dark sectors and compete for them? to earn a lot and fight for what? Well.. you get the point


This game now is all about getting stuff. When have you logged into warframe and said to yourself "im just going to play because I enjoy it" and you do a 3 hour play session. No you log into warframe because you want to get things.


Now im not saying, releasing loads of content is bad, especially the amount of fixes that it comes with, its fine right. Well ya it was! But now it seems to have gone to the point where content is used as "life support" to keep people playing. For those who have completed eveything to continue playing.


Do you have and idea how many forum posts i see under the patch notes (that are fixes only) say that "Well no content this week, better wait for next week"


This is the issue, DE is focusing too much on the actual reward rather than the experience that comes with it. Yes I get it melee 2.0 was cool, yes I know the player ship was awesome good immersion but when it comes down to it, those are just novelty, something cool to look at, a decor, an extra feature. Cool my glaive can explode in a combo chain , but the game is monotonous, so really there's no substance to throwing that glaive.


All I am doing is(and this is how the game is built):


Meet the requirements to get X

Getting Resources to get X

Get X

Level Up X



You see it all about stuff


Now this is okay but the real and prominent issue is getting there. The in-between is boring because when I finish with that cycle there is nothing to do. Im just there twiddling my thumbs looking at my clan chat and getting off 5 mins after I logged in.


I have never seen a person enjoy getting a prime part, looking at the same tileset 500 times is dull, repeating missions is not fun.


Don't get me wrong, this is apparent in most games with these leveling mechanics like borderlands or destiny. But heres the thing, borderlands has a story and a damn good one, ts funny, it rewards you for playing the game with a bigger assortment of unique guns, a comedic cutscene, another piece to the story. You feel a sense of accomplishment after completing each quest.


Destiny ok maybe you don't get as much reward in the end, there is not as much rewards earned but the EXPERIENCE is there. You are using tactics to fend off against your enemies, you are combining your skill sets with others in order to complete the missions. Missions are well arranged and filled with a different assortment of enemies that each have different ways of killing them. Sure you didn't get what you wanted in the end but what you just played was fun, it was an unforgettable experience, and you wouldn't mind doing it again.


Now I know I have been ranting for a long time it just the point is. I dont want a new gun, I dont want armor plates, I dont want a new warframe, a ship, a dog. I want something that encourages me to play your game because it is fun. It's all there the mechanics are solid ,the weapons rock, the classes are interesting but playing the game is another story. Face it, farming and leveling feels more like a chore than anything else. As every update comes out I just lay to level up content and grind. I don't want that anymore. I want to complete a mission a be like, WOW that was so enticing. Or If I lose "S#&$ we lost, no way i have to beat this mother***** level tonight!"


My question to DE is, do you guys have any future plans to change some gameplay elements in order to make it so that player play for enjoyment rather than just earning stuff?


Will there difficult game modes where I can test my skills in the game, with my good gear? PvE wise? Idc if there's no rewards, I want to get engaged, I want to just have a real Co-op experience.


There is nothing for endgame players, sure there's a lot of pretty "content" for noobies to look at but what about us? We have nothing to do in this game and there's is no feeling of satisfaction for getting that far into this game.

Edited by NudistBeach
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Instead of "Oh boy, this gamemode is so fun, I'm going to play it!" we have "It has a 0.001% more chances to drop a Neural Sensor? Well, worth a shot..."


Instead of "Yeah! Paris Prime String! I can get this cool weapon!" we have "Oh, look, I can make 30 Latrons Prime now. And still no Bo Prime Handle."


Instead of "It's wednesday! Cool new stuff incoming!" there is "A fancy new gun... I wonder if it's useless or overpowered... Well, more Mastery nontheless."


Instead of "Ok, time to play Warframe with my friends!" there's only "Hey bud, I farmed 3 T4 Survivals last night, wanna farm Loki Prime?"


Instead of "Huh, this gun looks nice, I'll try it, it should be fun!" we have "Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage... Oh, here it is, Soma BP!"


Instead of playing for fun we play to get stuff, which will allow us to get more stuff, which is required to get better stuff. Instead of enjoying every weapon and frame, we have to go for the best. Why use such weapons like Gorgon, Dera or Tetra? I hardly see anybody with Supras or Akboltos!


You know why? Because the game is unbeatable without certain stuff.


Ok, not entirely unbeatable. You can get your Karak to T4 Survival, you can even kill with it. But you won't get anything useful from the short time you'll be able to survive in there. Hek, at certain point enemies are becoming such bullet sponges, that not even 8-forma Boltor Prime will do any damage.

But we must play as long as we can, we must use the avaiable keys as much as we can, because they are a pain to get.


But I digressed, it's not about the Void.


It's about the game being "You can't beat this mission? Farm Appolodorus and get better stuff!" instead of "You can't beat this mission? Okay, listen, at certain points you will have to..."


As I said before, this game is about grinding for stuff to be able to grind stuff, instead of being about mastering the stuff you have to play more fun missions.


Honestly, it's becoming more and more like Farmville or something. Plant your carrots to sell them to buy more carrot seeds to plant more carrots.

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Well all you said is well and dandy but they know that this has been a problem for a long time, and with u14 i feel i want to play this game more than i did back when u11, 12 and 13 hit. The most important thing they added was quests which i feel give players more of an experience in warframe. Which i will admit is alittle late but welcome none the less. Also Borderlands and Destiny are open world game where Warframe isn't(unfortunaly) that, and they're made by large companies where Digital extremes is just an indie dev albeit not a very small one but not comparable yet to AAA studios like Bungie, EA, and Ubisoft. Warframe is getting there in my opinion but ya i agree endgame players need more fun stuff to do other than grind and level.

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See, this is why I keep saying warframe's falling into the "borderlands syndrome". You don't need loot and rare items to keep people playing, all you need is fun!


+1 for putting in words what I could only put into thought.

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Instead of "Oh boy, this gamemode is so fun, I'm going to play it!" we have "It has a 0.001% more chances to drop a Neural Sensor? Well, worth a shot..."


Instead of "Yeah! Paris Prime String! I can get this cool weapon!" we have "Oh, look, I can make 30 Latrons Prime now. And still no Bo Prime Handle."


Instead of "It's wednesday! Cool new stuff incoming!" there is "A fancy new gun... I wonder if it's useless or overpowered... Well, more Mastery nontheless."


Instead of "Ok, time to play Warframe with my friends!" there's only "Hey bud, I farmed 3 T4 Survivals last night, wanna farm Loki Prime?"


Instead of "Huh, this gun looks nice, I'll try it, it should be fun!" we have "Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage... Oh, here it is, Soma BP!"


Instead of playing for fun we play to get stuff, which will allow us to get more stuff, which is required to get better stuff. Instead of enjoying every weapon and frame, we have to go for the best. Why use such weapons like Gorgon, Dera or Tetra? I hardly see anybody with Supras or Akboltos!


You know why? Because the game is unbeatable without certain stuff.


Ok, not entirely unbeatable. You can get your Karak to T4 Survival, you can even kill with it. But you won't get anything useful from the short time you'll be able to survive in there. Hek, at certain point enemies are becoming such bullet sponges, that not even 8-forma Boltor Prime will do any damage.

But we must play as long as we can, we must use the avaiable keys as much as we can, because they are a pain to get.


But I digressed, it's not about the Void.


It's about the game being "You can't beat this mission? Farm Appolodorus and get better stuff!" instead of "You can't beat this mission? Okay, listen, at certain points you will have to..."


As I said before, this game is about grinding for stuff to be able to grind stuff, instead of being about mastering the stuff you have to play more fun missions.


Honestly, it's becoming more and more like Farmville or something. Plant your carrots to sell them to buy more carrot seeds to plant more carrots.


some harsh truths in here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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