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Discussing About Dark Sector Alliances Having Too High Taxes


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so a while ago almost all dark sectors had a credit tax close to 0% and then i considered 10% taxes very high. But looking at the takes now, i can barely find a dark sector mission bhoutth with 10% tax, all the credit taxes are too high and they even go up to 70%, but this wouldn't bother me so much if they actually used that tax for the credit reward in the conflicts, but i see conflicts between alliances with super high taxes and even when the conflict starts they have a 0 credit reward.


i used to love dark sectors because you could earn as much xp and credits as void missions, without needing a key, but with taxes this high, dark sectors seem a waste of time to me.

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How Dark Sectors Are Supposed To Work:

>Group claims a node

>group sets taxes as they wish

>another group doesn't like the tax rates

>group declares war on rail

>group wins and establishes their own taxes


>group loses and comes back with a larger following


>group loses and complains in the forums

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In a situation like this I assume the best course of action is to band together with your alliance to do something about this. Be the heroes that lead the charge against this tyranny. Also you will notice that the alliances with the lowest taxes have the highest traffic on their dark sectors whereas alliances like ICE will never see a full squad venture into Hieracon.  I have recently found myself farming on Eris, Zabala(I think) because of its really low tax and the fact that its survival guaranteeing that I can get large amounts of credits every 5 mins.

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well i really love the space confederation alliance(i think it was space confederation or at least something simmilar), they had 0% taxes (the last alliance i could find that was doing that), but they just lost all the sectors and dissapeared

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I think the best thing to do, is the hardest thing to ask for.


Don't run the rails the 'evil' alliances overtax. Easier said than done, in fact it's impossible.


Second best thing to do, is demand that DE actually gives the DS content purpose beyond controversy and politics. In the end the taxes are an end to justify the means. But, I know because it's coming from me I'll get spat on. :/

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there should be a voting system, that if too many players vote that your taxes are to high/rewards too low/whatever, your alliance is banned from controlling a sector for a week, that would teach alliances to have reasonable taxes

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there should be a voting system, that if too many players vote that your taxes are to high/rewards too low/whatever, your alliance is banned from controlling a sector for a week, that would teach alliances to have reasonable taxes


Dream along. "I don't like you - I think you should not have the ability to log in for 2 weeks".

Edited by -ExT-AtLasVegas
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PS4 had its Tyrants, but it also has its very dedicated alliances and clans there to overthrow them. Not long ago we had a 100%/100% tax on Sechura.

If it's a problem stop sitting around waiting for someone to do something about it and get involved. Out tax landscape went from 50%+ across the board to 10% or less in the matter of a week.

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The thing is - most people don't know abut the Laffer Curve.  I imagine that if they experimented with different tax rates they would be able to find a rate that was both lower *and* maximized their income.


Its the same sort of thing stores do for pricing goods - Sell X number of widgets at Y price and make Z profit, sell widgets at Y-n price, sell X+n widgets and make Y+n profit.


But you're going to keep seeing ridiculous tax rates until rails are more commonly available and used - then competition will start to lower the prices of rail use.  Right now, there are only a handful and so we're in an oligopoly situation.  And, since this ain't Eve, no one is going to hire an economist to handle their economy.

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Well, once upon an alliance, there used to be an alliance that held 8 nodes. They were the powerhouse of the solar system, but kept taxes to a 10% or  15% reasonable rate for upkeep of their rails. This was so competitive other alliances were forces to keep theirs low as well. Then the forums erupted with anger. "BURN THEM!!" they said for absolutely no reason. Well eventually the forums got their wish and the great Alliance exited quietly. Now the other Alliances, with no one to challenge them competitively, charge what they want for greed. GG forums, GG.

Edited by thatdamnlobster
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Well, once upon an alliance, there used to be an alliance that held 8 nodes. They were the powerhouse of the solar system, but kept taxes to a 10% or  15% reasonable rate for upkeep of their rails. This was so competitive other alliances were forces to keep theirs low as well. Then the forums erupted with anger. "BURN THEM!!" they said for absolutely no reason. Well eventually the forums got their wish and the great Alliance exited quietly. Now the other Alliances, with no one to challenge them competitively, charge what they want for greed. GG forums, GG.


Psh. Eclipse may not have had the wrong idea, but their PR was just bad. (don't you give me 'there's no such thing as bad PR' xD)

They 'defended' themselves by arguing that they were in the right to charge people. Practical justification.

Only... it's clearly only funded by greed and no one is obligated to support them.

It's very much another way to hear someone tell you what to do. That snowballed pretty hard.

When you become a government that doesn't feed it's people, you're little more than a tyrant to them.

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Psh. Eclipse may not have had the wrong idea, but their PR was just bad. (don't you give me 'there's no such thing as bad PR' xD)

They 'defended' themselves by arguing that they were in the right to charge people. Practical justification.

Only... it's clearly only funded by greed and no one is obligated to support them.

It's very much another way to hear someone tell you what to do. That snowballed pretty hard.

When you become a government that doesn't feed it's people, you're little more than a tyrant to them.

Its relative. Having 8 nodes, 4 which anyone even does is hard to protect from the solar system. It isn't like it is now. But back then there was no PR. Noone talked for them. They kept to themselves. I believ greed means theat they profited from it. Noone did. Every cent went to the rails during conflict. Not a single person from that alliance profited. Its unfair to say they werent feeding the people when they couldnt even feed themselves.


In this instance, with the upmost respect for your opinion (which i have alot of), Im afraid you just dont know enough to have one.

Its easy to hate from the sidelines. 

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Its relative. Having 8 nodes, 4 which anyone even does is hard to protect from the solar system. It isn't like it is now. But back then there was no PR. Noone talked for them. They kept to themselves. I believ greed means theat they profited from it. Noone did. Every cent went to the rails during conflict. Not a single person from that alliance profited. Its unfair to say they werent feeding the people when they couldnt even feed themselves.


Actually I remember a bunch of them 'defending' their rights.

No one profited. It was just greedy to ask others to help them handle their rails while defending that they were justified to do so.

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Actually I remember a bunch of them 'defending' their rights.

No one profited. It was just greedy to ask others to help them handle their rails while defending that they were justified to do so.

they were members. Noone who was in charge defended themselves. They let the forums think what they wanted. They cant control what every member says.

at lkeast not until the end after it was all said and done

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they were members. Noone who was in charge defended themselves. They let the forums think what they wanted. They cant control what every member says.


Hence, bad PR management. >:

If they hadn't snowballed it, they stood a chance to have maintained control a little longer. (not for Sechura, because srsly, no one wants tax on that)

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