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How Do I Get Rid Of A Kubrow?



I recently hatched a second Sahasa. Nothing special about it. I already have one. I only have more more stasis slot and Im not really going to collect kubrow unless they are rare / unique. So, how do I get rid of it? Someone said to wait for the dna integrity to hit zero and then it will die. However, if im not mistaken, isn't it only going down by 10% each day now? That is a long time to be unable to use a kubrow / get a new one. Is there a faster way? I don't have money to keep on buying stasis slots when I want to only store special ones. Long enough and costly enough as is to get new ones.

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Will they not just add a release button? The time investment to get rid of one is worse then the credit + time investment to get one.

And ruin DE's scheme of making players buy more stasis slots with plat? Pfft as if.

But honestly, something should come out soon, at least after the hype has died down to a whimper. Or if a mob shows up at their doorstep again.

Edited by Vitras
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The worst part about it, is that you have to keep it active for it to "die" so that you can get rid of it. Which means you can't use ANY of your other kubrows until the unwanted one is finally gone.

Indeed. nor can you start the incubation process for a new one. For the 10days of waiting, its really unacceptable.

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And ruin DE's scheme of making players buy more stasis slots with plat? Pfft as if.

But honestly, something should come out soon, at least after the hype has died down to a whimper. Or if a mob shows up at their doorstep again.




The worst part about it, is that you have to keep it active for it to "die" so that you can get rid of it. Which means you can't use ANY of your other kubrows until the unwanted one is finally gone.

You can swap to the kubrow you are trying to kill right before the login reset at 12:00pm GMT and it loses 10% health, after the login reset you can switch back to the kubrow you want, except to use it immediately you have to pay to recover from stasis.



Indeed. nor can you start the incubation process for a new one. For the 10days of waiting, its really unacceptable.


Make that 20 days(after last hot fix decay rate was halved to 10%) and you can start incubation but it will disrupt the dna dedecay.

Edited by Shreiko
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what are the benefits of kubrows over sentinels? sentinels are ranged and give amazing utility. all dogs can do is stealth... that's literally the only good ability (assuming you're not ash or loki)

1 hit kill? and 2 useful abilities instead of one special and another that lets them shoot.Also sentinels dont have a wide range of attack, kubrows would kill any enemy the sentinel is shooting at in one go. And the biggest bonus is that they dont share the same mods as you. Furthermore planning loadouts for kubrows, quite simple.

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what are the benefits of kubrows over sentinels? sentinels are ranged and give amazing utility. all dogs can do is stealth... that's literally the only good ability (assuming you're not ash or loki)


Kubrows are quite tough (borderline immortal depending on your frame) once equipped with full ranked mods, and can be revived if they go down mid mission. You lose reliability since kubrows like to derp around all over the map but if you are paying attention then your puppy is very resistant to the kind of one-shot shenanigans that usually kills your sentinel.


Also the Raksa kubrow's shield recharge has a much shorter cooldown than sentinel's Guardian ability. It's pretty decent.

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Also the Raksa kubrow's shield recharge has a much shorter cooldown than sentinel's Guardian ability. It's pretty decent.


The only problem being, that your kubrow is only gonna charge up your shields if it has nothing better to do. Like running off after enemies, most often these are enemies it just used the howl on. Chewing on arms. Sniffing it's own butt.

I have died or got close to dieing several times now because of this. Where my sentinel would just have charged up my shields to full again the moment I realy needed it.

The only thing a kubrow brings to the table, that sentinels don't is more damage, BUT this hinges on you putting a reactor on it (which you are gonna lose if it dies), some rare mods (especialy bite can be a $#*(@ to aquire) and even THEN that damage is melee range, makes your kubrow run off to god knows where sometimes and it STILL won't even come close to matching your own damage output given a decend weapon + mods.

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The only problem being, that your kubrow is only gonna charge up your shields if it has nothing better to do. Like running off after enemies, most often these are enemies it just used the howl on. Chewing on arms. Sniffing it's own butt.

I have died or got close to dieing several times now because of this. Where my sentinel would just have charged up my shields to full again the moment I realy needed it.

The only thing a kubrow brings to the table, that sentinels don't is more damage, BUT this hinges on you putting a reactor on it (which you are gonna lose if it dies), some rare mods (especialy bite can be a $#*(@ to aquire) and even THEN that damage is melee range, makes your kubrow run off to god knows where sometimes and it STILL won't even come close to matching your own damage output given a decend weapon + mods.

kubrow precepts work just like sentinel precepts, whichever comes first in the modding screen will take priority in missions.

Edited by Shreiko
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This is an interesting issue I've been considering the last week or so. I can see both sides and I'm sure the internal debate at DE is heated. We have to balance the plat-making mechanic with the ease of which you can 'dispose' of unwanted gear. In this case, an unwanted living sentinel.


I could see a cost associated with setting them free on a planet, reclaiming the collar, etc. I don't know how it would need to work, but a simple "blend" or "set free" does go against the spirit of u14, which really does make an attempt to change not only the UI, but the whole feel of the game. To immerse, to make more organic. We are prodded to be more organic as players. Frankly, I like it a lot and while I don't think Kubrows are super useful, they add an emotional bonding mechanic that livens up the ecosystem and countless hours of genetic farming.


I see a few options that might appease most:


1) Simple set-free mission that costs resources/credits. Could be a special piece of tech that has to be built to break the bond with your kubrow and turn them feral or a cost to access the kubrow pound planet where they are set free (2 neurodes, 1 neural sensor, 100k, whatever). Either way, you spend hard won resources to regain your stasis slot. Optional dispose with plat


2) Genetic blending. Also for similar reasonably high cost, you can scramble your kubrow's DNA back into RNG land and wind up with a new puppy. Build lore around the genetic stability issue and the technology regress kubrows to simpler states, but with complications that lead to complete changes to color/size/gender/breed. Optional scramble with plat


Just some food for thought. Keeps the organic feel of the update, but appeases the egg hunters searching endlessly for the perfect kubrow.  Giving an expensive-to-buy kubrow color palette would also ease some of the pain, but could take some of the dynamics away. It isn't a metal shell you can paint. It's a living being so changing colors on a whim makes less sense.

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you need to pay 200 plat to release the dog. :)

Wont call that a stupid sugestion but surely you jest. Why pay such a ridiculous price when you can keep the reject and buy another slot for much less? Hopefully that wasnt a suggestion on your part.

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